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Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Global Edition

Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Global Edition

Elaine N. Marieb | Suzanne M. Keller


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For one-semester Anatomy & Physiology courses.


Focus on the essential what, how, & why of human anatomy & physiology

With the 12th Edition of Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, science educator Suzanne Keller joins bestselling author Elaine Marieb in helping learners focus on the essential What, How, & Why of A&P, without getting sidetracked in unnecessary details.  


Thoroughly updated with dozens of new figures, photos, and current information on medical recommendations and terminology, the 12th Edition continues to set the standard for brief, accessible one-semester A&P texts. The authors’ hallmark clear and friendly writing style has been strengthened with familiar analogies and abundant mnemonic cues that help students learn and remember concepts. Continuing to offer just the right balance of anatomy, physiology, and clinical coverage, engaging new chapter previews help learners hone in on what structures and functions they are studying, how they function, and why they are important to learn.


Mastering A&P not included. Students, if Mastering A&P is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. Mastering A&P should only be purchased when required by an instructor.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Contents 17
Chapter 1: The Human Body: An Orientation 27
An Overview of Anatomy and Physiology 27
Anatomy 27
Physiology 28
Relationship between Anatomy and Physiology 28
Levels of Structural Organization 28
From Atoms to Organisms 28
Organ System Overview 29
Integumentary System 29
Skeletal System 29
Muscular System 30
Nervous System 30
Endocrine System 30
Cardiovascular System 30
Lymphatic System 30
Respiratory System 30
Digestive System 30
Urinary System 33
Reproductive System 33
Maintaining Life 33
Necessary Life Functions 33
Maintaining Boundaries 33
Movement 33
Responsiveness 34
Digestion 35
Metabolism 35
Excretion 35
Reproduction 35
Growth 35
Survival Needs 35
The Language of Anatomy 38
Anatomical Position 38
Directional Terms 38
Regional Terms 38
Anterior Body Landmarks 38
Posterior Body Landmarks 41
Body Planes and Sections 41
Body Cavities 41
Dorsal Body Cavity 42
Ventral Body Cavity 43
Other Body Cavities 44
Homeostasis 45
Components of Homeostatic Control Systems 45
Feedback Mechanisms 45
Summary 47
Review Questions 48
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 49
A Closer Look: Medical Imaging: Illuminating the Body 36
Chapter 2: Basic Chemistry 50
Concepts of Matter and Energy 50
Matter 50
Energy 51
Forms of Energy 51
Energy Form Conversions 51
Composition of Matter 52
Elements and Atoms 52
Atomic Structure 52
The Basic Atomic Subparticles 52
Planetary and Orbital Models of an Atom 54
Identifying Elements 54
Atomic Number 55
Atomic Mass Number 55
Atomic Weight and Isotopes 55
Molecules and Compounds 57
Chemical Bonds and Chemical Reactions 58
Bond Formation 58
Role of Electrons 58
Types of Chemical Bonds 58
Patterns of Chemical Reactions 62
Synthesis Reactions 62
Decomposition Reactions 63
Exchange Reactions 63
Factors Influencing the Rate of Chemical Reactions 64
Biochemistry: The Chemical Composition of Living Matter 64
Inorganic Compounds 65
Water 65
Salts 65
Acids and Bases 66
Organic Compounds 68
Carbohydrates 69
Lipids 70
Proteins 74
Nucleic Acids 78
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) 81
Summary 83
Review Questions 85
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 87
Focus on Careers: Pharmacy Technician 82
Chapter3: Cells and Tissues 88
Part I: Cells 88
Overview of the Cellular Basis of Life 88
Anatomy of a Generalized Cell 89
The Nucleus 89
Nuclear Envelope 89
Nucleolus 90
Chromatin 90
The Plasma Membrane 90
The Fluid Mosaic Model 90
Cell Membrane Junctions 92
The Cytoplasm 93
