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Finnish Water Services: Experiences in Global Perspective

Finnish Water Services: Experiences in Global Perspective

Tapio Katko


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Finnish Water Services: Experiences in Global Perspective, the latest book by UNESCO Chair holder Tapio S. Katko, challenges the reader to assess critical sector issues: • Can 24/7 access to safe drinking water be taken for granted? • What threats does deterioration of water and sewage networks pose? • Who are responsible for providing and producing water services? • Why do many international water-related comparisons rank Finland among the top countries? This book is a timely contribution to the discussion on water services. In addition to water professionals, Finnish Water Services: Experiences in Global Perspective is suitable for anyone interested in water and its use.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Table of Contents 5
Foreword 9
Preface and Acknowledgements 10
Why Water Services? 10
Why Finland? 10
Why is this of interest to me? 10
Any matters have limitations! 12
Part I: Water Problems, Solutions and Technology Development 14
1. Introduction to the Importance \nof Water Services: Case of Finland 16
1.1 Importance of Water in Societal Development 17
1.2 Water Services as a Challenge to the Global Village 18
1.3 Water Resources vs. Water Services 19
1.4 Finnish Water Resources and Changing Water Uses over Time 20
1.5 Post–Industrial Finland and Water Services 22
1.6 Research Questions 22
1.7 Sources and Structure of the Book 23
Endnotes 25
2. Trends of International Water Policies from the 1940s to the 2020s 26
2.1 Birth of the United Nations Family and Bilateral Development Cooperation 27
2.2 UNESCO and Other UN Bodies on Water 28
2.3 International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade, 1981–1990 29
2.4 Expanding International Meetings and Processes 30
2.5 Towards Wider Views of Water Management 34
2.6 Policy Trends and Frameworks 35
2.7 Reflections 38
Endnotes 38
3. History Matters: Major Turning Points in the Evolution of Water Services 40
3.1 Importance of Water Services in Historical Perspective 41
3.2 Birth and Expansion of Water Services in Finland 43
3.3 Key Strategic Decisions from the 1860s to the 2000s and Path Dependence 46
3.4 Comparison of Water Services Evolution in Finland and Sweden 48
Endnotes 51
4. Networking of Experts since the Early Days 52
4.1 Early Networking of Experts 53
4.2 Later Networking and Search for Knowledge 55
Endnotes 57
5. Continuous Debate: Selection of Appropriate Raw Water Source 58
5.1 Finnish Water Resources: Geology Does Matter 59
5.2 Early Use of Ground Water 60
5.3 From Ground Water to Surface Water 61
5.4 Policy Promoting Ground-Water Use 62
5.5 Ground-Water Technologies and Artificial Recharge 62
5.6 Current and Future Concerns related to Water Sources 66
Endnotes 67
6. Water Efficiency: Will Water Use Per Capita Continue to Decline? 68
6.1 Development of Water Use in Communities and Households 69
6.2 Water Metering 70
6.3 Water Use in Selected Countries 71
How about dual systems? 73
Endnotes 75
7. Fit to Drink: Evolution of Water Treatment 76
7.1 Water Treatment Methods and Their Development 77
7.2 Surface Water Treatment 77
Filtration and Precipitation 77
Clarification 78
Disinfection and Fluoridation 79
Continuous Contact Filtration 80
7.3 Ground Water Treatment and Artificial Recharge 80
7.4 Water Quality in Distribution Networks 83
7.5 On-Site Options and Treatment 83
Endnotes 85
8. Demanding Challenge: Aging Water Networks 86
8.1 Water and Wastewater Networks 87
8.2 Water Pipelines 88
8.3 Sewers 90
8.4 Network Automation 90
8.5 Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Networks 91
8.6 Water Towers Are Needed Also in the Future 96
8.7 Need for Water and Wastewater Network Rehabilitation 98
8.8 Stormwater Sewers and Urban Floods 100
Endnotes 102
9. Environmental Protection: Towards Zero Effluents with Water Pollution Control 104
9.1 Overall Development of Wastewater Treatment 105
Is the removal of nitrogen necessary in Finnish conditions? 108
9.2 Further Centralization and Rehabilitation of Wastewater Treatment Plants 109
9.3 Water Services for Holiday Resorts in Lapland 113
9.4 Sludge Treatment and Management 113
9.5 Water Pollution Control in Dispersed Rural Areas 114
9.6 Industrial Water Pollution Control 116
9.7 Development of Loadings to Water Bodies 118
Endnotes 120
Part II: Operational Environment and Economics of Water Services 122
10. Ever-Changing Operational Environment 124
10.1 External Pressures and Changes 125
10.1.1 Changes in Municipal and Regional Structures 125
10.1.2 Land Use Planning and Water Services 129
10.2 Water Services Organizations and Their Diversity 130
10.2.1 Water Cooperatives 131
