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From the Local to the Global

From the Local to the Global

Gerard McCann | Stephen McCloskey


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The international development sector has found itself confronting new challenges to poverty eradication and the promotion of human rights. Climate change has loomed large as a crisis for development practitioners and environmentalists, affecting the most vulnerable in the Global South. The ongoing financial crisis has created recurrent recessions in the global North, while causing budget lines to be reduced for development aid.

This textbook highlights the extent to which the local and global are interconnected in today's globalised economy. It questions the legitimacy of the neoliberal model of development which propelled us into the crisis.

Including chapters on Latin America, China and sub-Saharan Africa, and topics such as debt injustice, gender and migration, this completely revised third edition takes stock of the international development environment as it embarks on new policy frameworks to confront new challenges.
'Of global value to a radically changing world. It is essentially a survey of all the issues that affect the global South and shape the global North'
Hector Maldonado Felix, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru, and founder of the NGO Asociacion Gestion Salud y Poblacion.
'An ideal lift off point for anyone interested in the issues that underpin poverty and injustice at local and global levels. It combines accessible, informative writing on the most essential international development issues'
Marina Sitrin, author of They Can't Represent Us: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy (with Dario Azzellini, Verso, 2014) and Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina (Zed Books, 2012).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
Acknowledgements vii
Abbreviations ix
Introduction: Creating New Paradigms for Development - Stephen McCloskey 1
Part I: Development Discourse and Definitions 21
1. Measuring Human Development - Andy Storey 23
2. A Human Rights Based Approach to Development - Máire Braniff and Paul Hainsworth 39
Part II: The Economics of Development 57
3. Overseas Development Aid: Is it Working? - Patrick Marren 59
4. Trade, Development and Inequality - Denis O'Hearn 78
5. Debt Injustice in the Global North and South - Nessa Ní Chasaide 96
Part III: Development Policy 111
6. Climate Change: Reorienting the Development Agenda - David Selby 113
7. Europe, Development and the Colonial Legacy - Gerard McCann 132
8. Post-2015 Development Assessment: Proposed Goals and Indicators - Walden Bello 152
9. Women Contributing to Gender-Just, Equitable and Sustainable Development - Patricia Muñoz Cabrera 170
10. The Complexity of Migration - Michal Cenker 191
Part IV: Regional Development 213
11. Rethinking Latin America: Back to the Future? - Ronaldo Munck 215
12. The Arab Spring: Trading Development for Stability - Heba M. Khalil 233
13. China: The New Face of Development - Russell Duncan 251
14. Meaningful Development Goals and Sub-Saharan Africa - Chrispin R. Matenga 267
Part V: Human Development 287
15. Children, Childhood and Work: Perceptions and Practices: Madeleine Leonard 289
16. Development Education as an Agent of Social Change - Stephen McCloskey 302
Conclusion - Neoliberal Decline and International Development Post-2015 - Gerard McCann 321
Contributors 333
Index 339