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Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Global Edition

Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Global Edition

John C. Hull


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Book Details


For graduate courses in business, economics, financial mathematics, and financial engineering; for advanced undergraduate courses with students who have good quantitative skills; and for practitioners involved in derivatives markets


Practitioners refer to it as “the bible;” in the university and college marketplace it’s the best seller; and now it’s been revised and updated to cover the industry’s hottest topics and the most up-to-date material on new regulations. Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives by John C. Hull bridges the gap between theory and practice by providing a current look at the industry, a careful balance of mathematical sophistication, and an outstanding ancillary package that makes it accessible to a wide audience. Through its coverage of important topics such as the securitization and the credit crisis, the overnight indexed swap, the Black-Scholes-Merton formulas, and the way commodity prices are modeled and commodity derivatives valued, it helps students and practitioners alike keep up with the fast pace of change in today’s derivatives markets.



This program provides a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. Here’s how:

  •    NEW! Available with a new version of DerivaGem software—including two Excel applications, the Options Calculator and the Applications Builder
  •    Bridges the gap between theory and practice—a best-selling college text, and considered “the bible” by practitioners, it provides the latest information in the industry
  •    Provides the right balance of mathematical sophistication—careful attention to mathematics and notation
Offers outstanding ancillaries to round out the high quality of the teaching and learning package

