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Contentious Issues

Contentious Issues

Marianna Csoti


Additional Information


Challenging prejudice, stereotyping and judgemental behaviour, this book consists of forty discussion stories which reflect society and the problems young people face today. Aimed at promoting discussion and awareness, the author challenges young people to consider events and the part they themselves play in life, thus producing more responsible and independently thinking young adults. In particular, children with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism often have difficulty in coming to grips with social situations, so that the stories in this volume should be especially useful for those working with such children.

The stories are primarily intended for group work (although can be used on a one to one basis) and, since young people take more notice of what their peers have to say than adults, it provides an excellent forum for a multitude of opinions to be aired. No previous experience or knowledge of the topics is necessary and the book contains comprehensive guidance for professionals and parents. It is ideal for use in therapy sessions, schools, youth groups, and by parents.

This book consists of 40 discussion stories for young people to help them challenge prejudice, stereotyping and judgemental behaviour. The index of subjects goes from Abortion through Depression and Panic Attacks to Video-nasties.
The Teacher Trainer

One of the greatest problems parents or those that work with youngsters face is the ability to contend with societal and moral issues without appearing to lecture. Marianna Csoti's, Contentious Issues offers a sturdy platform from which to begin. The book cleverly introduces fictional but true-to-life events that deal with topics such as ethnicity, racism, sexism and stereotypes.

Marianna Costi's book is effective. It is effective because it doesn't judge and we can reach a young adult without criticism and without imposing our views. Too often we dictate, too often we decide the viewpoints for our children and too often we force morality on them without explaining why. Again, this book is effective. Why? Because it gives young adults the greatest gift of all - it allows them their own point of view.

Marianna Cs¢ti taught in the London Borough of Brent before becoming a houseparent at an international sixth form college located in Glamorgan where she is responsible for the pastoral care of students aged 16-20. She is the author of Social Awareness Skills for Children and People Skills for Young Adults, published by Jessica Kingsley, and Assertiveness for Young Adults.
The stories are short and cover many relevant topics for young people, and the leader sheets do provide a good guide to the discussion and, in some cases, provide the leader with helpful facts; for example, the physical effects of solvent abuse. One of the strengths from a practitioner's point of view is the practical nature of the book and the wide range of issues that it tackles. It provides helpful information for the leader should questions in need of a factual answer arise, and also considers the many responses that young people bring to a discussion.
Educational Psychology in Practice
This book is culturally sensitive and morally unprejudiced. It will be an invaluable resource for teachers, group leaders and parents, and will help young people to approach problems and consider options more thoughtfully and to seek help in the right places.
Community Care

