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Alternative Water Supply Systems

Alternative Water Supply Systems

Fayyaz Ali Memon | Sarah Ward


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Owing to climate change related uncertainties and anticipated population growth, different parts of the developing and the developed world (particularly urban areas) are experiencing water shortages or flooding and security of fit-for-purpose supplies is becoming a major issue. The emphasis on decentralized alternative water supply systems has increased considerably. Most of the information on such systems is either scattered or focuses on large scale reuse with little consideration given to decentralized small to medium scale systems. 
Alternative Water Supply Systems brings together recent research into the available and innovative options and additionally shares experiences from a wide range of contexts from both developed and developing countries. Alternative Water Supply Systems covers technical, social, financial and institutional aspects associated with decentralized alternative water supply systems. These include systems for greywater recycling, rainwater harvesting, recovery of water through condensation and sewer mining. A number of case studies from the UK, the USA, Australia and the developing world are presented to discuss associated environmental and health implications. 
The book provides insights into a range of aspects associated with alternative water supply systems and an evidence base (through case studies) on potential water savings and trade-offs. The information organized in the book is aimed at facilitating wider uptake of context specific alternatives at a decentralized scale mainly in urban areas. This book is a key reference for postgraduate level students and researchers interested in environmental engineering, water resources management, urban planning and resource efficiency, water demand management, building service engineering and sustainable architecture. It provides practical insights for water professionals such as systems designers, operators, and decision makers responsible for planning and delivering sustainable water management in urban areas through the implementation of decentralized water recycling.  
Authors: Fayyaz Ali Memon, Centre for Water Systems, University of Exeter, UK and Sarah Ward, Centre for Water Systems, University of Exeter, UK  

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
Contributors xix
Preface xxix
Section I: Rainwater Harvesting and Condensate Recovery Systems 1
Chapter 1: Performance and economics of internally plumbed rainwater tanks: An Australian perspective 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Background 4
1.2.1 IPRWT systems in Australia 5
1.2.2 RWH and IPRWTs around the globe 5
1.3 Australian Case Study 7
1.3.1 Context of investigation 7
1.3.2 Data gathering and end-use study experimental procedure 8 Instrumentation 9 Data transfer and storage 9 End-use analysis process 9 End-use results summary 9 Rain tank pump energy pilot study 10
1.3.3 IPRWT modelling 10 Rainwater TANK model 10 RainTank model 11 Modelling input parameters 12 IPRWT end-use breakdown 12
1.3.4 Life cycle cost analysis 13 IPRWT capital cost estimates 14 IPRWT operating and maintenance costs 14 NPV LCC base case financial model parameters 16 Life cycle cost results 16
1.3.5 Sensitivity analysis 16
1.4 International Comparisons 18
1.5 Discussion 19
1.6 Summary and Conclusions 20
References 21
Chapter 2: Evaluating rain tank pump performance at a micro-component level 25
2.1 Introduction 25
2.2 Background 26
2.2.1 Pump energy intensity and associated costs 26
2.2.2 Common configurations for rainwater tank systems 27
2.2.3 Previous studies 28
2.3 Australian End-Use Pump Performance Study 29
2.3.1 Research objectives 29
2.3.2 Methodology 30 Sample selection process 30 Study sample 31 Water and energy data capture 31 Data preparation and processing 31
2.3.3 Results and analysis 35 Rainwater use event sample size 35 Total sample water end-use results 35 Individual home end-use results 36
2.4 Alternative Supply Spectrum Comparisons 41
2.5 Discussion and Conclusions 42
References 43
Chapter 3: The verification of a behavioural model for simulating the hydraulic performance of rainwater harvesting systems 47
3.1 Introduction 47
3.2 The Rainwater Harvesting System and Instrumentation 48
3.3 Field Testing Results and Discussion 50
3.4 Modelling System Performance 54
3.5 Verification of the Rainwater Harvesting System Model 55
3.5.1 Time interval sensitivity 56
3.5.2 Rainfall loss sensitivity 57
3.5.3 WC demand sensitivity 57
