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Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Global Edition

Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Global Edition

Jane P. Laudon | Kenneth C. Laudon


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For courses in Management Information Systems (MIS)


The authoritative, case-based view into how businesses leverage information systems

Kenneth and Jane Laudon’s popular Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, along with MyLabTM MIS, continues to define the way MIS courses are taught. Designed for business students, the text provides insight into how contemporary businesses leverage information technologies and systems to achieve corporate objectives. The new edition provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive overview of information systems used by businesses today, including all-new real-world cases and discussion of significant contemporary topics, from big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) to machine learning and DevOps.


Featuring comprehensive coverage of new technologies and applications, while also considering their impact on business models and decision-making, Management Information Systems enhances learning through vivid examples designed to capture the imaginations of all students. As they build sought-after skills for the modern workplace, students will learn to lead management discussions and drive decisions about their firm’s information systems.

MyLab MIS not included. Students, if MyLab MIS is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab MIS should only be purchased when required by an instructor.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\r Cover
Title Page\r 1
Copyright Page\r 2
About the Authors\r 3
Brief Contents\r 4
Complete Contents\r 5
Business Cases And Interactive Sessions\r 16
Preface\r 18
PART ONE Organizations, Management, and the Networked Enterprise 29
Chapter 1 Information Systems in Global Business Today 30
Opening Case: Rugby Football Union Tries Big Data 31
1-1 How are information systems transforming business, and why are they so essential for running and managing a business today? 33
How Information Systems Are Transforming Business\r 34
What's New in Management Information Systems? 35
Interactive Session: Management The Mobile Pocket Office 37
Globalization Challenges and Opportunities: A Flattened World 39
The Emerging Digital Firm 40
Strategic Business Objectives of Information Systems 41
1-2 What is an information system? How does it work? What are its management, organization, and technology components? Why are complementary assets essential for ensuring that information systems provide genuine value for organizations? 44
What Is an Information System? 44
Dimensions of Information Systems 46
Interactive Session: Technology Digital Transformation of Healthcare at Singapore's JurongHealth Services 51
It Isn't Just Technology: A Business Perspective on Information Systems 52
Complementary Assets: Organizational Capital and the Right Business Model 54
1-3 What academic disciplines are used to study information systems, and how does each contribute to an understanding of information systems? 56
Technical Approach 56
Behavioral Approach 57
Approach of This Text: Sociotechnical Systems 58
Review Summary 59
Key Terms 60
Review Questions\r 60
Discussion Questions 61
Hands-On MIS Projects 61
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 62
Case Study: Are Farms Becoming Digital Firms? 62
References: 66
Chapter 2 Global E-business and Collaboration 68
Opening Case: Enterprise Social Networking Helps ABB Innovate and Grow 69
2-1 What are business processes? How are they related to information systems? 71
Business Processes\r 71
How Information Technology Improves Business Processes 73
2-2 How do systems serve the different management groups in a business, and how do systems that link the enterprise improve organizational performance? 74
Systems for Different Management Groups 74
Systems for Linking the Enterprise 79
Interactive Session: Organizations New Systems Help Plan International Manage Its Human Resources 80
E-business, E-commerce, and E-government 84
2-3 Why are systems for collaboration and social business so important, and what technologies do they use? 85
What Is Collaboration? 85
What Is Social Business? 86
Business Benefits of Collaboration and Social Business 87
Building a Collaborative Culture and Business Processes 87
Tools and Technologies for Collaboration and Social Business 89
Interactive Session: Technology Collaborating the Glasscubes Way 91
2-4 What is the role of the information systems function in a business? 95
The Information Systems Department 96
Organizing the Information Systems Function 97
Review Summary 98
Key Terms 99
Review Questions 99
Discussion Questions 100
Hands-On MIS Projects 100
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 101
Case Study: Social Business: Full Speed Ahead or Proceed with Caution? 101
References: 104
Chapter 3 Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy 106