Cytosol and Inclusions 93
Organelles 93
Cell Extensions 97
Cilia and Flagella 97
Microvilli 100
Cell Diversity 100
Cell Physiology 102
Membrane Transport 102
Passive Processes: Diffusion and Filtration 102
Active Processes 104
Cell Division 108
Preparations: DNA Replication 109
Events of Cell Division 110
Protein Synthesis 111
Genes: The Blueprint for Protein Structure 111
The Role of RNA 111
The Process of Protein Synthesis 112
Part II: Body Tissues 114
Epithelial Tissue 114
Hallmarks of Epithelium 114
Classification of Epithelia 115
Simple Epithelia 115
Stratified Epithelia 116
Glandular Epithelium 119
Connective Tissue 119
Hallmarks of Connective Tissue 119
Extracellular Matrix 120
Types of Connective Tissue 120
Bone 120
Cartilage 120
Dense Connective Tissue 120
Loose Connective Tissue 123
Blood 124
Muscle Tissue 124
Skeletal Muscle 124
Cardiac Muscle 124
Smooth Muscle 126
Nervous Tissue 126
Tissue Repair (Wound Healing) 126
Part III: Developmental Aspects of Cells and Tissues 128
Summary 130
Review Questions 133
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 134
A Closer Look: IV Therapy and Cellular “Tonics” 105
A Closer Look: Cancer—An Intimate Enemy 130
Chapter 4: Skin and Body Membranes 135
Classification of Body Membranes 135
Epithelial Membranes 136
Cutaneous Membrane 136
Mucous Membranes 136
Serous Membranes 136
Connective Tissue Membranes 136
The Integumentary System (Skin) 138
Functions of the Integumentary System 138
Structure of the Skin 139
Epidermis 140
Dermis 142
Skin Color 144
Appendages of the Skin 145
Cutaneous Glands 145
Hair and Hair Follicles 147
Nails 149
Homeostatic Imbalances of Skin 149
Infections and Allergies 149
Burns 150
Skin Cancer 152
Developmental Aspects of Skin and Body Membranes 153
Summary 156
Review Questions 157
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 158
A Closer Look: A Wrinkle Out of Time 143
Focus on Careers: Medical Transcriptionist 154
Systems in SYNC 155
Chapter 5: The Skeletal System 160
Bones: An Overview 160
Functions of the Bones 161
Classification of Bones 161
Structure of Bone 163
Gross Anatomy of a Long Bone 163
Microscopic Anatomy 163
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling 167
Bone Formation and Growth 167
Bone Remodeling 168
Bone Fractures 170
Axial Skeleton 172
Skull 172
Cranium 172
Facial Bones 177
The Hyoid Bone 178
Vertebral Column (Spine) 178
Cervical Vertebrae 180
Thoracic Vertebrae 182
Lumbar Vertebrae 182
Sacrum 182
Coccyx 182
Thoracic Cage 182
Sternum 183
Ribs 184
Appendicular Skeleton 184
Bones of the Shoulder Girdle 184
Bones of the Upper Limbs 184
Arm 184
Forearm 187
Hand 187
Bones of the Pelvic Girdle 188
Bones of the Lower Limbs 190
Thigh 190
Leg 191
Foot 191
Joints 192
Fibrous Joints 195
Cartilaginous Joints 195
Synovial Joints 195
Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape 196
Developmental Aspects of the Skeleton 199
Birth to Adulthood 199
Older Adults 201
Summary 203
Review Questions 204
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 206
Focus on Careers: Radiologic Technologist 169
A Closer Look: Joint Ventures 192
Systems in SYNC 202
Chapter 6: The Muscular System 207
Overview of Muscle Tissues 207
Muscle Types 207
Skeletal Muscle 209
Smooth Muscle 210
Cardiac Muscle 210
Muscle Functions 211
Produce Movement 211
Maintain Posture and Body Position 211
Stabilize Joints 211
Generate Heat 211
Additional Functions 211
Microscopic Anatomyof Skeletal Muscle 211
Skeletal Muscle Activity 213
Stimulation and Contraction of Single Skeletal Muscle Fibers 213
The Nerve Stimulus and the Action Potential 213
Mechanism of Muscle Contraction: The Sliding Filament Theory 216
Contraction of a Skeletal Muscle as a Whole 217
Graded Responses 217
Providing Energy for Muscle Contraction 219
Muscle Fatigue and Oxygen Deficit 220
Types of Muscle Contractions—Isotonic and Isometric 221
Muscle Tone 221
Effect of Exercise on Muscles 221
Muscle Movements, Roles, and Names 222
Types of Body Movements 222
Special Movements 226