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\r Cover
Title Page 3
Copyright Page 4
Contents in Brief 6
Contents 7
List of Business Snapshots 17
List of Technical Notes 18
Preface 19
Chapter 1.Introduction 23
1.1 Exchange-traded markets 24
1.2 Over-the-counter markets 25
1.3 Forward contracts 28
1.4 Futures contracts 30
1.5 Options 30
1.6 Types of traders 33
1.7 Hedgers 33
1.8 Speculators 36
1.9 Arbitrageurs 38
1.10 Dangers 39
Summary 40
Further reading 41
Practice questions 41
Further questions 43
Chapter 2.Mechanics of futures markets 46
2.1 Background 46
2.2 Specification of a futures contract\r 48
2.3 Convergence of futures price to spot price 50
2.4 The operation of margin accounts 51
2.5 OTC markets 54
2.6 Market quotes 57
2.7 Delivery 60
2.8 Types of traders and types of orders 61
2.9 Regulation 62
2.10 Accounting and tax 63
Summary 66
Further reading 67
Practice questions 67
Further questions 69
Chapter 3.Hedging strategies using futures 71
3.1 Basic principles 71
3.2 Arguments for and against hedging 73
3.3 Basis risk 76
3.4 Cross hedging 80
3.5 Stock index futures 84
3.6 Stack and roll 90
Summary 92
Further reading 92
Practice questions 93
Further questions 95
Appendix: Capital asset pricing model 97
Chapter 4.Interest rates 99
4.1 Types of rates 99
4.2 Measuring interest rates 101
4.3 Zero rates 104
4.4 Bond pricing 104
4.5 Determining Treasury zero rates 106
4.6 Forward rates 108
4.7 Forward rate agreements 110
4.8 Duration 113
4.9 Convexity 117
4.10 Theories of the term structure of interest rates 118
Summary 120
Further reading 121
Practice questions 121
Further questions 124
Chapter 5.Determination of forward and futures prices 126
5.1 Investment assets vs. consumption assets 126
5.2 Short selling 127
5.3 Assumptions and notation 128
5.4 Forward price for an investment asset 129
5.5 Known income 132
5.6 Known yield 134
5.7 Valuing forward contracts 134
5.8 Are forward prices and futures prices equal? 136
5.9 Futures prices of stock indices 137
5.10 Forward and futures contracts on currencies 139
5.11 Futures on commodities 142
5.12 The cost of carry 145
5.13 Delivery options 146
5.14 Futures prices and expected future spot prices 146
Summary 148
Further reading 150
Practice questions 150
Further questions 152
Chapter 6.Interest rate futures 154
6.1 Day count and quotation conventions 154
6.2 Treasury bond futures 157
6.3 Eurodollar futures 162
6.4 Duration-based hedging strategies using futures 167
6.5 Hedging portfolios of assets and liabilities 169
Summary 169
Further reading 170
Practice questions 170
Further questions 172
Chapter 7.Swaps 174
7.1 Mechanics of interest rate swaps 175
7.2 Day count issues 180
7.3 Confirmations\r 181
7.4 The comparative-advantage argument 181
7.5 The nature of swap rates 185
7.6 Determining LIBOR/swap zero rates 186
7.7 Valuation of interest rate swaps 186
7.8 Term structure effects\r 190
7.9 Fixed-for-fixed currency swaps\r 190
7.10 Valuation of fixed-for-fixed currency swaps\r 194
7.11 Other currency swaps 197
7.12 Credit risk 198
7.13 Other types of swaps\r 200
Summary 202
Further reading 203
Practice questions 203
Further questions 205
Chapter 8.Securitization and the credit crisis of 2007 207
8.1 Securitization 207
8.2 The US housing market 211
8.3 What went wrong? 215
8.4 The aftermath 217
Summary 218
Further reading 219
Practice questions 220
Further questions 220
Chapter 9.OIS discounting, credit issues, and funding costs 222
9.1 The risk-free rate 222
9.2 The OIS rate 224
9.3 Valuing swaps and FRAs with OIS discounting 227
9.4 OIS vs. LIBOR: Which is correct? 228
9.5 Credit risk: CVA and DVA 229
9.6 Funding costs 231
Summary 232
Further reading 233
Practice questions 233
Further questions 234
Chapter 10.Mechanics of options markets 235
10.1 Types of options 235
10.2 Option positions 237
10.3 Underlying assets 239
10.4 Specification of stock options\r 240
10.5 Trading 245
10.6 Commissions 245
10.7 Margin requirements 246
10.8 The options clearing corporation 248
10.9 Regulation 249
10.10 Taxation 249
10.11 Warrants, employee stock options, and convertibles 251
10.12 Over-the-counter options markets 251
Summary 252
Further reading 253
Practice questions 253
Further questions 254
Chapter 11.Properties of stock options 256
11.1 Factors affecting option prices\r 256
11.2 Assumptions and notation 260
11.3 Upper and lower bounds for option prices 260
11.4 Put–call parity 263
11.5 Calls on a non-dividend-paying stock 267
11.6 Puts on a non-dividend-paying stock 268
11.7 Effect of dividends\r 271
Summary 272
Further reading 273
Practice questions 273
Further questions 275
Chapter 12.Trading strategies involving options 276
12.1 Principal-protected notes 276
12.2 Trading an option and the underlying asset 278
12.3 Spreads 280
12.4 Combinations 288
12.5 Other payoffs\r 291
Summary 292
Further reading 293
Practice questions 293
Further questions 294
Chapter 13.Binomial trees 296
13.1 A one-step binomial model and a no-arbitrage argument 296
13.2 Risk-neutral valuation 300
13.3 Two-step binomial trees 302
13.4 A put example 305
13.5 American options 306
13.6 Delta 307