3.6 Design Curves 58
3.7 Discussion 59
3.8 Conclusions 60
References 60
Chapter 4: Rainwater harvesting for domestic water demand and stormwater management 63
4.1 Introduction\r 63
4.1.1 Types of RWH\r 64
4.1.2 The background research\r 65
4.2 Uncertainties Associated with Designing RWH tanks for Stormwater Control\r 66
4.3 The Stormwater Sizing Methodology\r 67
4.4 The Pilot Study – Hanwell Fields (Banbury, UK)\r 68
4.4.1 Design of individual tanks (models 1 & 2)\r 69
4.4.2 The importance of actual vs. assumed occupancy for the performance of RWH stormwater control systems\r 70
4.4.3 Model 1 – performance of the design scenario: tanks for individual properties with occupancy levels based on mean occupancy statistics\r 71
4.4.4 Model 2 – performance of the actual scenario for individual tanks 77
4.4.5 Model 3 – performance of the design scenario for a communal tank 78
4.5 A Methodology for Assessing Uncertainty of Property Occupancy\r 80
4.6 Active Management of RWH Systems\r 81
4.6.1 Active control decision rules\r 82
4.7 Conclusions\r 82
References 83
Chapter 5: Rainwater harvesting for toilet flushing in UK Schools: Opportunities for combining with water efficiency education 85
5.1 Introduction 85
5.2 Water use in Schools 87
5.3 Configuration of RWH Systems in UK School Buildings 88
5.4 Benefits of RWH in the UK Context 91
5.5 Engaging with Pupils to Encourage Water Efficient Behaviour 91
5.6 Retrofitting RWH Systems into London Schools 94
5.7 Be a Water Detective 96
5.7.1 Project background and context 96
5.7.2 Water use benchmarking and discussion with teachers/facilities staff 97
5.7.3 Be Water Aware school assembly 98
5.7.4 Leaflet 99
5.7.5 Be a Water Detective Water audit 100
5.8 The Water Audit 101
5.8.1 Behaviour 101
5.8.2 Appliances 104
5.8.3 Engagement and responsiveness 105
5.9 Saving Six Litres of Water a Day – What Does it Mean in Practice? 106
5.9.1 Saving 6 litres of water from a shallower bath 106
5.9.2 Saving six litres of water from a shorter shower 107
5.9.3 Saving six litres from brushing teeth 108
5.9.4 Saving 6 litres of water from efficient washing up habits 108
5.9.5 Savings from WC flush 108
5.9.6 CO2 savings 108
5.10 Discussion 110
5.11 Final Remarks 112
References 112
Chapter 6: Community participation in decentralised rainwater systems: A mexican case study 117
6.1 Introduction\r 117
6.2 Background\r 118
6.2.1 Site description\r 118
6.2.2 System design\r 119
6.3 System Evaluation\r 120
6.3.1 Water quality\r 120
6.3.2 Abandoned systems\r 122
6.4 Reasons for Failure\r 124
6.5 Community Participation and Leadership\r 125
6.5.1 Training and succession\r 127
6.5.2 Technical complexities\r 128
6.6 Conclusions\r 129
Acknowledgements 129
References 130
Chapter 7: Assessing domestic rainwater harvesting storage cost and geographic availability in Uganda’s Rakai District 131
7.1 Introduction 131
7.1.1 Self supply 131
7.1.2 Domestic rainwater harvesting 131
7.1.3 The Ugandan context 132
7.1.4 Motivation and objectives 132
7.2 Domestic Rainwater Harvesting in Uganda 133
7.3 Method 134
7.4 Results 137
7.4.1 Traditional/informal storage methods 137
7.4.2 Manufactured products 138 Fifty-five gallon metal drums 139 Corrugated iron tanks 140 Plastic tanks 140
7.4.3 Built-in-place products 141 Mortar jars 141 Tarpaulin tanks 143 Ferrocement tanks 143 Partially below ground ferrocement tanks (PBG) 144 Interlocking stabilised soil brick (ISSB) 144
7.5 Discussion 145
7.5.1 Technologies 145
7.5.2 Access 145
7.5.3 Cost 146
7.6 Conclusions 149
Acknowledgements 151
References 151
Chapter 8: Incentivising and charging for rainwater harvesting – three international perspectives 153
8.1 Introduction 153
8.2 First International Perspective – UK 154
8.2.1 Legislation and emerging markets 154
8.2.2 Incentives and charging mechanisms 155
8.3 Second International Perspective – Brazil 157
8.3.1 Legislation and market 157
8.3.2 Incentives and charging mechanisms 158
8.4 Third International Perspective - USA 159
8.4.1 Legislation and market 159
8.4.2 Incentives and charging mechanisms 161
8.5 Conclusions 165
References 166
Chapter 9: Air conditioning condensate recovery and reuse for non-potable applications 169
9.1 Introduction 169
9.2 Motivation 170
9.2.1 A solution to urban water supply issues 170
9.2.2 A water-energy infrastructure synergy 170
9.3 Quantity: Volume Potential 171
9.4 Quality: Fit-for-Purpose 173
9.4.1 Microbial concerns 173
9.4.2 Metals 174
9.4.3 Other issues 174
9.5 Uses and Benefits 175
9.6 Case Studies 176
9.6.1 Case study: University of Tampa 176
Project 1: Alternative water for irrigation and landscape features 176
Project 2: Utility plant process make-up water 178
