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Water and Climate Change Adaptation

Water and Climate Change Adaptation


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Book Details


This publication sets out the challenge for freshwater in a changing climate and provides policy guidance on how to navigate this new "waterscape". It examines the range and complexity of possible changes  in the water cycle and the challenges of making practical, on-site adaptation decisions for water. It offers policymakers a risk-based framework and guidance to "know", "cap" and "manage" water risks in order to provide flexibility and improve decisions despite the lack of reliable predictions. It draws insights from a stock take of current policy efforts to adapt water systems across all 34 member countries and the European Union, including water-related aspects of National Adaptation Plans and Strategies, specific policy measures, and financing programmes. Finally, the report examines the use of economic instruments to promote adaptation (e.g. insurance schemes, water markets and banks, water pricing), incentives for ‘green’ infrastructure and ecosystem-based approaches, and financing issues.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\r Cover
Table of contents 5
Preface 9
Abbreviations 11
Executive summary 13
Chapter 1: A changing and uncertain future for freshwater\r 17
Key messages 18
Uncertainty and knowledge gaps 19
Uncertainty related to scenarios, emissions trends, and models 20
Coarse resolution/scale mismatch 20
Low confidence for key climate parameters 20
A focus on shifts in the mean 21
A widening range of possible futures 21
A future for freshwater unlike the past 22
Climate change as water change 23
Changing precipitation patterns and increased variability 23
Shifts in runoff and river discharge 24
Increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events5 24
Impacts on freshwater ecosystems 25
Rising sea level 27
Changes in glaciers, snow, ice and permafrost 27
Increasing water temperature 27
Groundwater 28
Impacts on evapotranspiration and soil moisture 28
Concluding remarks 28
Notes 29
References 29
Chapter 2: A risk-based approach to adapting water systems to climate change\r 31
Key messages 32
Why risk? Rationale for a risk-based approach1 33
Thinking risk: A framework 34
Which water risks? Identifying water risks and risk drivers 34
“Know” the risk: Appraising water risks 37
Decision making under uncertainty 37
“Target the risk”: Judging tolerability and acceptability 39
Fish or farmers? Weighing risk-risk tradeoffs 40
“Manage” the risk and enhance resilience 41
“Know”, “target”, and “manage” water risks: A role for government 44
Concluding remarks 45
Notes 46
References 46
Chapter 3: Climate change adaptation for water systems in OECD countries\r 49
Key messages 50
Building the evidence base to “know” the risk 52
Trends, projections, primary concerns and vulnerabilities 52
Risk appraisal: Impact, vulnerability and risk assessments 55
Improving the evidence base and research capacity 56
Policy frameworks to set the strategic direction 58
Water as a priority in adaptation policies 59
Mainstreaming adaptation into water policies 60
Policy instruments to “know”, “target” and “manage” water risks 62
Regulatory instruments 62
Economic instruments 64
Information-based instruments 67
Financing approaches 71
Concluding remarks 75
Notes 75
References 75
Chapter 4: Improving flexibility: Adaptive governance, policy options and financing approaches\r 77
Key messages 78
Adaptive water governance 79
Improving incentives to manage risk and increasing flexibility in water policy 82
Flood insurance schemes 83
Case Study: Co-operation between public and private sectors to manage flood risk\rin the UK 85
Case Study: Reforming the National Flood Insurance Programme in the US 86
Case Study: Assessing options to reform the “CatNat” scheme in France 87
Case Study: Pooling catastrophe risk of excessive rainfall events in the Caribbean 87
Water trading 88
Case Study: Water markets in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia 91
Case Study: Water banking and dry-year options in the Western US 92
Water pricing 93
Case Study: Water pricing promotes efficient use and diversification of supply in Israel 94
Case Study: Low water prices constrain the development of alternative sources,an example from Spain 95
Case Study: Exploring options to improve the efficiency and timing of supply\raugmentation decisions, an example from Sydney, Australia 95
Incentives for ecosystem-based approaches and green infrastructure 96
Case Study: Recharging groundwater and managing stormwater with green spaces\rin Nagoya, Japan 96
Case Study: Reducing flood risks through the restoration of wetlands and green roofs\rin Denmark 97
Case Study: Managing stormwater with green roofs and “bluebelts” in New York City, US 98
Financing issues: Avoiding potential pitfalls and accounting for option values 99
Challenges for financing climate change adaptation for water 99
Mobilising financing for adapting water systems to climate change 100
Real options approaches 102
Case Study: Real options approaches for the Thames Estuary 2100 Project, UK 103
Concluding remarks 105
Notes 105
References 106
Chapter 5: Using hindsight to guide the future: Concluding remarks\r 109
Country Profiles 113
Australia 115
Climate change impacts on water systems 115
Key policy documents 116
Policy instruments 116
Main research programmes 117
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 118
Highlights and innovative initiatives 118
Austria 119
Climate change impacts on water systems 119
Key policy documents 120
Policy instruments 120
Main research programmes 121
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 121
Belgium 123
Climate change impacts on water systems 123
Key policy documents 123
Policy instruments 124
Main research programmes 126
Principal financing mechanisms and/or investment programmes 126
Highlights and innovative initiatives 126
Canada 127
Climate change impacts on water systems 127
Key policy documents 128
Policy instruments1 129
Main research programmes 129
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 130
Highlights and innovative initiatives 130
Chile 131
Climate change impacts on water systems 131
Key policy documents 132
Policy instruments 132
Main research programmes 133
Principal financing mechanisms and/ or investment programmes 133
