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Climate Change, Water and Agriculture

Climate Change, Water and Agriculture


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This report analyses the adaptive capacity in agricultural water management, adaptation in agriculture to water variability and extreme events, (floods and droughts), mitigation, (water and energy) and uncertainty about further climate change.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\r Cover
Table of contents 5
Executive summary 7
Chapter 1: Impact of climate change on the water cycle and implications for agriculture\r 11
Impact of climate change on the water cycle 15
Precipitation and surface water 15
Glaciers and snow 16
Groundwater sources 16
Water availability and agricultural production under climate change 17
Impacts on crop water requirements 17
Impact on crop yields 18
Impacts on livestock production 20
Climate change effects on livestock 21
Water quality and agriculture under climate change 23
Agricultural water availability constrained by reduced water quality 23
Water quality changes due to changed agricultural production practices 23
Climate change and extreme water events: Droughts and floods 24
Droughts: Past trends and projected impacts on agriculture under climate change 28
Floods: Past trends and projected impacts on agriculture under climate change 30
Other extreme weather events 30
Remarks on extreme climate events 31
Summary 32
References 34
Chapter 2:\rClimate change adaptation and mitigation strategiesfor agricultural water management 45
Adaptation policies for agricultural water management: An economic framework 46
The features of the adaptation problem: uncertainty, long-term and complex interactions 46
The purposes of adaptation strategies: Reducing vulnerability, increasing resilience 48
Economic rationale for government policy intervention in climate change adaptation 49
The different levels of action for the adaptation of agricultural water management to\rclimate change 51
On-farm adaptation of water management 51
Reviewing the main adaptation options for agricultural water management 51
Drought-resistant varieties 52
Adjusting planting times 52
Irrigation 53
Shifting crops and new cropping areas 54
Combining farm practices in a holistic agronomic approach 54
Knowledge gaps and surprises: Pests, diseases and weeds, pollinators 55
Public policies fostering on-farm adaptation of water management 57
Water management policies for adaptation at the watershed level 57
Risk management approaches for adapting to increasing risks of droughts and floods 63
Insurance and compensation policies against droughts and floods 63
Innovative risk-sharing tools 64
The need for a holistic approach for managing weather risks under climate change 65
Agricultural policy coherence and the role of market drivers 67
Market drivers, price signals, and international risk-sharing 67
Policy sequencing: Fostering an enabling policy environment for adaptation 68
Interactions between mitigation and adaptation of agricultural water management 69
Summary 73
Notes 74
References 75
Chapter 3:\rConclusion and key policy implications 79
Glossary 83
Glossary references 85
Annex A.\rLinkages between climate change, water and agricultural production 87
Annex B.\rTrends in temperature anomalies 89
Annex C. A review of the water resource and water quality implications\rof selected mitigation practices 91
Direct land use change 91
Crops to pasture 91
Crops to forest 91
Marginal and pasture lands to crops and bioenergy 92
Agricultural management practices 92
Tillage practice 92
Crop mix and perennials 92
Irrigation management 93
Fertiliser management 93
Chemical use reduction 93
Manure management 93
Breeding and animal species choice 93
Bioenergy 95
Liquid fuels 95
Electricity 95
Pyrolysis – Biochar 95
Feedstocks: Conventional crops and their residues 96
Feedstocks: Energy crops 96
Animal wastes 96
Processing by-products 96
Annex references 97