13.7 Matching volatility with u and d 308
13.8 The binomial tree formulas 310
13.9 Increasing the number of steps 310
13.10 Using DerivaGem 311
13.11 Options on other assets 312
Summary 315
Further reading 316
Practice questions 317
Further questions 318
Appendix: Derivation of the Black–Scholes–Merton option-pricing formula from a binomial tree 320
Chapter 14.Wiener processes and Itô’s lemma\r 324
14.1 The Markov property 324
14.2 Continuous-time stochastic processes 325
14.3 The process for a stock price 330
14.4 The parameters 333
14.5 Correlated processes 334
14.6 Itô’s lemma\r 335
14.7 The lognormal property 336
Summary 337
Further reading 338
Practice questions 338
Further questions 339
Appendix: Derivation of Itô’s lemma \r 341
Chapter 15.The Black–Scholes–Merton model 343
15.1 Lognormal property of stock prices 344
15.2 The distribution of the rate of return 345
15.3 The expected return 346
15.4 Volatility 347
15.5 The idea underlying the Black–Scholes–Merton differential equation\r 351
15.6 Derivation of the Black–Scholes–Merton differential equation\r 353
15.7 Risk-neutral valuation 356
15.8 Black–Scholes–Merton pricing formulas 357
15.9 Cumulative normal distribution function 360
15.10 Warrants and employee stock options 361
15.11 Implied volatilities 363
15.12 Dividends 365
Summary 368
Further reading 369
Practice questions 370
Further questions 372
Appendix: Proof of Black–Scholes–Merton formula using risk-neutral valuation 374
Chapter 16.Employee stock options 376
16.1 Contractual arrangements 376
16.2 Do options align the interests of shareholders and managers? 378
16.3 Accounting issues 379
16.4 Valuation 380
16.5 Backdating scandals 385
Summary 386
Further reading 387
Practice questions 387
Further questions 388
Chapter 17.Options on stock indices and currencies 389
17.1 Options on stock indices 389
17.2 Currency options 391
17.3 Options on stocks paying known dividend yields 394
17.4 Valuation of European stock index options 396
17.5 Valuation of European currency options 399
17.6 American options 400
Summary 401
Further reading 401
Practice questions 402
Further questions 404
Chapter 18.Futures options 405
18.1 Nature of futures options 405
18.2 Reasons for the popularity of futures options 408
18.3 European spot and futures options 408
18.4 Put–call parity 409
18.5 Bounds for futures options 410
18.6 Valuation of futures options using binomial trees 411
18.7 Drift of a futures price in a risk-neutral world 413
18.8 Black’s model for valuing futures options 414
18.9 American futures options vs. American spot options 416
18.10 Futures-style options 416
Summary 417
Further reading 418
Practice questions 418
Further questions 419
Chapter 19.The Greek letters 421
19.1 Illustration 421
19.2 Naked and covered positions 422
19.3 A stop-loss strategy 422
19.4 Delta hedging 424
19.5 Theta 431
19.6 Gamma 433
19.7 Relationship between delta, theta, and gamma 436
19.8 Vega 437
19.9 Rho 439
19.10 The realities of hedging 440
19.11 Scenario analysis 441
19.12 Extension of formulas 441
19.13 Portfolio insurance 444
19.14 Stock market volatility 446
Summary 446
Further reading 448
Practice questions 448
Further questions 450
Appendix: Taylor series expansions and hedge parameters 452
Chapter 20.Volatility smiles 453
20.1 Why the volatility smile is the same for calls and puts 453
20.2 Foreign currency options 455
20.3 Equity options 458
20.4 Alternative ways of characterizing the volatility smile 459
20.5 The volatility term structure and volatility surfaces 460
20.6 Greek letters 461
20.7 The role of the model 462
20.8 When a single large jump is anticipated 462
Summary 464
Further reading 465
Practice questions 465
Further questions 467
Appendix: Determining implied risk-neutral distributions from volatility smiles 469
Chapter 21.Basic numerical procedures 472
21.1 Binomial trees 472
21.2 Using the binomial tree for options on indices, currencies, and futures contracts 480
21.3 Binomial model for a dividend-paying stock 482
21.4 Alternative procedures for constructing trees 487
21.5 Time-dependent parameters 490
21.6 Monte Carlo simulation 491
21.7 Variance reduction procedures 497
21.8 Finite difference methods\r 500
Summary 510
Further reading 511
Practice questions 512
Further questions 514
Chapter 22.Value at risk 516
22.1 The VaR measure 516
22.2 Historical simulation 519
22.3 Model-building approach 523
22.4 The linear model 526
22.5 The quadratic model 531
22.6 Monte Carlo simulation 533
22.7 Comparison of approaches 534
22.8 Stress testing and back testing 535
22.9 Principal components analysis 535
Summary 539
Further reading 539
Practice questions 540
Further questions 541
Chapter 23.Estimating volatilities and correlations 543
23.1 Estimating volatility 543
23.2 The exponentially weighted moving average model 545
23.3 The GARCH (1,1) model 547
23.4 Choosing between the models 548
23.5 Maximum likelihood methods 549
23.6 Using GARCH (1,1) to forecast future volatility 554
23.7 Correlations 557
23.8 Application of EWMA to four-index example 560
Summary 562
Further reading 562
Practice questions 562
Further questions 564
Chapter 24.Credit risk 566
