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Naming Adult Autism

Naming Adult Autism

Dr. James McGrath


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Book Details


Naming Adult Autism is one of the first critiques of cultural and medical narratives of Autism to be authored by an adult diagnosed with this condition.

Autism is a ‘social disorder’, defined by interactions and lifestyle. Yet, the expectations of normalcy against which Autism is defined have too rarely been questioned. This book demonstrates the value of the Humanities towards developing fuller understandings of Autistic adulthood, adapting theory from Adorno, Foucault and Butler.

The chapters expose serious scientific limitations of medical assumptions that Autistic people are gifted at maths but indifferent to fiction. After interrogating such clichés in literature, cinema and television, James McGrath also explores more radical depictions of Autism via novels by Douglas Coupland, Margaret Atwood, Clare Morrall and Meg Wolitzer, plus poems by Les Murray and Joanne Limburg.

Follow this link to see James McGrath in conversation with Kelly-Anne Watson at Leeds Beckett University:

Follow this link to view a content breakdown of the above interview:

Follow this link to read a 'Seeking Sara' blog interview with James:
This is a fantastic and essential addition to the scholarly literature on autism … refreshingly nuanced [and] as richly narrativised as the texts it analyses. [The] footnotes are written with the soul and depth of a skilful poet and are far more than just side-notes: they are full of poignancy and craft, and linger long after finishing the book itself.
David Hartley, author
James McGrath demonstrates how pejorative narrative, including diagnostic labels, has defined how society regards Autism. We learn how ‘experts’ have constructed Autism discourse with little reference to those experiencing it and how this leads to their lack of agency. This excellent book rephrases autism as an impairment to a lifelong identity, providing a deeper understanding of it.
Rachel Forrester-Jones, Professor in Social Inclusion and Director of the Tizard Centre, University of Kent
For clinicians working in the field of autism there is often the conflict of remaining up to date with the necessary clinical/scientific publications and keeping abreast of information more readily accessed by the wider population who may assume (often incorrectly) that expert professionals in the field have the time and inclination to read/watch/ be aware of everything on the subject of autism.

This book provides a useful conduit between the two – written by an expert by experience and academic in his own right, the book boasts a bibliography of over 300 books, films, TV programmes, articles, poems and websites and eloquently discusses them in the context of how these media portrayals might make the public perceive autism. An understanding of the impact of an autism diagnosis on both the person being assessed and the wider community is an essential pre-requisite for any clinician wishing to maintain a holistic and well-rounded approach to their professional role. Naming Adult Autism combines a wealth of information with a high quality writing style and, although it might at times challenge the medical perspective, it does so with the kind of integrity and critical thinking that surely must be appreciated by any good clinician.
Alison Stansfield, Clinical Lead and consultant psychiatrist, Leeds Autism Diagnostic Service
Dr James McGrath is Senior Lecturer in Literature and Cultural Studies at Leeds Beckett University. His poems appear in various literary magazines. He has also published on popular music, particularly The Beatles and Joy Division
This book is an absolutely vital, timely and necessary critique of the cultural representations (and misrepresentations) of autism which make life so much harder for the growing numbers of autistic people fighting to have their own voices heard. This engaging book also has much to teach those experts in autism who unthinkingly peddle damaging stereotypes about it.
Kate Fox, poet and comedian

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Naming Adult Autism Cover
Contents vii
Acknowledgements xi
Introduction: Culture and diagnosis 1
An introduction to five chapters 5
An introduction to autism, interpellation and identity 11
Autism diagnostic criteria: Social communication and interaction 14
Autism diagnostic criteria: Restricted and repetitive patterns 16
1 ‘Outsider Science’ and literary exclusion: A reply to denials of autistic imagination 21
Childhood autism and the psychiatric imagination 23
Autism and the machine 26
Computer coding and/as literature: The naming of autism in Douglas Coupland’s Microserfs 30
Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake: Autism and literary exclusion 34
Limitations and inaccuracies in Simon Baron-Cohen’s ‘Minds Wired for Science’ narrative 37
Bias in the Adult Autism-Spectrum Quotient test (2001): History and legacy 40
Re-membering autistic imagination: Asperger, Wing and ‘Harro L.’ 46
Silberman’s Neurotribes: Science, science fiction and autism 53
Word persons of the autistic world unite: Critical responses to Atwood’s Oryx and Crake 56
Conclusion: The sySTEMizing focus and its implications for autistic diversity 58
2 Metaphors and mirrors: The otherness of adult autism 69
Picking up the mirror: Enfreaking normalcy 71
The infantilizing of adult autism in diagnostic observations 73
Autism and disorder: Foucault, confinement and cultural fear 75
The screen as mirror: Ricky Gervais’s The Office (UK) and the neurotypical gaze 78
Post-Curious: Adult autism as cultural spectacle in Big Bang Theory and The Accountant 81
Conjecturing otherness: Autism, metaphor and metonymy 83
Lost in the mirror metaphor: Challenging the myth of autistic narcissism 87
The broken metaphor: ‘Mirror neuron’ theory and the normative stare 90
Otherizing autism parents: Refrigerator psychiatrists and their 21st-century spectres 92
The Who’s Tommy (1969) and the cultural onset of metaphorical autism 97
Autism and the person: Les Murray’s ‘It Allows a Portrait in Line scan at Fifteen’ 104
Normativity through the looking-glass: Joanne Limburg’s The Autistic Alice (2017) 113
Otherness, autism and acceptance 118
3 Against the ‘new classic’ adult autism: Narratives of gender, intersectionality and progression 127
Patriarchy and autism: The Cambridge Autism Research Centre and the ‘extreme male brain’ 128
The extreme male gaze: Scientific ‘evidence’ on autism and testosterone 139
Fictions of the new classic autism 141
Bron/Broen: Neurodiversity, The Bridge and autistic‘ adherence to rules’ 147
Kay Mellor’s The Syndicate (2015): Class, criminality, race and adult autism 151
Clare Morrall’s The Language of Others: Autism, womanhood and intersectionality 156
Family and phenotype: Reading autism in Meg Wolitzer’s The Interestings (2013) 165
Conclusion: Cultural disability 174
4 ‘Title’ 183
5 Performing the names of autism 185
Naming the self autistic 186
Anger, faith and the realization of Asperger syndrome: Les Murray’s ‘The Tune on Your Mind’ (2006) 187
The politics of a name: Aspies, DSM-5 and the psychiatric retraction of Asperger syndrome 189
Autism, performativity and performance 193
Autistic criticism 1: Revisiting E. M. Forster’s Howards End (1910) 201
Autistic criticism 2: Neurodiverse meeting points in ‘Mad World’ 208
Bibliography 217
Index 237
About the Author 259