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Unholy Wars

Unholy Wars

John Cooley


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Book Details


This book examines the events of September 11th 2001, Osama bin Laden's role and the complex working of the Al Qa'ida terror network. This is the classic book on the history of the USA's involvement with Afghanistan that explains the devastating consequences of the alliance between the US government and radical Islam. Essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the roots of the current international crisis.

Cooley marshals a wealth of evidence - from the assassination of Sadat, the destabilisation of Algeria and Chechnya and the emergence of the Taliban, to the bombings of the World Trade Center and the US embassies in Africa. He examines the crucial role of Pakistan’s military intelligence organisation; uncovers China’s involvement and its aftermath; the extent of Saudi financial support; the role of 'America's most wanted man' Osama bin Laden; the BCCI connection; the CIA's cynical promotion of drug traffic in the Golden Crescent; the events in Pakistan since the military coup of October 1999; and, finally, the events of September 11th 2001 and their continuing impact on world affairs.
'Lucid, detailed, well-organised and superbly researched, Unholy Wars is the only book to place Islamic militancy in the context created not just by desperately poor, hopelessly mismanaged, corrupt and oppressive societies, but also by great powers like the United States. A masterpiece of reportorial thoroughness, painstaking research, and serious reflection'
Edward W. Said

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents iii
Acknowledgements ix
Preface to the Third Edition xi
Foreword xix
1 Carter and Brezhnev in the Valley of Decision 1
2 Anwar al-Sadat 19
3 Zia al-Haq 35
4 Deng Xiaoping 51
5 Recruiters, Trainers, Trainees and Assorted Spooks 64
6 Donors, Bankers and Profiteers 86
7 Poppy Fields, Killing Fields and Druglords 105
8 Russia: Bitter Aftertaste and Reluctant Return 135
9 The Contagion Spreads: Egypt and the Maghreb 155
10 More Contagion: The Philippines 181
11 The Contagion Spreads: The Assault on America 193
Epilogue: The War against Terror 227
Notes 233
Chapter 1 233
Chapter 2 234
Chapter 3 234
Chapter 4 235
Chapter 5 236
Chapter 6 236
Chapter 7 237
Chapter 8 239
Chapter 9 240
Chapter 10 240
Chapter 11 241
Appendix I : Press Release from United States Attorney, Southern District of New York, November 4, 1998 243
Appendix II: The Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee 245
Index 250
Abdallah, Prince, Saudi, 101