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Applications of Activated Sludge Models

Applications of Activated Sludge Models

Damir Brdjanovic | S. C. F. Meijer | C. M. Lopez-Vazquez | C. M. Hooijmans | Mark C. M. van Loosdrecht


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In 1982 the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control (IAWPRC), as it was then called, established a Task Group on Mathematical Modelling for Design and Operation of Activated Sludge Processes. The aim of the Task Group was to create a common platform that could be used for the future development of models for COD and N removal with a minimum of complexity. 
As the collaborative result of the work of several modelling groups, the Activated Sludge Model No. 1 (ASM1) was published in 1987, exactly 25 years ago. The ASM1 can be considered as the reference model, since this model triggered the general acceptance of wastewater treatment modelling, first in the research community and later on also in practice. ASM1 has become a reference for many scientific and practical projects, and has been implemented (in some cases with modifications) in most of the commercial software available for modelling and simulation of plants for N removal. The models have grown more complex over the years, from ASM1, including N removal processes, to ASM2 (and its variations) including P removal processes, and ASM3 that corrects the deficiencies of ASM1 and is based on a metabolic approach to modelling. So far, ASM1 is the most widely applied. 
Applications of Activated Sludge Models has been prepared in celebration of 25 years of ASM1 and in tribute to the activated sludge modelling pioneer, the late Professor G.v.R. Marrais. It consists of a dozen of practical applications for ASM models to model development, plant optimization, extension, upgrade, retrofit and troubleshooting, carried out by the members of the Delft modelling group over the last two decades.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\x0B Cover
Contents xv
Chapter 1: Introduction to modelling of activated sludge processes 1
1.1 What is a model? 1
1.2 Modeling basics 6
1.2.1 Model building 6
1.2.2 General model set-up 7
1.2.3 Stoichiometry 9
1.2.4 Kinetics 10
1.2.5 Transport 11
1.2.6 The matrix notation 13
1.3 The stepwise development of biokinetic model: ASM 1 15
1.4 ASM3 21
1.5 The metabolic model 24
1.6 Other developments on metabolic modelling 30
1.7 Activated sludge model development history 31
1.8 Simulator environments 33
1.9 Introduction to general modeling protocols 35
1.9.1 The inception phase 37
1.9.2 The initial model construction 38
1.9.3 Data acquisition and evaluation 38
1.9.4 The model simulation and calibration phase 39
1.9.5 The model retrofit and validation 39
1.9.6 The operational plant assessment 40
1.9.7 The model scenarios 40
1.10 The STOWA protocol 41
1.11 Influent characterization guidelines 42
1.12 Model calibration 43
1.13 The stepwise data approach to data acquisition 44
1.14 Measurements planning 44
1.15 Standards for project presentations 45
1.16 Errors and inconsistent information 46
1.17 Model accuracy 46
1.18 Modeling and modern wastewater management 47
1.19 Conclusions 53
References 53
Annex 1.1 Combined ASM2 and TUDP model 60
Chapter 2: WWTP Holten, the Netherlands: Model development and full-scale testing 69
2.1 Introduction 69
2.2 Model kinetics and stoichiometry 70
2.2 Process description of WWTP Holten 71
2.3 Sensitivity analysis 73
2.3.1 Sludge production 74
2.3.2 Concentrations 74
2.3.3 Set-up of hydraulic model 74
2.4 Calibration and validation 75
2.4.1 Performance 75
2.5 Discussion 77
2.6 Conclusions 78
Acknowledgements 78
References 78
Chapter 3: WWTP Haarlem Waarderpolder, the Netherlands: Model Evaluation of a full-scale bio-P side-stream process\r 81
3.1 Introduction 81
3.2 Materials and methods 82
3.2.1 Configuration of WWTP Haarlem Waarderpolder 82
3.2.2 Influent characterization 87
3.2.3 Batch experiments 89
3.2.4 Sampling program and analytical methods 90
3.2.5 Modeling tools 91
3.2.6 Modeling strategy 92
3.3 Results 92
3.3.1 Sampling program 92
3.3.2 Influent and sludge characterization 92
3.3.3 Hydraulic set-up of the plant model 92
3.3.4 Model calibration 95
3.3.5 Model evaluation 97