Interactions of Skeletal Muscles in the Body 226
Naming Skeletal Muscles 228
Arrangement of Fascicles 228
Gross Anatomy of Skeletal Muscles 229
Head and Neck Muscles 229
Facial Muscles 229
Neck Muscles 230
Trunk Muscles 232
Anterior Muscles 232
Posterior Muscles 233
Muscles of the Upper Limb 235
Muscles Causing Movement at the Elbow Joint 235
Muscles of the Lower Limb 235
Muscles Causing Movement at the Hip Joint 236
Muscles Causing Movement at the Knee Joint 238
Muscles Causing Movement at the Ankle and Foot 238
Developmental Aspects of the Muscular System 244
Summary 245
Review Questions 248
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 249
A Closer Look: Anabolic Steroids: Dying to Win? 231
Systems in SYNC 246
Chapter 7: The Nervous System 251
Organization of the Nervous System 252
Structural Classification 253
Functional Classification 253
Nervous Tissue: Structure and Function 253
Supporting Cells 253
Neurons 255
Anatomy 255
Classification 258
Physiology: Nerve Impulses 260
Physiology: Reflexes 263
Central Nervous System 265
Functional Anatomy of the Brain 265
Cerebral Hemispheres 265
Diencephalon 270
Brain Stem 271
Cerebellum 272
Protection of the Central Nervous System 273
Meninges 273
Cerebrospinal Fluid 273
The Blood-Brain Barrier 276
Brain Dysfunctions 277
Spinal Cord 278
Gray Matter of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Roots 279
White Matter of the Spinal Cord 280
Peripheral Nervous System 281
Structure of a Nerve 281
Cranial Nerves 283
Spinal Nerves and Nerve Plexuses 283
Autonomic Nervous System 290
Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems Compared 290
Anatomy of the Parasympathetic Division 292
Anatomy of the Sympathetic Division 292
Autonomic Functioning 292
Developmental Aspects of the Nervous System 295
Summary 299
Review Questions 301
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 303
A Closer Look: The “Terrible Three” 278
A Closer Look: Tracking Down CNS Problems 296
Systems in SYNC 298
Chapter 8: Special Senses 304
Part I: The Eye and Vision 305
Anatomy of the Eye 305
External and Accessory Structures 305
Internal Structures: The Eyeball 307
Layers Forming the Wall of the Eyeball 307
Lens 312
Physiology of Vision 313
Pathway of Light through the Eye and Light Refraction 313
Visual Fields and Visual Pathways to the Brain 314
Eye Reflexes 316
Part II: The Ear: Hearing and Balance 316
Anatomy of the Ear 317
External (Outer) Ear 317
Middle Ear 318
Internal (Inner) Ear 318
Equilibrium 318
Static Equilibrium 319
Dynamic Equilibrium 319
Hearing 322
Hearing and Equilibrium Deficits 323
Part III: Chemical Senses: Smell and Taste 324
Olfactory Receptors and the Sense of Smell 324
Taste Buds and the Sense of Taste 326
Part IV: Developmental Aspects of the Special Senses 327
Summary 329
Review Questions 331
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 332
A Closer Look: Visual Pigments—The Actual Photoreceptors 311
A Closer Look: Bringing Things into Focus 315
Focus on Careers: Physical Therapy Assistant 321
Chapter 9: The Endocrine System 334
The Endocrine Systemand Hormone Function—An Overview 335
The Chemistry of Hormones 335
Hormone Action 335
Direct Gene Activation 335
Second-Messenger System 336
Stimuli for Control of Hormone Release 337
Hormonal Stimuli 337
Humoral Stimuli 338
Neural Stimuli 338
The Major Endocrine Organs 338
Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus 339
Pituitary-Hypothalamus Relationships 339
Pineal Gland 343
Thyroid Gland 343
Parathyroid Glands 345
Thymus 346
Adrenal Glands 346
Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex 347
Hormones of the Adrenal Medulla 349
Pancreatic Islets 349
Gonads 353
Hormones of the Ovaries 353
Hormones of the Testes 353
Other Hormone-Producing Tissues and Organs 353
Developmental Aspects of the Endocrine System 357
Summary 359
Review Questions 361
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 362
A Closer Look: Potential Uses for Growth Hormone 342
Systems in SYNC 358
Chapter 10: Blood 363
Composition and Functions of Blood 363