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contentious Issues:\rDiscussion Stories for Young People 3
Contents 5
Section 1 13
Introduction 15
Summary of contents 15
Story\r1: Joshua’s Birthday Present 16
Discussion Sheet 1: Joshua’s Birthday Present 17
Leader Sheet 1: Joshua’s Birthday Present 19
Story\r2: Not So Sweet Revenge 21
Discussion Sheet 2: Not So Sweet Revenge 22
Leader Sheet 2: Not So Sweet Revenge 24
Story\r3: Goodbye Shaun 27
Discussion Sheet 3: Goodbye Shaun 28
Leader Sheet 3: Goodbye Shaun 30
Story\r4: Extortion! 35
Discussion Sheet 4: Extortion! 36
Leader Sheet 4: Extortion! 38
Story\r5: ’Atch Out!! 41
Discussion Sheet 5: ’Atch Out!! 42
Leader Sheet 5: ’Atch Out!! 44
Story\r6: Science Test! 48
Discussion Sheet 6: Science Test! 49
Leader Sheet 6: Science Test! 51
Story\r7: Hoi Ping Is Unhappy 54
Discussion Sheet 7: Hoi Ping Is Unhappy 55
Leader Sheet 7: Hoi Ping Is Unhappy 57
Story\r8: It Happened One Day 60
Discussion Sheet 8: It Happened One Day 62
Leader Sheet 8: It Happened One Day 64
Story\r9: Preeti’s Lost Bracelet 68
Discussion Sheet 9: Preeti’s Lost Bracelet 69
Leader Sheet 9: Preeti’s Lost Bracelet 71
Story\r10: Just One Last Game 74
Discussion Sheet 10: Just One Last Game 75
Leader Sheet 10: Just One Last Game 77
Story\r11: A Better Class of People 81
Discussion Sheet 11: A Better Class of People 82
Leader Sheet 11: A Better Class of People 84
Story\r12: Slag! 92
Discussion Sheet 12: Slag! 94
Leader Sheet 12: Slag! 95
Section 2 101
Introduction 103
Summary of Contents 103
Story\r13: We Were Only Playing 104
Discussion Sheet 13:We Were Only Playing 105
Leader Sheet 13: We Were Only Playing 107
Story\r14: Chicken! 114
Discussion Sheet 14: Chicken! 115
Leader Sheet 14: Chicken! 117
Story\r15: Honesty Policy 120
Discussion Sheet 15: Honesty Policy 122
Leader Sheet 15: Honesty Policy 124
Story\r16: Painful Puberty 129
Discussion Sheet 16: Painful Puberty 130
Leader Sheet 16: Painful Puberty 132
Story\r17: Nightmare 136
Discussion Sheet 17: Nightmare 137
Leader Sheet 17: Nightmare 139
Story\r18: I Fell Down the Stairs 143
Discussion Sheet 18: I Fell Down the Stairs 144
Leader Sheet 18: I Fell Down the Stairs 146
Story\r19: I Don’t Remember 151
Discussion Sheet 19: I Don’t Remember 152
Leader Sheet 19: I Don’t Remember 154
Story\r20: Joyrider 159
Discussion Sheet 20: Joyrider 160
Leader Sheet 20: Joyrider 162
Story\r21: I Never Have Any Nice Clothes 165
Discussion Sheet 21: I Never Have Any Nice\rClothes 166
Leader Sheet 21: I Never Have Any Nice Clothes 168
Story\r22: Shoplifter 173
Discussion Sheet 22: Shoplifter 174
Leader Sheet 22: Shoplifter 176
Story\r23: My Mum’s NotWell 180
Discussion Sheet 23: My Mum’s Not Well 181
Leader Sheet 23: My Mum’s Not Well 183
Story\r24: I’m a Person Too 187
Discussion Sheet 24: I’m a Person Too 189
Leader Sheet 24: I’m a Person Too 191
Section 3 195
Introduction 197
Summary of Contents 197
Story\r25: No Thanks, I’m Not Hungry 198
Discussion Sheet 25: No Thanks,\rI’m Not Hungry 200
Leader Sheet 25: No Thanks, I’m Not Hungry 201
Story\r26: I’m So Tired 207
Discussion Sheet 26: I’m So Tired 208
Leader Sheet 26: I’m So Tired 210
Story\r27: Hands Off! 215
Discussion Sheet 27: Hands Off! 216
Leader Sheet 27: Hands Off ! 218
Story\r28: HeWas My Boyfriend! 224
Discussion Sheet 28: He Was My Boyfriend! 225
Leader Sheet 28: He Was My Boyfriend! 227
Story\r29: SIDA 231
Discussion Sheet 29: SIDA 232
Leader Sheet 29: SIDA 234
Story\r30: 2052 AD 239
Discussion Sheet 30: 2052 AD 240
Leader Sheet 30: 2052 AD 242
Story\r31: The Party 247
Discussion Sheet 31: The Party 248
Leader Sheet 31: The Party 250
Story\r32: Tina’s Decision 258
Discussion Sheet 32: Tina’s Decision 259
Leader Sheet 32: Tina’s Decision 261
Story\r33: No!! 266
Discussion Sheet 33: No!! 267
Leader Sheet 33: No!! 269
Story\r34: TO LEAD BAGGY? 274
Discussion Sheet 34: TO LEAD BAGGY? 275
Leader Sheet 34: TO LEAD BAGGY? 277
Story\r35: Perspective 280
Discussion Sheet 35: Perspective 281
Leader Sheet 35: Perspective 283
Section 4 289
Introduction 291
Summary of Contents 291
Story\r36: Next Time? 292
Discussion Sheet 36: Next Time? 293
Leader Sheet 36: Next Time? 295
Exercise: Bereavement\r 299
Leader Sheet: Exercise on Bereavement 301
Story\r37: Escape! 305
Discussion Sheet 37: Escape! 306
Leader Sheet 37: Escape! 308
Exercise: Decision-making - Ending a Relationship\r 314
Penny's Relationship Chart\r 316
Leader Sheet: Suggested Scoring\rfor Penny’s Relationship Chart 317
Leader Sheet: Exercise on\rDecision-Making – Ending a Relationship 318
Story\r38: Marriage 321
Discussion Sheet 38: Marriage 322
Leader Sheet 38: Marriage 324
Story\r39: Trudy’s Baby 330
Discussion Sheet 39: Trudy’s Baby 334
Leader Sheet 39: Trudy’s Baby 336
Story\r40: The Last Straw 341
Discussion Sheet 40: The Last Straw 343
Leader Sheet 40: The Last Straw 345