Opening Case: Tate & Lyle Devise a Global IT Strategy 107
3-1 Which features of organizations do managers need to know about to build and use information systems successfully? 109
What Is an Organization? 110
Features of Organizations 112
3-2 What is the impact of information systems on organizations? 117
Economic Impacts 117
Organizational and Behavioral Impacts 118
Interactive Session: Management Can Technology Replace Managers? 120
The Internet and Organizations 122
Implications for the Design and Understanding of Information Systems 122
3-3 How do Porter's competitive forces model, the value chain model, synergies, core competencies, and network economics help companies develop competitive strategies using information systems? 123
Porter's Competitive Forces Model 123
Information System Strategies for Dealing with Competitive Forces 125
The Internet's Impact on Competitive Advantage\r 128
The Business Value Chain Model 129
Interactive Session: Technology Smart Products, Smart Companies 130
Synergies, Core Competencies, and Network-Based Strategies 134
3-4 What are the challenges posed by strategic information systems, and how should they be addressed? 138
Sustaining Competitive Advantage 138
Aligning IT with Business Objectives 139
Managing Strategic Transitions 140
Review Summary 140
Key Terms 141
Review Questions 141
Discussion Questions 142
Hands-On MIS Projects 142
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 143
Case Study: Deutsche Bank: The Cost of Legacy Systems 144
References: 147
Chapter 4 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems 150
Opening Case: The Dark Side of Big Data 151
4-1 What ethical, social, and political issues are raised by information systems? 153
A Model for Thinking About Ethical, Social, and Political Issues 155
Five Moral Dimensions of the Information Age\r 156
Key Technology Trends that Raise Ethical Issues 156
4-2 What specific principles for conduct can be used to guide ethical decisions? 158
Basic Concepts: Responsibility, Accountability, and Liability 159
Ethical Analysis 160
Candidate Ethical Principles 160
Professional Codes of Conduct 161
Some Real-World Ethical Dilemmas 161
4-3 Why do contemporary information systems technology and the Internet pose challenges to the protection of individual privacy and intellectual property? 162
Information Rights: Privacy and Freedom in the Internet Age 162
Property Rights: Intellectual Property 169
4-4 How have information systems affected laws for establishing accountability and liability and the quality of everyday life? 172
Computer-Related Liability Problems 173
System Quality: Data Quality and System Errors 174
Quality of Life: Equity, Access, and Boundaries 174
Interactive Session: Technology Monitoring in the Workplace 178
Health Risks: RSI, CVS, and Cognitive Decline 180
Interactive Session: Organizations Are We Relying Too Much on Computers to Think for Us? 181
Review Summary 183
Key Terms 184
Review Questions 184
Discussion Questions 185
Hands-On MIS Projects 185
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 186
Case Study: Facebook Privacy: What Privacy? 186
References: 190
PART TWO Information Technology Infrastructure 191
Chapter 5 IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies 192
Opening Case: EasyJet Flies High with Cloud Computing 193
5-1 What is IT infrastructure, and what are the stages and drivers of IT infrastructure evolution? 195
Defining IT Infrastructure 195
Evolution of IT Infrastructure 197
Technology Drivers of Infrastructure Evolution 201
5-2 What are the components of IT infrastructure? 206
Computer Hardware Platforms 207
Operating System Platforms 208
Enterprise Software Applications 208
Data Management and Storage 209
Networking/Telecommunications Platforms 209
Internet Platforms 209
Consulting and System Integration Services 210
5-3 What are the current trends in computer hardware platforms? 210
The Mobile Digital Platform 210
Interactive Session: Technology Wearable Computers Change How We Work 211
Consumerization of IT and BYOD 212
Quantum Computing 213
Virtualization 213
Cloud Computing 213
Interactive Session: Organizations Glory Finds Solutions in the Cloud 216
Green Computing 219
High-Performance and Power-Saving Processors 220
5-4 What are the current computer software platforms and trends? 220
Linux and Open Source Software 220
Software for the Web: Java, HTML, and HTML5 221
Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture 222
Software Outsourcing and Cloud Services 224
5-5 What are the challenges of managing IT infrastructure and management solutions? 226
Dealing with Platform and Infrastructure Change 226
Management and Governance 227
Making Wise Infrastructure Investments 227
Review Summary 230
Key Terms 231
Review Questions 232
Discussion Questions 232
Hands-On MIS Projects 232
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 233
Case Study: BYOD: Business Opportunity or Big Headache? 234
References: 237
Chapter 6 Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management 238
Opening Case: BAE Systems 239