10.2.2 Municipal Utilities 132
10.2.3 Inter- and Supra-Municipal Systems 133
Contractual collaboration between municipalities 133
More formal interand supra-municipal cooperation 134
10.2.4 Merging Water and Wastewater Utilities 136
10.2.5 Special Features of Water Services and Good Governance 137
10.2.6 Benchmarking and Assessments 138
10.3 Financing and Tariffs 139
10.3.1 Costs and Pricing 139
10.3.2 Replacement and Rehabilitation Costs 141
10.3.3 Reasonable Rate of Return and Economic Transparency 143
10.3.4 Financing 145
10.4 From Vulnerability to Continuity Management of Water Services 146
10.4.1 Special Conditions and Water Safety Plans 146
10.4.2 Water Services Pool 147
10.4.3 Other Findings 148
Endnotes 150
11: Towards Customer-and Citizen-Oriented Water Services 152
11.1 Water Users and Beneficiaries 153
11.2 Reputation Management and Visibility 154
History Books to Boost Image 155
Anniversaries of water utilities 156
Awareness raising campaigns 156
11.3 Visibility and Citizen Involvement 157
Endnotes 161
Part III: Institutional Development and Governance 162
12: Institutional Framework and Increasingly Versatile and Complementary Legislation 164
12.1 Water Use Purposes, Priorities, and Related Changes 165
12.2 Institutional Framework of Finnish Water Services 166
12.3 Water Services-Related Legislation 170
12.4 Regional and Municipal Development Plans for Water Services 173
Endnotes 175
13: Competence through Education, Research and Development 176
13.1 Development of Engineering Education in Finland 178
13.2 Water Services Workforce and Educational Requirements 178
Changes in Working Life and Educational Requirements 179
13.3 Water Services Education at Various Levels 180
Vocational education in WSS 180
Universities of Applied Sciences 180
Challenges of Water Services Education and Competence Development 186
13.4 Continuing Education 187
13.5 Research and Development 187
13.6 Social Efficacy and Impact 189
Dissemination and publishing 190
13.7 Competence Development in Water Services 190
Endnotes 192
14: Professional and Voluntary Collaboration: Associations and Foundations 194
14.1 Finnish Water Utilities Association 195
14.2 Other Related National Associations 198
14.3 Water-Related Foundations and Funds 202
Endnotes 202
15: Public and Private Sector Collaboration 204
15.1 Bases of Public–Private Collaboration 205
15.2 Early Examples of Water Utility Privatization 206
15.3 Reinventing Privatization in the 1990s and Return to Municipal Control 207
Return to municipal control 208
15.4 Responsible Public–Private Cooperation 209
15.5 Private Sector´s Role in Finland 210
15.6 Finnish Water Sector Enterprises 212
Contracting and Consulting Companies 212
Manufacturers and material suppliers 213
Endnotes 216
16: Changing International Water Arena 218
16.1 European Integration and Cooperation 219
16.2 Local Governments of Europe and Their Diverse Roles 220
16.3 Protection of the Baltic Sea and Cooperation in Nearby Areas 221
16.4 Finnish Development Cooperation and Policy in Water Services 225
Fifty years of development cooperation on WSS: 1965–2015 226
Examples of projects 226
Impacts of International Cooperation on Water Services 233
Endnotes 236
Part IV: Societal Importance and Futures of Water Services 238
17: Lessons Learnt: Societal Importance of Water Services 240
17.1 Overall Development of Water Services in Finland 241
Political factors 243
Economic factors 244
Socio-institutional factors 244
Technological factors 244
Environmental factors 245
Legislative factors 245
17.2 General Findings 245
Overall Framework of Water Services 245
17.3 International Comparison of Water Services 246
Finnish Water and Environment Services in International Comparison 246
17.4 Discussion 247
Endnotes 249
18: Towards Futures: Quarter of a Millennium as a Timeframe 250
18.1 Challenges of Water Services in 2030 251
18.2 Futures Thinking and Water Services 253
Futures Thinking and Water Services 254
18.3 Conclusions 255
Part I. Water Problems, Solutions and Technology Devel-opment 255
Part II. Operational Environment and Economics of Water Services 255
Part III. Institutional Development and Governance 256
Part IV. Societal Importance and Futures of Water Services 256
Endnotes 257
19: Implications for International Cooperation and Policy 258
19.1 Finland, Latin America and human rights: what are the linkages? 259
19.2 Views from India and other developing economies 259
19.3 Japanese reflections 260
19.4 Views from Kenya 261
19.5 Reflections from the Netherlands 262
19.6 Ukrainian viewpoints 262
19.7 Views from Colorado, USA 263
19.8 Synopsis 263
Endnotes 265
20: Poetic Epilogue 266
21: References 268
Abbreviations 269
Photographs 270
Web-sites 270
News, newspapers and magazines 270
Unpublished documents and archives 271
Literature 272
Index 287