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White City, Black City

White City, Black City

Sharon Rotbard


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This is the history of colonialism as seen though the architecture of Israel/Palestine. Tel Aviv is the 'White City', said to have risen from the sands of the desert, acclaimed worldwide for its architectural heritage and gleaming Bauhaus-inspired Modernism.

Jaffa is the 'Black City', the Palestinian city that was largely obliterated to make way for a new European-style architecture at the heart of a newly-formed Israel.

Both a gripping narrative and a unique architectural record, this book shows how any city in the world is made not only of stones and concrete but also of stories and histories - victors and losers, predator and prey. In this way, the legend of the Black City and the White City, architecture and war, is our story too.
Edwin Heathcote, Financial Times
'A path-breaking and brilliant analysis that combines architecture, urban design, military strategy and general culture into an exhilarating war of streets and homes.'
Eyal Weizman, author of Hollow Land: Israel's Architecture of Occupation (Verso, 2012)
'This tale of Tel Aviv's growth from a Jaffa suburb to a metropolis is gripping'
The Economist
'White City, Black City is not a book about architecture. It is a political text written in a beautiful clear language.'
Time Out
'A superbly researched and exemplary architectural study ... If you want an explanation of the roots of the Israel-Palestine conflict - and of just how deep they go, right into the very foundations of the buildings - this book gives one of the most unusual and convincing accounts'
Owen Hatherley, the Guardian
'Rotbard's narrative contains fascinating insights'
'An important and fascinating exposé through architecture, geography and history. A sad but revealing history of how myths are forged and histories corrupted'
Raja Shehadeh, author of Palestinian Walks: Notes on a Vanishing Landscape (Profile Books, 2008) and winner of the Orwell Prize for Literature
'A fundamental, fascinating and clever book on architecture in the service of politics'
Adam Baruch, Maariv
'White City, Black City is a detailed and useful corrective to the mainstream Zionist narrative about the founding of Tel Aviv'
Times Literary Supplement
'A challenging book that deserves to be read and argued over. Rotbard here slaughters an especially sacred cow: Tel Avivness'
Tom Segev, Haaretz

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents ix
Part I: White City 1
Book of Paper, Book of Stone 3
Writers and Builders 5
The 'White City' Exhibition 6
The Invention of Normality 8
Conservation 9
Whitened City 11
White Lies 16
Round Corners 24
Good Old Eretz Israel 33
Whiter than White City 38
Built on Dunes 43
Part II: Black City 55
The Black Patch 63
War 66
Fleeing Jaffa 69
Bypassing Manshieh 72
Spatial Contradiction 79
'Those Polish of the Orient' 81
Separation 88
British 1930s 91
Urbicide 98
Cleansing 107
Jaffa - Tel Aviv 108
An Occupied City 110
Hebraized City 112
The Big Zone 115
Antique Jaffa 120
Green Dunes 124
Raping the Bride of the Sea 128
The Orange Route 134
The Children of Jaffa 139
The Menorah 141
Part III: White City, Black City and a Rainbow 157
Uncritical Modernists 161
Blue and White 174
Multicultural City 176
Afterword 183
Acknowledgements 190
Notes 193
Bibliography 221
Index 229