9.6.2 Case study: University of South Florida 179
9.6.3 Case study: Mercer University 182
Project: Senior design project 182
9.6.4 Additional condensate recovery and reuse examples 182
9.7 Lessons Learnt and Discussion 184
9.8 Future Research 185
9.9 Conclusion 186
Acknowledgements 186
References 187
Section II: Greywater Recycling Systems 191
Chapter 10: Greywater reuse: Risk identification, quantification and management 193
10.1 Introduction 193
10.2 Greywater Characterisation and Major Risks Associated with its Reuse 194
10.3 Short Review of Existing Treatment Technologies 196
10.4 Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) 196
10.5 Design for Reliability and Reliability Analysis 206
10.5.1 Using a fault tree analysis to identify system failures 206
10.5.2 Using a fault tree analysis to redesign the system 207
10.5.3 Reliability of a full-scale onsite system – Case study 209 Reliability of a greywater biological treatment system 210 Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of failures, reliability and Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) 213
10.6 Summary and Outlook 213
References 214
Chapter 11: Greywater recycling: Guidelines for safe adoption 217
11.1 Introduction 217
11.2 Greywater Quality 218
11.3 Greywater Treatment Systems 221
11.3.1 Biological systems 221
11.3.2 Chemical systems 222
11.3.3 Physical systems 222
11.4 International Regulations and Guidelines 223
11.5 Comparison of International Standards and Testing Protocols 229
11.5.1 British standards BS 8525 229
11.5.2 New South wales accreditation guidelines 231
11.5.3 Commonwealth scientific and industrial research organisation greywater technology testing protocol 233
11.6 Conclusion 235
Acknowledgement 236
References 236
Chapter 12: Membrane processes for greywater recycling 241
12.1 Introduction 241
12.2 Greywater Quality and Reuse Standards 242
12.3 Treatment Performance 244
12.3.1 Direct filtration 244
12.3.2 Hybrid membrane systems 249
12.4 Operation, Maintenance and Costs 254
12.4.1 Operation and maintenance 255 Fouling control measures 255 Direct filtration 256 Hybrid systems 257
12.4.2 Energy and costs 259
12.5 Conclusion 260
References 261
Chapter 13: Energy and carbon implications of water saving micro-components and greywater reuse systems 265
13.1 Introduction 265
13.2 Drivers for Water Efficiency 266
13.3 Domestic Water Consumption and Associated Energy Footprint 266
13.4 Water Efficiency Policy and Enabling Technologies 267
13.5 Greywater Treatment and Reuse Systems 269
13.6 Assessment Methodology 272
13.6.1 Quantification of water volumes 272
13.6.2 Estimation of energy and carbon load 273
13.6.3 Application of a multi-objective optimisation based assessment tool 274
13.7 Results and Discussion 276
13.8 Conclusions 282
References 283
Section III: Wastewater Reuse Systems 287
Chapter 14: Introduction to sewer mining: Technology and health risks 289
14.1 Introduction 289
14.2 Advantages of Sewer Mining 290
14.2.1 Reduced transportation costs 290
14.2.2 Improved treatment of organic solids 292
14.2.3 Enhanced resilience and disaster recovery 292
14.2.4 Volume stripping and deferred capital investment 294
14.2.5 Fit for purpose treatment 295
14.2.6 Right to reclaimed water 297
14.3 Treatment Options for Sewer Mining 297
14.4 Sewer Mining Risks 300
14.4.1 Human health risks 300
14.4.2 Environmental risks 301
14.5 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) 301
14.5.1 HACCP in the water industry 303
14.6 Conclusion 304
References 305
Chapter 15: The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park water recycling system, London 309
15.1 Introduction and Project Overview 309
15.2 The Old Ford Warer Recycling Plant and Reclaimed Water Network 310
15.2.1 The source influent from the northern outfall sewer and the site 310
15.2.2 Pre-treatment 311
15.2.3 Membrane bioreactor 312
15.2.4 Post-treatment 312
15.2.5 The reclaimed water distribution network 312
15.3 Reclaimed Water Quality 314
15.4 Reclaimed Water Consumption 317
15.5 Operational Experiences 317
15.6 Reclaimed Water Safety Plan 319
15.7 Recipient Collaboration 321
15.8 Public Perception 323
15.9 Cost-Benefit and Comparison with other Studies 324
15.10 Lessons Learnt 325
15.10.1 Advanced preparation, awareness and guidance 325
15.10.2 Reclaimed water quality 326
15.10.3 Communication and liaison 327
15.11 Conclusions 327
Acknowledgements 328
References 328
Chapter 16: Decentralised wastewater treatment and reuse plants: Understanding their fugitive greenhouse gas emissions and environmental footprint 329
16.1 Introduction 329
16.2 Emission Mechanics of N2O and CH4 from Wastewater Treatment Systems 330