24.1 Credit ratings 566
24.2 Historical default probabilities 567
24.3 Recovery rates 568
24.4 Estimating default probabilities from bond yield spreads 569
24.5 Comparison of default probability estimates 572
24.6 Using equity prices to estimate default probabilities 575
24.7 Credit risk in derivatives transactions 577
24.8 Default correlation 583
24.9 Credit VaR 586
Summary 589
Further reading 589
Practice questions 590
Further questions 591
Chapter 25.Credit derivatives 593
25.1 Credit default swaps 594
25.2 Valuation of credit default swaps 597
25.3 Credit indices 601
25.4 The use of ?xed coupons 602
25.5 CDS forwards and options 603
25.6 Basket credit default swaps 603
25.7 Total return swaps 603
25.8 Collateralized debt obligations 605
25.9 Role of correlation in a basket CDS and CDO 607
25.10 Valuation of a synthetic CDO 607
25.11 Alternatives to the standard market model 614
Summary 616
Further reading 616
Practice questions 617
Further questions 618
Chapter 26.Exoticoptions 620
26.1 Packages 620
26.2 Perpetual American call and put options 621
26.3 Nonstandard American options 622
26.4 Gap options 623
26.5 Forward start options 624
26.6 Cliquet options 624
26.7 Compound options 624
26.8 Chooser options 625
26.9 Barrier options 626
26.10 Binary options 628
26.11 Lookback options 629
26.12 Shout options 631
26.13 Asian options 631
26.14 Options to exchange one asset for another 633
26.15 Options involving several assets 634
26.16 Volatility and variance swaps 635
26.17 Static options replication 638
Summary 640
Further reading 641
Practice questions 641
Further questions 643
Chapter 27.More on models and numerical procedures\r 646
27.1 Alternatives to Black–Scholes–Merton 647
27.2 Stochastic volatility models 652
27.3 The IVF model 654
27.4 Convertible bonds 655
27.5 Path-dependent derivatives 658
27.6 Barrier options 662
27.7 Options on two correlated assets 665
27.8 Monte Carlo simulation and American options 668
Summary 672
Further reading 673
Practice questions 674
Further questions 675
Chapter 28.Martingales and measures 677
28.1 The market price of risk 678
28.2 Several state variables 681
28.3 Martingales 682
28.4 Alternative choices for the numeraire 683
28.5 Extension to several factors 687
28.6 Black’s model revisited 688
28.7 Option to exchange one asset for another 689
28.8 Change of numeraire 690
Summary 691
Further reading 692
Practice questions 692
Further questions 694
Chapter 29.Interest rate derivatives: The standard market models 695
29.1 Bond options 695
29.2 Interest rate caps and ?oors 700
29.3 European swap options 706
29.4 OIS discounting 710
29.5 Hedging interest rate derivatives 710
Summary 711
Further reading 712
Practice questions 712
Further questions 714
Chapter 30.Convexity, timing, and quanto adjustments 715
30.1 Convexity adjustments 715
30.2 Timing adjustments 719
30.3 Quantos 721
Summary 724
Further reading 724
Practice questions 724
Further questions 726
Appendix: Proof of the convexity adjustment formula 727
Chapter 31.Interest rate derivatives: Models of the short rate 728
31.1 Background 728
31.2 Equilibrium models 729
31.3 No-arbitrage models 736
31.4 Options on bonds 741
31.5 Volatility structures 742
31.6 Interest rate trees\r 743
31.7 A general tree-building procedure 745
31.8 Calibration 754
31.9 Hedging using a one-factor model 756
Summary 757
Further reading 757
Practice questions 758
Further questions 760
Chapter 32.HJM, LMM, and multiple zero curves 762
32.1 The Heath, Jarrow, and Morton model 762
32.2 The LIBOR market model 765
32.3 Handling multiple zero curves 775
32.4 Agency mortgage-backed securities 777
Summary 779
Further reading 780
Practice questions 780
Further questions 781
Chapter 33.Swaps Revisited 782
33.1 Variations on the vanilla deal 782
33.2 Compounding swaps 784
33.3 Currency swaps 785
33.4 More complex swaps 786
33.5 Equity swaps 789
33.6 Swaps with embedded options 791
33.7 Other swaps 793
Summary 794
Further reading 795
Practice questions 795
Further questions 796
Chapter 34.Energy and commodity derivatives 797
34.1 Agricultural commodities 797
34.2 Metals 798
34.3 Energy products 799
34.4 Modeling commodity prices 801
34.5 Weather derivatives 807
34.6 Insurance derivatives 808
34.7 Pricing weather and insurance derivatives 808
34.8 How an energy producer can hedge risks 810
Summary 811
Further reading 811
Practice questions 812
Further questions 813
Chapter 35.Real options 814
35.1 Capital investment appraisal 814
35.2 Extension of the risk-neutral valuation framework 815
35.3 Estimating the market price of risk 817
35.4 Application to the valuation of a business 818
35.5 Evaluating options in an investment opportunity 818
Summary 825
Further reading 825
Practice questions 826
Further questions 826
Chapter 36.Derivatives mishaps and what we can learn from them 828
36.1 Lessons for all users of derivatives 828
36.2 Lessons for financial institutions\r 832
36.3 Lessons for nonfinancial corporations\r 837
Summary 839
Further reading 839
DerivaGem software 862
Major exchanges trading futures and options 867
Tables for N(x) 868
Author index 870
Subject index 874