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Beyond Madness

Beyond Madness

Stella Pierides-Muller | Stanley Schneider | Margaret Fagan | George Mak-Pearce | Joseph Berke


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A major question facing therapists today is how to treat psychosis effectively while maintaining patients' dignity, self-respect and their psychological and social functioning. This book provides important and engaging accounts of the special personal and interpersonal care offered by the Arbours Crisis Centre and kindred facilities.
`This is the seventh volume in the therapeutic communities series and a highly informative and reassuring read for anyone interested in psychodynamic applications, or working with individuals with a mental illness.'
Therapeutic Communities Journal
`Having no first hand experience of working with mental illness from a psychodynamic perspective, I hoped that this book would provide me with an insight in to the therapeutics of mental illness within a community. The book certainly accomplished this and more. In keeping with the `community spirit' I also feel this book would be of interest to those already in the field, both nationally and internationally, as a means of sharing other therapy experiences.'
Therapeutic Communities Journal
`The book is basically an account of the Arbours Crisis Centre in London in the words of therapists who have lived and worked there. Part of the therapeutic community movement and the antipsychiatry tradition of RD Laing, the centre has long provided an alternative approach to mental health care. Of course the book goes beyond simply documenting the development of the centre to offer a an implicit critique of mainstream psychiatric treatment and an argument `for a humane, useful and cost-effective alternative to traditional, physical, psychiatric treatments'.'
Mental Health Today

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Beyond Madness: PsychoSocial Interventions in Psychosis 3
Contents 5
Foreword 9
Contributors 13
General Introduction 17
Section One: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives 25
Introduction 27
1 Working with the Dread of the Future 29
2 Beyond Medication 38
3 A Spin in the Toyota 51
4 The Power of the Play 66
Section Two: Methodology 81
Introduction 83
5 Conjoint Therapy 86
6 The Wednesday Meeting 99
7 Supervision in Team Work 110
8 Containing Anxiety: A Resident Therapist’s Experience 120
9 The Damaged Body: Working with Self-Harm 135
10 State of the Art 147
Section Three: Narratives 157
Introduction 159
11 Survival or Revival? 163
12 A Fine Balance: Between Hope and Despair 178
13 Psychotic Interventions 188
14 Stepping on the Cracks 202
15 Doors at the Crisis Centre, Doors in the Mind 217
16 Then and Now 229
Section Four: Authority and Money 243
Introduction 245
17 Is the Arbours Crisis Centre Cost Effective? 248
18 The Hierarchical Authority Pyramid in a Therapeutic Milieu 255
19 Conclusion 269
Epilogue 273
Subject Index 277
Author Index 287