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War Reporters Under Threat

War Reporters Under Threat

Chris Paterson


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War Reporters Under Threat describes the threat of violence facing war reporters from the United States government and some of its closest allies.

Chris Paterson argues that what should have been the lesson for the press following the invasion of Iraq - that they will be treated instrumentally by the US government - has been mostly ignored. As a result, even nominally democratic states cannot be counted upon to protect journalists in conflict, and urgent reform of legal protections for journalists is required.

War Reporters Under Threat combines critical scholarship with original investigation to assess the impact of the US government's obsession with information control and protection of its own troops. While the press-military relationship has been well researched, this book is the first to elaborate the US government threat to journalists.
'Reminds us journalists always to ask the question: 'Are we mere messengers and voyeurs of war, or is the message we carry so valuable to the world beyond that it's worth the risk?''
John Pilger
'In the shadow of 9/11 Paterson accuses the United States of acting with impunity in its targeting and killing of journalists and media workers. He provides a painstaking, thoughtful and ultimately damning case to answer over military adventures'
Aidan White, director of the Ethical Journalism Network and former Director General of the International Federation of Journalists

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
Preface viii
1. A Hidden War on the Media 1
2. The Culture of Press Intolerance: Collaboration and Suppression 19
3. Patterns of Violence: The Media Installation and the Media Worker 58
4. Media Response 106
5. Legality 130
6. Invisible Conflict? 150
Appendix 1: A Chronology of Attacks on Media Facilities and Personnel Linked to the US Government 165
Appendix 2: Media Safety and Media Freedom Organisations 170
Notes 171
Index 213