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Water Management and Water Loss

Water Management and Water Loss

Stuart Hamilton | Ronnie McKenzie


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Book Details


Water Management and Water Loss contains a selection of papers and articles written by various internationally recognised specialists in the field of water loss reduction. The articles have been drawn together from IWA conferences during the past 5 years and provide details of how water losses from Municipal distribution systems can be reduced. 
The book provides useful background information and reference materials to help explain the different approaches and interventions that are used to reduce water losses. Numerous real case studies are provided that highlight the processes and methodologies employed around the world to reduce water losses. Water Management and Water Loss covers many aspects of water loss control including, pressure management, leak detection and repair, Internal plumbing losses and retrofitting, community involvement and education/awareness, schools education and leak repair projects. 
Authors: Stuart Hamilton, Hydrotec Ltd.,Thorpe Underwood, Northants, UK and Ronnie McKenzie, Groenkloof, Pretoria, South Africa 

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\r Cover
Contents v
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 The Technology Matrices 2
1.1.1 Main pipelines only – high pressure 2
1.1.2 Main pipelines only – low pressure 3
1.1.3 Domestic and mains fittings – high pressure 3
1.1.4 Domestic and mains fittings – low pressure 4
Chapter 2: Leak detection technologies 5
2.1 Method A: Gas Injection Method 5
2.2 Method B: Manual Listening Stick 5
2.3 Methods C and D: Leak Noise Correlation 6
2.4 Method C: Correlation Using Accelerometers 7
2.5 Method D: Correlation Using Hydrophones 8
2.6 Method E: In-Line Leak Detection Techniques 9
2.6.1 Tethered systems 10
2.6.2 Free swimming systems 11
2.7 Method F: Noise Loggers – Non-Correlating 12
2.8 Method G: Electronic Amplified Listening Devices 14
2.8.1 Step testing 15
2.8.2 Principles of step testing 15
Chapter 3: Principles of pressure management 19
3.1 Introduction 19
3.1.1 Basics of pressure management 19
3.1.2 Concepts of pressure management 23
3.1.3 Fixed outlet control 24
3.1.4 Time control 25
3.1.5 Flow control 26
3.1.6 Intelligent and closed-loop control 29
3.1.7 When to use advanced pressure control 30
3.1.8 Some large advanced pressure management installations 39
3.1.9 Khayelitsha: City of Cape Town – 2001 39
3.1.10 Sebokeng: Emfuleni Local Municipality – 2005 42
3.1.11 Mitchell’s Plain: City of Cape Town – November 2008 46
3.1.12 Conclusions 49
References 50
Chapter 4: The repair or replace dilemma 51
4.1 Definitions of Repair and Replace 51
4.2 The Durability of a Network 51
4.3 Deterioration of a Distribution System 52
4.4 Factors Affecting the Risk of Failure of Water Distribution Pipes 52
4.5 Definition of Mains Failure 54
4.6 The Importance of Information 54
4.6.1 Problems with information collection 54
4.6.2 The ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out’ (GIGO) principal 54
4.6.3 Minimum requirements 54
4.6.4 Developing information systems 55
4.7 Distribution Performance Measures 55
4.7.1 The importance of measuring performance 55
4.7.2 Performance measures for distribution 55
4.7.3 CARE W 56
4.7.4 Cost information 56
4.7.5 Environmental factors 56
4.7.6 Configuring the data 57
4.8 A Mains Failure Database 57
4.8.1 Why mains failure information is needed 57
4.8.2 National failure databases 57
4.9 Starting from Scratch 58
4.9.1 Compiling a mains asset database 59
4.9.2 Capturing repair information 59
4.9.3 Collecting additional information 59
4.9.4 Organising the information 59
4.10 Analysing the Information 60
4.10.1 The simplest approach 60
4.10.2 Use of a GIS system 60
4.11 Dealing with High Burst Rates 62
4.11.1 How to decide if the failure rate is too high? 62
4.11.2 Pressure control to reduce failure rates 62
4.11.3 Increase of failure rates with increased pressure 63
4.11.4 Identifying mains replacement projects 63
4.12 Cost Benefit Studies 64
4.12.1 The need for cost benefit studies 64
4.12.2 Calculating direct costs 64
4.12.3 Potential savings 64
4.12.4 Comparing capital and operational costs 64
4.12.5 Indirect costs and triple bottom line approaches 64
4.13 Predicting Future Trends 65
4.13.1 Why predict the future? 65
4.13.2 Models available 65
4.14 Avoiding Leakage in New Systems 66
4.14.1 Choice of material 66
4.14.2 Contract requirements 66
4.15 Further Research 67
References 67
Chapter 5: Community awareness and education 69
5.1 Introduction 69
5.1.1 Importance of community awareness and education 69