Czech Republic 135
Climate change impacts on water systems 135
Key policy documents 135
Policy instruments 136
Main research programmes 137
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 137
Highlights and innovative initiatives 137
Denmark 139
Climate change impacts on water systems 139
Key policy documents1 139
Policy instruments 140
Main research programmes 140
Principal financing mechanisms and/ or investment programmes 141
Highlights and innovative initiatives 141
Estonia 143
Climate change impacts on water systems 143
Key policy documents 144
Policy instruments 144
Main research programmes 145
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 145
Finland 147
Climate change impacts on water systems 147
Key policy documents 148
Policy instruments 148
Main research programmes 149
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 149
France 151
Climate change impacts on water systems 151
Key policy documents 151
Policy instruments 152
Main research programmes 153
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 154
Highlights and innovative initiatives 154
Germany 155
Climate change impacts on water systems 155
Key policy documents 156
Policy instruments 156
Main research programmes 157
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 157
Highlights and innovative initiatives 157
Greece 159
Climate change impacts on water systems 159
Key policy documents 159
Policy instruments1 160
Main research programmes 160
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 160
Hungary 161
Climate change impacts on water systems 161
Key policy documents 162
Policy instruments 162
Main research programmes 162
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 162
Iceland 163
Climate change impacts on water systems 163
Key policy documents 163
Policy instruments 163
Main research programmes 164
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 164
Ireland 165
Climate change impacts on water systems 165
Key policy documents 165
Policy instruments 166
Main research programmes 166
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 166
Israel 167
Climate change impacts on water systems 167
Key policy documents 167
Policy instruments 168
Main research programmes 168
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 168
Highlights and innovative initiatives 168
Italy 169
Climate change impacts on water systems 169
Key policy documents 170
Policy instruments 170
Main research programmes 170
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 170
Japan 171
Climate change impacts on water systems 171
Key policy documents 172
Policy instruments 172
Main research programmes 172
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 172
Korea 173
Climate change impacts on water systems 173
Key policy documents 174
Policy instruments 174
Main research programmes 175
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 175
Highlights and innovative initiatives 175
Luxembourg 177
Climate change impacts on water systems 177
Key policy documents 178
Policy instruments 178
Main research programmes 178
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 178
Mexico 179
Climate change impacts on water systems 179
Key policy documents 179
Policy instruments 180
Main research programmes 180
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 180
Highlights and innovative initiatives 181
The Netherlands 181
Climate change impacts on water systems 181
Key policy documents 181
Policy instruments 182
Main research programmes 182
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 183
Highlights and innovative initiatives 183
New Zealand 185
Climate change impacts on water systems 185
Key policy documents 185
Policy instruments 186
Main research programmes 187
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 187
Norway 189
Climate change impacts on water systems 189
Key policy documents 190
Policy instruments 190
Main research programmes 191
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 191
Highlights and innovative initiatives 191
Poland 193
Climate change impacts on water systems 193
Key policy documents 193
Policy instruments 194
Main research programmes 194
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 194
Portugal 195
Climate change impacts on water systems 195
Key policy documents 195
Policy instruments 196
Main research programmes 196
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 196
Slovak Republic 197
Climate change impacts on water systems 197
Key policy documents 197
Policy instruments 198
Main research programmes 198
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 199
Highlights and innovative initiatives 199
Slovenia 199
Climate change impacts on water systems 199
Key policy documents 200
Policy instruments 200
Main research programmes 200
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 201
Highlights and innovative initiatives 201
Spain 201
Climate change impacts on water systems 201
Key policy documents 201
Policy instruments 202
Main research programmes 202
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 203
Highlights and innovative initiatives 203
Sweden 205
Climate change impacts on water systems 205
Key policy documents 206
Policy instruments 206
Main research programmes 206
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 206
Switzerland 207
Climate change impacts on water systems 207
Key policy documents 207
Policy instruments 208
Main research programmes 208
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 209
Turkey 209
Climate change impacts on water systems 209
Key policy documents 210
Policy instruments 210
Main research programmes 211
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 211
United Kingdom 213
Climate change impacts on water systems 213
Key policy documents 214
Policy instruments 214
Main research programmes 215
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 216
Highlights and innovative initiatives 216
United States 217
Climate change impacts on water systems1 217
Key policy documents 218
Policy instruments 218
Main research programmes 219
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 219
Highlights and innovative initiatives 219
European Commission 221
Climate change impacts on water systems 221
Key policy documents1 222
Policy instruments1 222
Main research programmes 223
Principal financing mechanisms and investment programmes 224
Highlights and innovative initiatives 224