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Blaming the Victim

Blaming the Victim

Jairo Lugo-Ocando


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Book Details


Poverty, it seems, is a constant in today's news, usually the result of famine, exclusion or conflict. In Blaming the Victim, Jairo Lugo-Ocando sets out to deconstruct and reconsider the variety of ways in which the global news media misrepresent and decontextualise the causes and consequences of poverty worldwide. The result is that the fundamental determinant of poverty - inequality - is removed from their accounts.

The books asks many biting questions. When - and how - does poverty become newsworthy? How does ideology come into play when determining the ways in which 'poverty' is constructed in newsrooms - and how do the resulting narratives frame the issue? And why do so many journalists and news editors tend to obscure the structural causes of poverty?

In analysing the processes of news production and presentation around the world, Lugo-Ocando reveals that the news-makers' agendas are often as problematic as the geopolitics they seek to represent. This groundbreaking study reframes the ways in which we can think and write about the enduring global injustice of poverty.
'The book should be read by everyone interested in way the media deal with issues of economic inequality and injustice'
Democratic Communiqué
'Provides the clearest of reasons for setting aside the traditional rules of journalism'
Danny Dorling, author of Inequality and the 1% and All That Is Solid

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
List of Tables vi
Acknowledgements vii
Introduction 1
1. The Subjectivity of Poverty 15
2. The Poverty of Ideas in the Newsroom 36
3. What Lies Beneath? 60
4. Africa, That Scar on Our Face 85
5. Visual Journalism and Global Poverty 104
6. Spinning Poverty! 124
7. The Emergence of Alternative Voices 145
Conclusion: Beyond the Unsustainable News Agenda 166
Notes 177
References 181
Index 213