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Culture of Terrorism

Culture of Terrorism

Noam Chomsky


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Book Details


Chomsky ends his preface to Culture of Terrorism with the words, 'As the latest inheritors of a grim tradition, we should at least have the integrity to look in the mirror without evasion'. The tradition to which he is referring is none other than the Western imperial project and in encouraging Americans to pursue integrity, he dissects the events of just one year - 1986 - at the height of the Reagan Era and describes American involvement in acts of supreme state terror, both open and clandestine, to present a case study which has great relevance today and whose lessons must never be forgotten.
'Infused with the anger of a truly moral man ... powerful, always provocative stuff.'

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
Preface to the 2015 Edition vii
Preface xix
Introduction: The Public and State Violence 1
Part One: The Scandals of 1986 5
1. The Challenge 7
2. The Cultural-Historical Context 23
3. The Problems of Clandestine Terrorism 35
4. The Limits of Scandal 59
5. The Culture of Terrorism 69
6. Damage Control 107
7. The Perils of Diplomacy 127
8. The Reality That Must Be Effaced: Iran and Nicaragua 169
Part Two: Further Successes of the Reagan Administration 193
9. Accelerating the Race Towards Destruction 195
10. Controlling \"Enemy Territory 199
11. Freedom of Expression in the Free World 203
Part Three: The Current Agenda 215
12. The Threat of a Good Example 217
13. The Fledgling Democracies 225
14. Restoring Regional Standards 251
15. Standards for Ourselves 255
16. Prospects 261
Notes 263
Index 303