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Child to Parent Violence and Abuse

Child to Parent Violence and Abuse

Declan Coogan


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Book Details


Providing an authoritative overview of the growing phenomena of child to parent violence - a feature in the daily life of increasing numbers of families - this book outlines what we know about it, what is effective in addressing it, and outlines a proven model for intervention.

Based on non-violent resistance (NVR), the model is founded on a number of key elements: parental commitment to non-violence, de-escalation skills, increased parental presence, engaging the support network and acts of reconciliation. The book outlines the theory and principles, and provides pragmatic guidance for implementing these elements, accompanied by case studies to bring the theory to life.

This book is based upon the author's extensive experience of practising and researching an area that is increasingly recognised as having very serious implications for families. Accessibly written, it provides a wealth of insights and guidance and should be required reading on all qualifying and post-qualifying courses in social work and related disciplines.
Professor Brid Featherstone, Head of Department (Behavioural and Social Sciences), University of Huddersfield
An experienced social worker and psychotherapist, Dr Declan Coogan lectures in social work at the National University of Ireland Galway and is a Research Fellow with the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre.
An excellent strengths-based practitioner guide to dealing with child-parent violence that is both theoretical coherent and easily applicable to practice.
Dr John Sharry, Co-founder Parents Plus Charity

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Child to Parent Violence and Abuse: Family Interventions with Non-Violent Resistance by Declan Coogan 2
Acknowledgements 7
Introduction 9
Part 1 - Theory and Good Practice 21
1. Coming to Terms with Child to Parent Violence and Abuse 22
2. What Do We Know About Child to Parent Violence and Abuse: Where and Why? 37
3. Gender, Domestic Violence and Child to Parent Violence and Abuse 72
4. Responses to Child to Parent Violence and Abuse 96
5. Facilitating Change: Solution-Focused Therapy and Child to Parent Violence and Abuse 120
6. Messages from Research about Non-Violent Resistance 155
Part 2 - The Non-Violent Resistance Model 167
7. Introducing \nNon-Violent Resistance 168
8. Implementing Non-Violent Resistance: Foundations and Scaffolding 196
9. Non-Violent Resistance in Action 216
10. Supporting Practice, Supporting Families 242
References 249
Subject Index 256
Author Index 261
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