5.1.2 Objectives of community awareness education 70 Creating an informed public on efficient water use 70 Establishing partnerships between the community and the municipality 70 Promoting the municipality and its activities in the community 71 Promoting and enforcing water wise behaviour 73 Encouraging ownership of water loss reduction and infrastructure 73 Community awareness 73
5.1.3 Methodologies for implementation 75 Why? 75 What? 75 Who? 75 How? 75 When? 77 Schools awareness and leak reduction 77 Inaccurate billing and broken meters 79 Poor response and communication with the municipality 80 Relatively low levels of water conservation awareness 80 Role of politicians and councillors 83 Monitoring and evaluation 83
5.1.4 Lessons learnt 84 Retain capacity 84 Clear vision and leadership – relationship between the service provider and the municipality 84 Consistency and sustained effort 85 Communities are an essential resource 85 Clear maintained communication 85
Bibliography 85
Chapter 6: Meter logging and recording 87
6.1 Introduction 87
6.1.1 General 87
6.1.2 Importance of logging 87
6.1.3 Interpretation of minimum night flows 88
6.1.4 Assessing the minimum night flow 88
6.1.5 Normal night use 90 Normal domestic night use 90 Small non-domestic night-use 91 Large non-domestic users 91
6.1.6 Background leakage 91 Background leakage from mains 91 Background leakage from connections 92 Background leakage from properties 92
6.1.7 Calculation of unexplained bursts 92
6.1.8 Using minimum night flow for leakage management 94
6.1.9 Live logging of flows at bulk consumer meters 102
References 107
Chapter 7: Large consumer meter consolidation and improvements: Planning, implementation and benefits 109
7.1 Introduction 109
7.1.1 Planning and policies 110 Single or multiple connections per property 110 Standard meter design 110 Selection of meter type 111 Revise policy on fire connections\r 112 Consolidate internally or externally 112 Evaluate hydraulic capabilities of the municipal network 112 Develop a workflow methodology 112 Standard documentation & templates 113 Meter sizing 113 Zero pressure test 113
7.1.2 Implementation 113 Identify areas/consumers for implementation 113 Consumer audit 114 Design 115 Construction 116 Capturing information 116 Six month courtesy visit 116 Generate full report 116 Development of a management database 116
7.1.3 Results 117 Reduction of commercial losses 117 Reduction in Physical Losses 118 Reduction of consumer demand 119 Socio-economic benefits 119 Project pay-back 119
7.1.4 Conclusion 119
References 120
Chapter 8: Software tools to assist with water loss reduction in municipal systems 121
8.1 Introduction 121
8.1.1 Background 121
8.1.2 AQUALITE: Water balance software 123
8.1.3 SANFLOW: Background night flow analysis model 127
8.1.4 ECONOLEAK: Economics of leakage model 129
8.1.5 PRESMAC: Pressure management model 130
8.1.6 WDM scorecard 132
8.2 Latest Results from the NRW Assessments 137
Bibliography 141
Chapter 9: International case studies from around the world 143
Chapter 9.1: Application in water loss reduction project in Bosnia and Herzegovina 144
9.1.1 Introduction 144
9.1.2 Water Balance Evaluation Software – Calculeakator 144
9.1.3 Water Loss Reduction Project in DMA KUZICI (TUZLA) 146
9.1.4 Conclusion 149
References 150
Chapter 9.2: Large scale water loss management improvement programme in Zagreb (Croatia) water distribution network 151
9.2.1 Introduction 151
9.2.2 DMAs and PMAs – Starting Points 152
9.2.3 Design of DMA/PMA 152
9.2.4 Implementation 154
9.2.5 Results 158
9.2.6 Conclusion 159
References 159
Chapter 9.3: Analysis of the water losses from the aspect of central water meters in objects of collective housing 160
9.3.1 Introduction 160
9.3.2 Description of the Problem 161 Example problem 1 – leakage in buildings 162 Example problem 2 – leakage in buildings 162 Example problem 3 – leakage in buildings 163 Example problem 4 – water meter diameter 164
9.3.3 Analysis 164 User coverage 164 Water consumption and flat-rate collection 165 Analysis – losses due to flat-rate collection of payment 167 Results of the analysis 168
9.3.4 Conclusion 168
References 169
Chapter 9.4: Water loss management in Novi Sad water utility, Serbia 170
9.4.1 Introduction 170
9.4.2 Pressure Management 170
9.4.3 District Metered Areas and Basic Real Loss Performance Indicators 171 Micro metered areas 171
9.4.4 Active Leakage Control and the Pilot DMAs 172
9.4.5 Water Price Policy and Water Meter Inaccuracies 173
9.4.6 Strategy 2014 174
9.4.7 Conclusion 174
References 175
Chapter 9.5: Continuous acoustic monitoring – evolution of an innovation in the USA 176
Chapter 9.6: Establishing the first validated dataset of North American water utility water audit data 182
9.6.1 Methodology 183
9.6.2 Results 184 Analysis of DV scores in dataset 189 Trend review 190 System size 190 Climate 190 Connection density 191 Cost data 191 Improving Data Validity 191
9.6.3 Conclusions 191
References 192