The Role of Religion in Peacebuilding
Pauline Kollontai | Sue Yore | Sebastian Kim | Kjetil Fretheim | Pan-Chui Lai | Cosimo Zene | Kevin P. Considine | Christopher Collingwood | Daeseung Son | Margaret R. Pfeil | Sangduk Kim | Jamal Khader | Mary Grey | David Emmanuel Singh | Agustinus Sutiono | Michael John Tilley | Lasma Latsone | Gboyega Michael Tokunbo | Linden Bicket | Jenifer M. Baker | Dan Cohn-Sherbok
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Book Details
The question 'who is my neighbour?' challenges the way we see ourselves as well as the way we see others. Especially in situations where we feel conflicted between our own self-identity and common identity within a wider society.
Historically, religion has contributed to this inner conflict by creating 'us versus them' mentalities. Challenging this traditional view, this volume examines how religions and religious communities can use their resources, methodology and praxis to encourage peace-making.
The book is divided into two parts - the first includes sources, theories and methodologies of crossing boundaries of prejudice and distrust from the perspectives of theology and religious studies. The second includes case studies of theory and practice to challenge prejudice and distrust in a conflict or post-conflict situation. The chapters are written by scholars, religious leaders and faith-motivated peace practitioners from various global contexts to create a diverse academic study of religious peace-building.
What can one say about this anthology? The genre is always liable to produce an academic pick'n'mix. The Role of Religion in Peacebuilding is anything but! It is driven by a powerful purpose; it weaves its way in and between diverse cultures, contexts and faiths. Its strength is its honesty and incisive awareness of religion's ambivalent role - and it is an excellent read!
Clive Pearson, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Public Theology
By combining case studies with fresh insights on prejudice and reconciliation, this book provides highly important material for both scholars in the field of conflict-theory, practitioners involved in processes of peace-building as well as for students of religion and social sciences.
Lucien van Liere, Utrecht University, Netherlands
The editors have assembled a stunning range of case studies and theological investigations that correspond honestly to the complexity of religious relationships to peace and violence.
Michael Minch, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Peace and Justice Studies, Utah Valley University, USA
The Centre for Religion in Society at York St John University has an impressive record of scholarly engagement with the challenges of peacemaking in the contemporary world. This latest volume brings rich and stimulating new insight into the ways religion can contribute to peace and reconciliation in contexts of tension and conflict.
Murray Rae, University of Otago, NZ
Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Acknowledgements | 8 | ||
Introduction by Pauline C.H. Kollontai, Sue Yore, Sebastian Kim | 9 | ||
Part 1. Crossing Boundaries: Religious Sources, Theories and Methods | 19 | ||
1. Learning to Listen: Stereotypes and Prejudice in Public Theology by Kjetil Fretheim, Department for Religion and Society, MF Norwegian School of Theology in Oslo | 20 | ||
2. Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Peacebuilding: A Sino-Christian Perspective by Pan-Chui Lai, Faculty of Arts, Chinese University of Hong Kong | 35 | ||
3. Gift and Givenness as Dialogue and Reconciliation by Cosimo Zene, Religions and Philosophies Department, SOAS, University of London | 52 | ||
4. Bandaged Hand in Hand: Crossing Boundaries of Prejudice and Distrust through an Analogy of the Wound by Kevin Considine, Calumet College of St. Joseph in Whiting, Indiana | 85 | ||
5. ‘No peace among the nations without peace among the religions’: How the Experience of Christian–Buddhist Dialogue Could Help to Build Peace among Religions and Nations by Christopher Collingwood, Canon Chancellor of York Minster | 98 | ||
6. Recognizing Others as an Imago Dei is a Theology of Welcoming in Action by Daeseung Son, Claremont School of Theology, California | 118 | ||
7. Approaching Racialized \nViolence through the \nLens of Restorative Justice by Margaret R. Pfeil, Theology Department and Center for Social Concerns at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana | 133 | ||
8. Social Forgiveness: Rethinking Christian Theology of Forgiveness through the Case of Two Men’s Story by Sangduck Kim, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh | 153 | ||
9. Cultural and Spiritual Faces of Trust in the Light of Intercultural Relationships by Faculty of Education and Social Work, Liepaja University, Latvia Lasma Latsone, | 169 | ||
10. Utopian Visions of Harmonious Existence in Ursula K. Le Guin’s Left Hand of Darkness by Sue Yore, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, York St John University | 183 | ||
11. Group Exploration of \n‘Who Is My Neighbour?’ Using Diverse Visual Images by Jenifer M. Baker, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, York St John University | 208 | ||
Part 2. The Praxis of Crossing Boundaries in Context | 225 | ||
12. Religions at the Service of Peace? The Case of Palestine/Israel by Jamal Khader, Latin Patriarchate Seminary, Beit Jala | 226 | ||
13. The Balfour Declaration and the Future of Israel/Palestine by Dan Cohn-Sherbok and Mary Grey, Professors emeriti, University of Wales | 243 | ||
14. Biblical Jewish Values on Care of the Stranger and Neighbour: Israel and the Bedouin of the Negev by Pauline C.H. Kollontai, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, York St John University | 260 | ||
15. Peace through Public Performance: A Case of the Afro-Indians of the African Cavalry Guards, Hyderabad, India by David Emmanuel Singh, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies | 286 | ||
16. United Korea or Christian South? The Role of Christianity in the Division of the Peninsula, 1945–1948 by Sebastian Kim, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA | 303 | ||
17. Crossing the Boundaries of Prejudice and Distrust: A case study on the Wong Pinter, the Javanese shaman by Agustinus Sutiono, Catholic University of Widya Sasana of Malang, East Java | 321 | ||
18. ‘You Are Like a Tiger, Compelling in Your Beauty, Yet Terrifying in Your Strength’: Sri Lankan Hindus and Divergent Approaches to Confronting Contemporary Interethnic Boundaries by Michael John Tilley, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, York St John University | 344 | ||
19. The Role of Religious Institutions in the Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Jos, Nigeria by Gboyega Michael Tokunbo, Youngcare Initiative | 364 | ||
20. ‘Football Colours Allowed’: Sectarianism and Contemporary Scottish Theatre by Linden Bicket, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh | 381 | ||
Contributors | 401 | ||
Subject Index | 407 | ||
Author Index | 412 | ||
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