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The Forgotten Mourners

The Forgotten Mourners

Margaret Pennells | Sue Smith


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Book Details


Children have long been the "forgotten mourners". This new and revised edition expands on the original book by Sister Margaret Pennells and Susan Smith. It raises awareness of the sensitive issues involved for bereaved children, highlighting their needs and their emotional and behavioural responses when a bereavement occurs. The book includes two new chapters, on traumatic bereavement and secondary losses in bereavement, and it provides more information on each topic. Children's reactions to bereavement and their behaviours are described in more detail, and the consequences of failing to acknowledge children's grief and ways to tackle the subject of death are outlined.

The Forgotten Mourners: Second Edition maintains the simple, accessible approach of the original book and will be of use to teachers, social workers and all those working in the field of child bereavement, particularly when faced with difficult situations.

Susan C. Smith is currently the children's counsellor for the Rugby Violence Support Service and is also a freelance trainer for those working with childhood grief. Previously, she was the co-ordinator for Cruse Bereavement Care in Birmingham. She has worked for Northamptonshire Social Services Department where for seven years she and Sister Margaret Pennells developed bereavement groups for children

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover cover
The Forgotten Mourners, Second Edition 4
Contents 5
Acknowledgement 6
Introduction 9
1 How Children Grieve 12
2 Traumatic Bereavement 25
3 Secondary Losses in Bereavement 36
4 What Do Children Need? 49
5 What Can Adults Do? 60
6 What Can Schools and Teachers Do? 70
7 What Can Social Workers Do? 81
8 Working with Bereaved Children 88
9 Guidelines for Effective Coping 97
References 103
Resources 105
Index 111