Components 364
Physical Characteristics and Volume 364
Plasma 364
Formed Elements 366
Erythrocytes 366
Leukocytes 368
Platelets 369
Hematopoiesis (Blood Cell Formation) 371
Formation of Red Blood Cells 371
Formation of White Blood Cells and Platelets 372
Hemostasis 373
Phases of Hemostasis 373
Disorders of Hemostasis 374
Blood Groups and Transfusions 375
Human Blood Groups 375
Blood Typing 378
Developmental Aspects of Blood 378
Summary 379
Review Questions 380
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 381
Focus on Careers: Phlebotomy Technician 376
Chapter 11: The Cardiovascular System 382
The Heart 383
Anatomy of the Heart 383
Size, Location, and Orientation 383
Coverings and Walls of the Heart 383
Chambers and Associated Great Vessels 384
Heart Valves 387
Cardiac Circulation 389
Physiology of the Heart 390
Intrinsic Conduction System of the Heart: Setting the Basic Rhythm 390
Cardiac Cycle and Heart Sounds 391
Cardiac Output 393
Blood Vessels 396
Microscopic Anatomy of Blood Vessels 396
Tunics 396
Structural Differences in Arteries, Veins, and Capillaries 397
Gross Anatomy of Blood Vessels 399
Major Arteries of the Systemic Circulation 399
Major Veins of the Systemic Circulation 400
Special Circulations 402
Physiology of Circulation 406
Arterial Pulse 406
Blood Pressure 407
Capillary Exchange of Gases and Nutrients 412
Fluid Movements at Capillary Beds 414
Developmental Aspects of the Cardiovascular System 415
Summary 418
Review Questions 420
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 422
A Closer Look: Electrocardiography: (Don’t) Be Still My Heart 393
A Closer Look: Atherosclerosis? Get Out the Cardiovascular Drāno! 412
Systems in SYNC 417
Chapter 12: The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses 424
Part I: The Lymphatic System 424
Lymphatic Vessels 425
Lymph Nodes 426
Other Lymphoid Organs 428
Part II: Body Defenses 429
Innate Body Defenses 430
Surface Membrane Barriers 430
Internal Defenses: Cells and Chemicals 432
Natural Killer Cells 432
Inflammatory Response 432
Phagocytes 435
Antimicrobial Proteins 435
Fever 436
Adaptive Body Defenses 436
Antigens 438
Cells of the Adaptive Defense System: An Overview 438
Lymphocytes 438
Antigen-Presenting Cells 440
Humoral (Antibody-Mediated) Immune Response 441
Active and Passive Humoral Immunity 442
Antibodies 443
Cellular (Cell-Mediated)Immune Response 446
Organ Transplants and Rejection 448
Disorders of Immunity 451
Part III: Developmental Aspects of the Lymphatic System and Body Defenses 455
Summary 457
Review Questions 459
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 461
A Closer Look: AIDS: An Ongoing Pandemic 454
Systems in SYNC 456
Chapter 13: The Respiratory System 462
Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory System 462
The Nose 463
The Pharynx 464
The Larynx 465
The Trachea 466
The Main Bronchi 466
The Lungs 467
The Bronchial Tree 469
Respiratory Zone Structures and the Respiratory Membrane 469
Respiratory Physiology 471
Mechanics of Breathing 471
Inspiration 471
Expiration 473
Respiratory Volumes and Capacities 474
Nonrespiratory Air Movements 475
Respiratory Sounds 475
External Respiration, Gas Transport, and Internal Respiration 475
External Respiration 476
Gas Transport in the Blood 476
Internal Respiration 477
Control of Respiration 478
Neural Regulation: Setting the Basic Rhythm 478
Nonneural Factors Influencing Respiratory Rate and Depth 479
Respiratory Disorders 480
Developmental Aspects of the Respiratory System 483
Summary 485
Review Questions 487
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 488
A Closer Look: Too Clean for Our Own Good? 482
Systems in SYNC 484
Chapter 14: The Digestive System and Body Metabolism 489
Part I: Anatomy and Physiology of the Digestive System 489
Anatomy of the Digestive System 489
Organs of the Alimentary Canal 490
Mouth 491
Pharynx 492
Esophagus 492
Stomach 493
Small Intestine 496
Large Intestine 498
Accessory Digestive Organs 500
Teeth 500
Salivary Glands 501
Pancreas 501
