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Helping Your Transgender Teen, 2nd Edition

Helping Your Transgender Teen, 2nd Edition

Irwin Krieger


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Book Details


Going through puberty and adolescence presents unwelcome changes for many transgender youth, and this book provides advice to parents of transgender teens to help them understand what their child is experiencing and feeling during this challenging time.

Addressing common fears and concerns that parents of transgender teens share, the book guides them through steps they can take with their child, including advice on hormones and surgery and how to transition socially. It addresses the recent increase in teens presenting with non-binary identities, and reflects major legal, social and medical developments regarding transgender issues. The author's insights are gained from his professional experience of providing psychotherapy regarding gender identity. He provides resources and further reading to help parents expand their knowledge.

Although aimed predominantly at parents, this book is useful for anyone working with teenagers and young adults as it provides many answers to common questions about adolescent gender identity.

An excellent and much needed resource for parents of transgender, non-binary, or gender questioning teens. With compassion and encouragement, Krieger provides a pathway for parents who are navigating this journey.
Janna Barkin, Author of He’s Always Been My Son
Irwin Krieger is a clinical social worker who has worked extensively with transgender teens, adults, and families. Irwin provides training and consultation for mental health and health care professionals, as well as school personnel. He is the 2017 recipient of the National Association of Social Workers Connecticut Chapter's Lifetime Achievement Award.
Sensible and straight forward, yet also sensitive to parents' own potential struggles adjusting to their new understanding of their child. It's an excellent resource at a time when such clear and comprehensive materials are desperately needed.
Kelly Huegel Madrone, Author of GLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Teens
Irwin Krieger has given parents the gift of a brilliant, empathic roadmap in their journey with their transgender teen. He stretches our horizons to bring into focus not just youth who tell us "I'm the opposite gender" but non-binary youth who identify as neither male nor female, but both or all. Elegant, streamlined and robust, a must read for anyone raising or promoting the gender health of a transgender teen.
Diane Ehrensaft, PH.D., Author of The Gender Creative Child and Director of Child and Adolescent Gender Center, University of California San Francisco

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Helping Your Transgender Teen, 2nd Edition: A Guide for Parents, by Irwin Krieger 2
Preface to the \nSecond Edition 13
nIntroduction 17
1 The Language of Gender Identity 19
2 Gender \nNonconforming Kids 23
3 Sexuality \nand Gender 27
4 Puberty and \nAdolescence 33
5 Balancing Authenticity and Safety 41
6 Nurturing Your Transgender Teen 51
7 Taking \nSteps 59
8 Medical \nTransition 73
nConclusion 81
Appendix 1 - Resources for Parents of Transgender Teens 83
Appendix 2 - Glossary\n 101
Index 107
About the author 111