16.2.1 Study specification and objectives 332
16.3 Measurement Campaign Specification and Analysis Methodologies 332
16.3.1 Reuse systems specifications 332
16.3.2 Gas analysis instrumentation and sampling technique 335
16.3.3 Wastewater GHG emissions modelling 337
16.4 Measurement Campaign Results and Discussion 338
16.4.1 Fugitive emissions 338
16.4.2 Total carbon footprint for each reuse system 344
16.4.3 Emissions mitigation and gas reuse strategies 345
16.5 Conclusion 346
References 347
Chapter 17: Large-scale water reuse systems and energy 351
17.1 Introduction 351
17.2 Energy Footprint of the Urban Water Cycle 352
17.2.1 Typical components of energy consumption in the urban water cycle 352
17.2.2 Energy consumption of wastewater treatment and reuse 353
17.2.3 Carbon footprint of wastewater treatment and reuse 356
17.3 Key Energy Use Components of Wastewater Treatment and Reuse 358
17.3.1 Typical distribution of energy consumption 358
17.3.2 Energy consumption of large water recycling facilities 358
17.4 Methods for Energy and Carbon Footprint Minimization 360
17.5 Conclusions 363
References 363
Chapter 18: Risk mitigation for wastewater irrigation systems in low-income countries: Opportunities and limitations of the WHO guidelines 367
18.1 Introduction 367
18.2 Health Risks Associated with Wastewater Irrigation Systems in Low-Income Countries 368
18.3 Risk Mitigation Perspectives from the WHO Guidelines 370
18.3.1 The multiple-barrier approach 370
18.3.2 Evidence of risk mitigation in the WHO guidelines 371
18.4 Evidence from Field Studies in West Africa 372
18.4.1 Farm-based risk mitigation measures 372 Improving irrigation water quality at farms 372 Drip irrigation 374 Spray and sprinkler irrigation 375 Pathogen die-off 376
18.4.2 Post-harvest risk mitigation measures 376 Produce peeling at markets 376 Produce washing at markets 377 Produce washing and disinfection at kitchens 377
18.5 Adoption of Safe Re-use Practices 380
18.5.1 Economic incentives 380
18.5.2 Raising Awareness: ‘making visible the invisible’ 381
18.5.3 Social marketing 381
18.5.4 Land tenure security 382
18.5.5 Training and extension 382
18.5.6 Laws and regulations 382
18.5.7 Effective communication 383
18.6 Discussion and Conclusion 384
References 385
Section IV: Decision Making and Implementation 391
Chapter 19: Decision support systems for water reuse in smart building water cycle management 393
19.1 Introduction 393
19.2 Smart Building 394
19.2.1 Building automation 397
19.2.2 Relationship to green building 398
19.3 The Building Water Cycle 399
19.3.1 Building water demands 401
19.3.2 Building water sources 404
19.3.3 Usage patterns 406
19.3.4 Integrated Building Water Management (IBWM) 407
19.4 Decision Support Systems 409
19.4.1 Advantages and disadvantages 409
19.4.2 Role of DSSs in smart building water reuse and recycling 410
19.4.3 Tools for building water management 413
19.4.4 Incorporating IBWM into smart building DSSs 415
19.5 Conclusion 416
References 417
Chapter 20: A blueprint for moving from building-scale to district-scale – San Francisco’s non-potable water programme 421
20.1 Introduction 421
20.2 Alternative Water Sources and End Uses Available On-Site 422
20.2.1 Alternative water sources 422
20.2.2 Non-potable end uses 422
20.3 Water Use Reduction 423
20.4 Green Building Movement as a Driver for On-Site Non-Potable Water Use 424
20.5 Current Regulation of Alternative Water Sources 426
20.6 Working Together – A Three-Pronged Approach to Collaboration 427
20.7 Water Quality Requirements for On-Site Non-Potable Systems 428
20.8 The SFPUC as a Resource 429
20.9 On-Site Non-Potable Reuse at the SFPUC Headquarters 429
20.9.1 Permitting the system 430
20.9.2 The treatment system at SFPUC headquarters 431 Treatment process 432 Water quality results 435
20.10 Moving Towards District-Scale Water Sharing in San Francisco 437
20.10.1 Crossing property lines 437
20.10.2 Selling water and public utilities 438
20.10.3 Water rights 438
20.10.4 Next steps 438
20.11 Conclusions 439
References 439
Chapter 21: The socio-technology of alternative water systems 441
21.1 Introduction 441
21.2 Infrastructure, Society and the Environment 442
21.3 Sustainability, Technology and Water 444
21.4 Conventional Supply 445
21.4.1 Case study: London, England 446
21.5 Potable Reuse 447
21.5.1 Case study: South-East Queensland, Australia 448
21.6 District Non-Potable Water Reuse 449
21.6.1 Case study: Old Ford water recycling plant, London 450
21.7 Rainwater Harvesting 451
21.7.1 Case study: Pimpama Coomera, Australia 451
21.8 Discussion 452
21.9 Conclusion 454
References 457
Index 459