Liver and Gallbladder 502
Functions of the Digestive System 502
Overview of Gastrointestinal Processes and Controls 503
Activities Occurring in the Mouth, Pharynx, and Esophagus 506
Food Ingestion and Breakdown 506
Food Propulsion— Swallowing and Peristalsis 506
Activities of the Stomach 507
Food Breakdown 507
Food Propulsion 508
Activities of the Small Intestine 509
Chyme Breakdown and Absorption 509
Chyme Propulsion 511
Activities of the Large Intestine 511
Nutrient Breakdown and Absorption 511
Propulsion of Food Residue and Defecation 511
Part II: Nutrition and Metabolism 513
Nutrition 513
Dietary Recommendations 513
Dietary Sources of the Major Nutrients 514
Carbohydrates 514
Lipids 515
Proteins 515
Vitamins 515
Minerals 516
Metabolism 516
Carbohydrate, Fat, and Protein Metabolism in Body Cells 516
Carbohydrate Metabolism 516
Fat Metabolism 518
Protein Metabolism 520
The Central Role of the Liver in Metabolism 520
General Metabolic Functions 521
Cholesterol Metabolism and Transport 521
Body Energy Balance 523
Regulation of Food Intake 523
Metabolic Rate and Body Heat Production 523
Body Temperature Regulation 525
Part III: Developmental Aspects of the Digestive System and Metabolism 527
Summary 532
Review Questions 534
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 536
A Closer Look: Peptic Ulcers: “Something is Eating at Me” 512
A Closer Look: Obesity: Magical Solution Wanted 529
Systems in SYNC 531
Chapter 15: The Urinary System 537
Kidneys 538
Location and Structure 538
Kidney Structure 539
Blood Supply 539
Nephrons 539
Urine Formation and Characteristics 542
Glomerular Filtration 542
Tubular Reabsorption 543
Tubular Secretion 544
Nitrogenous Wastes 544
Characteristics of Urine 545
Ureters, Urinary Bladder, and Urethra 546
Ureters 546
Urinary Bladder 547
Urethra 548
Micturition 548
Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance 550
Maintaining Water Balance of Blood 550
Body Fluids and Fluid Compartments 550
The Link between Water and Electrolytes 551
Regulation of Water Intake and Output 551
Maintaining Electrolyte Balance 553
Maintaining Acid-Base Balance of Blood 555
Blood Buffers 555
Respiratory Mechanisms 556
Renal Mechanisms 557
Developmental Aspects of the Urinary System 557
Summary 561
Review Questions 562
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 563
A Closer Look: Renal Failure and the Artificial Kidney 549
Focus on Careers: Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) 558
Systems in SYNC 560
Chapter 16: The Reproductive System 564
Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System 565
Testes 565
Duct System 565
Epididymis 565
Ductus Deferens 566
Urethra 567
Accessory Glands and Semen 567
Seminal Vesicles 567
Prostate 567
Bulbourethral Glands 568
Semen 568
External Genitalia 568
Male Reproductive Functions 569
Spermatogenesis 569
Testosterone Production 571
Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System 573
Ovaries 573
Duct System 573
Uterine Tubes 573
Uterus 574
Vagina 576
External Genitalia and Female Perineum 576
Female Reproductive Functions and Cycles 577
Oogenesis and the Ovarian Cycle 577
Hormone Production by the Ovaries 579
Uterine (Menstrual) Cycle 580
Mammary Glands 580
Pregnancy and Embryonic Development 583
Accomplishing Fertilization 584
Events of Embryonic and Fetal Development 585
Effects of Pregnancy on the Mother 589
Anatomical Changes 589
Physiological Changes 590
Childbirth 591
Initiation of Labor 591
Stages of Labor 591
Developmental Aspects of the Reproductive System 593
Summary 598
Review Questions 600
Critical Thinking and Clinical Application Questions 602
A Closer Look: Contraception: Preventing Pregnancy 594
Systems in SYNC 597
Appendixes 603
Appendix A: Answers to Did You Get It? Questions and Multiple Choice Review Questions 603
Appendix B: Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes 610
Appendix C: Periodic Table of the Elements 612
Appendix D: Key Information about Vitamins and Many Essential Minerals 613
Glossary 617
Credits 630
Subject Index 631