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Home Educating Our Autistic Spectrum Children

Home Educating Our Autistic Spectrum Children

Kitt Cowlishaw | Rachel Cohen | Terri Dowty | Lise Pyles


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Mainstream educational provision for children on the autistic spectrum can be inadequate or inappropriate, and an increasing number of parents dissatisfied with the education system are looking elsewhere for an approach that will suit their children's needs. In this book parents who have chosen the home education option for their children on the autistic spectrum candidly relate their experiences: how they reached the decision to educate at home, how they set about the task, and their feelings about the issues raised by their actions.

Alongside these personal accounts, Home Educating Our Autistic Spectrum Children includes a supplementary chapter on getting started with home education, written by a former advisory teacher for special needs, which offers a wealth of helpful tips and answers frequently voiced questions about teaching materials, curricula and socialisation. A separate chapter on home education and the law provides solid practical advice on legal rights and relations with the education authority.

This sympathetic, readable book aims to give parents whose children are not receiving appropriate support at school the confidence to consider home education as a realistic option. The balance between true stories and practical advice ensures that this invaluable book will inspire and inform.

This is an inspiring and often very moving book which I would recommend to all parents as it covers many core issues about education, parenting and psychology.
Home Education Advisory Service
If you are embarking on the home Education journey, or even thinking about it, we can recommend this book wholeheartedly.
The diversity of accounts is refreshing, with a wide range of viewpoints and home-educating approaches. There is thought-provoking debate, throughout several chapters, on the advantages and disadvantages of 'labelling' children, and a refreshing account with a twist at the end by 'Mark's Mum' in the chapter entitled Liberated by the Label. More of the issues discussed are not exclusive to autistic spectrum children, and the book deserves much wider readership. Education professionals at all levels would do well to read this book. I would recommend this book to anyone thinking about, or working with, autistic spectrum children whether or not they plan to home-educate.
Education Now

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Home educating our autistic spectrum children: Paths are made by walking 3
Contents 5
Acknowledgments 8
Editor’s note 8
1 Introduction 9
2 So, what’s the problem with school? 15
3 Square pegs don’t fit round holes (Robert’s story) 28
4 Home truths (Stephen’s story) 42
5 Is this normal? (Kevin’s story) 69
6 But will he ever speak to me? (Greg’s story) 88
7 In the real world, it’s OK to be different (Alex’s story) 106
8 An inspiration to us all (Matthew’s story) 123
9 Once a homeschooler, always a homeschooler (John’s story) 136
10 Being himself (Tristan’s story) 148
11 The difficult child (Alexandra’s story) 164
12 Three springs for a summer (David’s story) 186
13 Liberated by the label (Mark’s story) 204
14 Living without the label 216
15 I’ve decided to home educate—what do I do next? 227
16 An outline of the law and practice of home-based education 242
17 Finding support and information 282
The Contributors 295
Book list 298