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Gender Diversity and Non-Binary Inclusion in the Workplace

Gender Diversity and Non-Binary Inclusion in the Workplace

Sarah Gibson | J. Fernandez


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Book Details


Helping to create inclusive work environments for non-binary people, this book builds knowledge of non-binary identities and provides practical solutions to many of the basic workplace problems this group face.

Working with and including non-binary people in the workplace is beneficial for both employer and employee, as it attracts and retains younger and non-binary workers by helping promote an inclusive brand, as well as satisfying equality obligations.

Based on novel research of non-binary inclusion within businesses, it provides a basic overview of non-binary people, a business case for inclusion, a brief description of how non-binary people fit into current equality laws and likely future developments in the area. An ideal introduction for companies wishing to embrace all genders in the workplace.

J Fernandez founded Beyond the Binary, a magazine for UK non-binary people and has worked within the LGBT community for various organisations.

Sarah Gibson has over 6 years experience in creating and delivering training on trans and non-binary people to organisations of all scales. They have worked with a wide range of charities from local ones to the national leaders and their work is referenced by the UK government and internationally.

This book offers unique and much needed insight into non binary issues. In a world where non binary people and their issues are widely misunderstood and misrepresented, this book is an essential part of our fight for social and legal recognition. It offers vital insight into specific topics and will be useful for just about anyone - from allies, to non binary people, to employers. A much needed book that will be a great tool in paving the way forward.
Fox Fisher, Artist, film-maker & campaigner
A comprehensive book that will give anyone seeking to understand and include people with non-binary identities a thorough grounding in the key issues and relevant, practical advice on implementation.
Simon Croft, Gendered Intelligence

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Gender Diversity and Non-Binary Inclusion in the Workplace: The Essential Guide for Employers by Sarah Gibson and J. Fernandez 3
Chapter 1: Non-Binary Inclusion 9
Diversity strategy 11
Chapter 2: An Introduction to Non-Binary People 15
Who are non-binary people? 15
Are non-binary people transgender and do they transition? 19
Common non-binary genders 20
Cultural-specific genders 26
Pronouns and titles 28
How many non-binary people are there? 34
Chapter 3: Key Issues 37
Barriers to healthcare 37
Daily life 40
Names and titles 45
Hate crime 47
Chapter 4: UK Law Background 55
Equality Act 2010 56
Data Protection Act 1998 60
Gender Recognition Act 2004 61
Why is non-binary recognition important? 65
Other countries 68
Future developments 70
Chapter 5: Why Include Non‑Binary People? 73
Recruitment and retention 74
Reducing exclusionary incidents 76
Brand building 78
Inclusive environments are good for companies’ output 79
Legal responsibilities 81
Social responsibilities 82
Chapter 6: Practical Steps for Inclusion 85
What is important? 86
Gender-neutral bathrooms 87
Gender-neutral changing rooms 92
Records 93
Staff networks 95
Using gender-neutral language 97
Inclusion policies 99
Single-gender services 100
Dress codes 102
Time off for medical treatment 104
Pronouns 106
Disclosure and Barring Service checks 109
Pensions 110
Genuine occupational requirements 111
Training 113
Informing co-workers 114
Chapter 7: Closing Remarks 117
Glossary 121
References 127
Index 131
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