6-1 What are the problems of managing data resources in a traditional file environment? 241
File Organization Terms and Concepts 242
Problems with the Traditional File Environment 243
6-2 What are the major capabilities of database management systems (DBMS), and why is a relational DBMS so powerful? 245
Database Management Systems 245
Capabilities of Database Management Systems 248
Designing Databases 250
Non-relational Databases and Databases in the Cloud 253
6-3 What are the principal tools and technologies for accessing information from databases to improve business performance and decision making? 254
The Challenge of Big Data 254
Business Intelligence Infrastructure 255
Interactive Session: Organizations Data-Driven Crime Fighting Goes Global 256
Analytical Tools: Relationships, Patterns, Trends 260
Databases and the Web 263
6-4 Why are information policy, data administration, and data quality assurance essential for managing the firm's data resources? 264
Establishing an Information Policy 264
Ensuring Data Quality 265
Interactive Session: Management Societe Generale Builds an Intelligent System to Manage Information Flow 267
Review Summary 268
Key Terms 269
Review Questions 270
Discussion Questions 270
Hands-On MIS Projects 270
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 272
Case Study: Lego's Enterprise Software Spurs Growth 272
References: 275
Chapter 7 Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology 276
Opening Case: Wireless Technology Makes Dundee Precious Metals Good as Gold 277
7-1 What are the principal components of telecommunications networks and key networking technologies? 279
Networking and Communication Trends 279
What is a Computer Network? 280
Key Digital Networking Technologies 282
7-2 What are the different types of networks? 285
Signals: Digital Versus Analog 285
Types of Networks 285
Transmission Media and Transmission Speed 287
7-3 How do the Internet and Internet technology work, and how do they support communication and e-business? 287
What is the Internet? 288 • Internet Addressing and Architecture 288
Interactive Session: Organizations The Battle over Net Neutrality 291
Internet Services and Communication Tools 293
Interactive Session: Management Monitoring Employees on Networks: Unethical or Good Business? 296
The Web 298
7-4 What are the principal technologies and standards for wireless networking, communication, and Internet access? 306
Cellular Systems 306
Wireless Computer Networks and Internet Access 307
RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks 309
Review Summary 312
Key Terms 313
Review Questions 314
Discussion Questions 314
Hands-On MIS Projects 314
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 315
Case Study: RFID Propels the Angkasa Library Management System 316
References: 319
Chapter 8 Securing Information Systems 320
Opening Case: Hackers Attack Singapore's Telecom Infrastructure 321
8-1 Why are information systems vulnerable to destruction, error, and abuse? 323
Why Systems are Vulnerable 323
Malicious Software: Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, and Spyware 326
Hackers and Computer Crime 329
Internal Threats: Employees 333
Software Vulnerability 334
8-2 What is the business value of security and control? 335
Legal and Regulatory Requirements for Electronic Records Management 335
Electronic Evidence and Computer Forensics 336
8-3 What are the components of an organizational framework for security and control? 337
Information Systems Controls 337
Risk Assessment 338
Interactive Session: Organizations Stuxnet and the Changing Face of Cyberwarfare 339
Security Policy 341
Disaster Recovery Planning and Business Continuity Planning 342
The Role of Auditing 343
8-4 What are the most important tools and technologies for safeguarding information resources? 343
Identity Management and Authentication 344
Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, and Antivirus Software 346
Securing Wireless Networks 348
Encryption and Public Key Infrastructure 348
Ensuring System Availability 350
Security Issues for Cloud Computing and the Mobile Digital Platform 351
Ensuring Software Quality 352
Interactive Session: Technology BYOD: A Security Nightmare? 353
Review Summary 354
Key Terms 355
Review Questions 356
Discussion Questions 357
Hands-On MIS Projects 357
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 358
Case Study: Information Security Threats and Policies in Europe 358
References: 361
PART THREE Key System Applications for the Digital Age 363
Chapter 9 Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Applications 364
Opening Case: Alimentation Couche-Tard Competes Using Enterprise Systems\r 365
9-1 How do enterprise systems help businesses achieve operational excellence? 367
What are Enterprise Systems?\r 368
Enterprise Software\r 369
Business Value of Enterprise Systems 370
9-2 How do supply chain management systems coordinate planning, production, and logistics with suppliers? 371
The Supply Chain 371
Information Systems and Supply Chain Management 372
Supply Chain Management Software 373
Global Supply Chains and the Internet 375
Business Value of Supply Chain Management Systems 376
9-3 How do customer relationship management systems help firms achieve customer intimacy? 377
What is Customer Relationship Management? 377
Interactive Session: Management Unilever Unifies Globally with Enhanced ERP 378
Customer Relationship Management Software 381
Operational and Analytical CRM 383
Interactive Session: Organizations DP World Takes Port Management to the Next Level with RFID 385
Business Value of Customer Relationship Management Systems 387
9-4 What are the challenges that enterprise applications pose, and how are enterprise applications taking advantage of new technologies? 387
Enterprise Application Challenges 387
Next-Generation Enterprise Applications 388
Review Summary 390
Key Terms 391
Review Questions 391
Discussion Questions 392
Hands-On MIS Projects 392
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 393
Case Study: Customer Relationship Management Helps Celcom Become Number One 394
References: 397
Chapter 10 E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods 398
Opening Case: Uber Storms Europe: Europe Strikes Back 399
10-1 What are the unique features of e-commerce, digital markets, and digital goods? 401
E-commerce Today 402
The New E-commerce: Social, Mobile, Local 403
Why E-commerce is Different 405
Key Concepts in E-commerce: Digital Markets and Digital Goods in a Global Marketplace 408
10-2 What are the principal e-commerce business and revenue models? 412
Types of E-commerce 412
E-commerce Business Models 412
E-commerce Revenue Models 415
10-3 How has e-commerce transformed marketing? 417
Behavioral Targeting\r 418
Social E-Commerce and Social Network Marketing\r 422
Interactive Session: Technology Getting Social with Customers 424
10-4 How has e-commerce affected business-to-business transactions? 426
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 426
New Ways of B2B Buying and Selling 427
10-5 What is the role of m-commerce in business, and what are the most important m-commerce applications? 429
Location-Based Services and Applications 430
Interactive Session: Organizations Can Instacart Deliver? 431
Other Mobile Commerce Services 433
10-6 What issues must be addressed when building an e-commerce presence? 433
Develop an E-Commerce Presence Map 434
Develop a Timeline: Milestones 435
Review Summary 435
Key Terms\r 436
Review Questions 437
Discussion Questions 437
Hands-On MIS Projects 437
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 438
Case Study: Walmart and Amazon Duke It Out for E-commerce Supremacy 439
References: 442
Chapter 11 Managing Knowledge 444
Opening Case: Fiat: Real Time Management with Business Intelligence 445
11-1 What is the role of knowledge management systems in business? 447
Important Dimensions of Knowledge 448
The Knowledge Management Value Chain 449
Types of Knowledge Management Systems 452
11-2 What types of systems are used for enterprise-wide knowledgge management, and how do they provide value for businesses?\r 453
Enterprise Content Management Systems 453
Interactive Session: Organizations ECM in the Cloud Empowers New Zealand Department of Conservation 454
Locating and Sharing Expertise\r 456
Learning Management Systems\r 456
11-3 What are the major types of knowledge work systems, and how do they provide value for firms? 457
Knowledge Workers and Knowledge Work\r 457
Requirements of Knowledge Work Systems\r 457
Examples of Knowledge Work Systems 458
11-4 What are the business benefits of using intelligent techniques for knowledge management? 460
Capturing Knowledge: Expert Systems 460
Interactive Session: Technology Will Robots Replace People in Manufacturing?\r 461
Organizational Intelligence: Case-Based Reasoning 464
Fuzzy Logic Systems 465
Machine Learning 467
Intelligent Agents 470
Hybrid AI Systems 471
Review Summary 472
Key Terms 473
Review Questions 473
Discussion Questions 474
Hands-On MIS Projects 474
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 475
Case Study: Knowledge Management and Collaboration at Tata Consulting Services 475
References: 479
Chapter 12 Enhancing Decision Making 480
Opening Case: Roche: Managing Diabetes with Big Data and Mobile Apps 481
12-1 What are the different types of decisions, and how does the decisionmaking process work? 483
Business Value of Improved Decision Making 483
Types of Decisions 484
The Decision-Making Process 485
12-2 How do information systems support the activities of managers and management decision making? 486
Managerial Roles 487
Real-World Decision Making\r 488
High-Velocity Automated Decision Making 490
12-3 How do business intelligence and business analytics support decision making? 490
What is Business Intelligence? 490
The Business Intelligence Environment 491
Business Intelligence and Analytics Capabilities 493
Interactive Session: Technology Singapore Sports Institute Uses Analytics for SEA Games 495
Management Strategies for Developing BI and BA Capabilities 499
Interactive Session: Management Britain's National Health Service Jettisons Choose and Book System 498
12-4 How do different decision-making constituencies in an organization use business intelligence, and what is the role of information systems in helping people working in a group make decisions more efficiently? 500
Decision Support for Operational And Middle Management 500
Decision Support for Senior Management: Balanced Scorecard and Enterprise Performance Management Methods 503
Group Decision-Support Systems (GDSS) 505
Review Summary 505
Key Terms 506
Review Questions 506
Discussion Questions 507
Hands-On MIS Projects 507
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 508
Case Study: GE Bets on the Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics 508
References: 512
PART FOUR Building and Managing Systems 513
Chapter 13 Building Information Systems 514
Opening Case: Angostura Builds a Mobile Sales System 515
13-1 How does building new systems produce organizational change? 517
Systems Development and Organizational Change 517
Business Process Redesign 519
13-2 What are the core activities in the systems development process? 522
Systems Analysis 523
Systems Design 524
Completing the Systems Development Process 525
13-3 What are the principal methodologies for modeling and designing systems? 528
Structured Methodologies 528
Object-Oriented Development 530
Computer-Aided Software Engineering 532
13-4 What are alternative methods for building information systems? 532
Traditional Systems Life Cycle 533
Prototyping 534
End-User Development 535
Application Software Packages, Software Services, and Outsourcing 536
Interactive Session: Organizations Fujitsu Selects a SaaS Solution to Simplify the Sales Process 537
13-5 What are new approaches for system building in the digital firm era? 540
Rapid Application Development (RAD), Agile Development, and DevOps 541
Component-Based Development and Web Services 542
Mobile Application Development: Designing for A Multiscreen World 542
Interactive Session: Technology Developing Mobile Apps: What's Different 544
Review Summary 545
Key Terms 547
Review Questions 547
Discussion Questions 548
Hands-On MIS Projects 548
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 549
Case Study: ConAgra's Recipe for a Better Human Resources System 550
References: 553
Chapter 14 Managing Projects 554
Opening Case: Intuit Counts on Project Management 555
14-1 What are the objectives of project management, and why is it so essential in developing information systems?\r 557
Runaway Projects and System Failure 557
Project Management Objectives 558
14-2 What methods can be used for selecting and evaluating information systems projects and aligning them with the firm's business goals? 559
Management Structure for Information Systems Projects 559
Linking Systems Projects to The Business Plan 560
Information Requirements and Key Performance Indicators 562
Portfolio Analysis 562
Scoring Models 563
14-3 How can firms assess the business value of information systems? 564
Information System Costs and Benefits 564
Capital Budgeting for Information Systems 565
Limitations of Financial Models 566
14-4 What are the principal risk factors in information systems projects, and how can they be managed? 566
Dimensions of Project Risk\r 566
Change Management and the Concept of Implementation 567
Interactive Session: Management Can the National Health Service Go Paperless? 568
Controlling Risk Factors 571
Interactive Session: Technology Hilti AG: Putting Things Together with New Project Management Tools 575
Designing for the Organization 576
Project Management Software Tools\r 577
Review Summary 578
Key Terms 578
Review Questions 579
Discussion Questions 579
Hands-On MIS Projects 580
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 581
Case Study: A Shaky Start for 582
References: 585
Chapter 15 Managing Global Systems 588
Opening Case: The Bel Group: Laughing All the Way to Success 589
15-1 What major factors are driving the internationalization of business? 591
Developing an International Information Systems Architecture 592
The Global Environment: Business Drivers and Challenges 593
State of the Art 596
15-2 What are the alternative strategies for developing global businesses? 597
Global Strategies and Business Organization 597
Global Systems to Fit the Strategy 598
Reorganizing the Business 599
15-3 What are the challenges posed by global information systems and management solutions for these challenges? 600
A Typical Scenario: Disorganization on a Global Scale 600
Global Systems Strategy 601
The Management Solution: Implementation 603
15-4 What are the issues and technical alternatives to be considered when developing international information systems? 604
Computing Platforms and Systems Integration 605
Connectivity 605
Interactive Session: Organizations Indian E-commerce: Obstacles to Opportunity 607
Software Localization 608
Interactive Session: Management Steelcase Designs Goes for Global Talent Management 609
Review Summary 611
Key Terms 612
Review Questions 612
Discussion Questions 612
Hands-On MIS Projects 613
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 614
Case Study: Crocs Clambers to Global Efficiency 614
References: 618
Glossary 619
Indexes 631