3.3.6 Alternative EBPR process configurations 100
3.4 Discussion 102
3.4.1 Influent characterization 102
3.4.2 Model calibration 103
3.4.3 Operational aspects 104
3.4.4 Practical aspects 104
3.5 Conclusions 106
Acknowledgements 106
References 106
Annex 3.1: Influent characterization procedure according to Dutch guidelines (STOWA, 1996) 108
Annex 3.2: Results of the sampling program and data collected by the plant staff (April 1997) 110
Annex 3.3: Process configurations schemes of the WWTP Haarlem Waarderpolder 112
Chapter 4: WWTP Katwoude, the Netherlands: Development of wastewater treatment data verification techniques 115
4.1 Introduction 115
4.2 WWTP Katwoude 116
4.2.1 Process description 116
4.2.2 Measurements 118
4.2.3 The process model 118
4.2.4 Introducing Macrobal 119
4.3 Error detection and data reconciliation 121
4.3.1 Estimation of the SRT 121
4.3.2 Balancing operational data 121
4.4 Model calibration and simulation 123
4.4.1 Fitting the sludge production 123
4.4.2 Calibrating nitrification, denitrification and EBPR 124
4.5. Discussion 124
4.5.1 Balancing conserved compounds 124
4.5.2 Calibrating EBPR 125
4.5.3 Calibrating N fractions 125
4.6 Conclusions 126
References 126
Chapter 5: WWTP Hardenberg, the Netherlands: Modelling full-scale start-up of the BCFS® process 129
PART 1: Modelling regular operation of WWTP Hardenberg 129
5.1 Introduction 129
5.2 Materials and methods 130
5.2.1 WWTP Hardenberg 130
5.2.2 Measurements 131
5.2.3 The WWTP Hardenberg model 131
5.2.4 Model adjustments 133
5.2.5 Influent characterisation 133
5.3 Data evaluation 133
5.3.1 Initial simulation 133
5.3.2 Evaluation of the SRT 133
5.3.3 Evaluation of recycle flow A 135
5.3.4 Evaluation of recycle flow B 136
5.4 Model calibration 136
5.4.1 Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification 137
5.5 Discussion 139
5.5.1 Fitting models on faulty data 139
5.5.2 Sensitivity analysis 139
5.5.3 A heuristic calibration approach 140
5.5.4 The calibration procedure 141
5.5.5 Balancing solids 141
5.5.6 Calibrating KO 141
5.5.7 The COD and N balance 142
5.6 Conclusions on the modelling of regular plant operation 143
PART 2: Modelling start-up of WWTP Hardenberg 143
5.7 Introduction 143
5.8 Materials and methods 143
5.8.1 The start-up procedure 143
5.8.2 Recording the original WWTP 144
5.8.3 Measuring the start-up 146
5.8.4 Models 146
5.8.5 Solids retention in the anaerobic reactor 147
5.8.6 Modelling temperature 148
5.9 Model calibration and simulation 149
5.9.1 Data evaluation 149
5.9.2 Calibrating the model of the old WWTP 150
5.9.3 Calibrating the start-up 151
5.10 Evaluation of the TUDP model 153
5.10.1 Sensitivity analysis 153
5.10.2 Calibrating EBPR 155
5.11 Discussion 157
5.11.1 Influent characterisation 157
5.11.2 Simulation of the old WWTP 157
5.11.3 Modelling chemical P precipitation 158
5.11.4 Modelling anaerobic solids retention time 158
5.11.5 Dynamic evaluation of operational conditions 158
5.11.6 Interpretation of the start-up dynamics 159
5.12 Conclusions on start-up simulations 160
References 161
Chapter 6: WWTP Shell Godorf, Germany: Optimization of oil refinery wastewater treatment 165
6.1 Introduction 165
6.2 Materials and Methods 166
6.2.1 Wastewater treatment plant configuration 166
6.2.1 Influent characterization 167
6.2.1 Sampling campaign 167
6.2.1 Experimental program 167
6.3 Modeling tools 167
6.4 Calibration strategy 168
6.5 Results 168
6.5.1 Influent characterization 168
6.5.2 Sampling campaign 170
6.6 Experimental campaign 170
6.5.1 Nitrification test 170
6.5.2 Denitrification test 171
6.5.3 Hydraulic set-up of the plant model 171
6.5.4 Model calibration and simulation 173
6.5.5 Model validation 175
6.5.6 Performance evaluation 175
6.6 Process optimization 175
6.6.1 Scenario 1: Implementation of an idle phase 176
6.6.2 Scenario 2: Transforming B3 basin from aerobic to anoxic 176
6.6.3 Scenario 3: Combined preand post-denitrification with external methanol addition 176
6.7 Discussion 177
6.8 Conclusions 179
References 179
Chapter 7: WWTP Walcheren, the Netherlands: Model-based evaluation of a novel upgrading concept for N removal 183
7.1 Introduction 183
7.2 Materials and methods 184
7.2.1 Walcheren wastewater treatment plant 184
7.2.2 Wastewater characterization 185
7.2.3 The BABE reactor 186
7.3 Results and discussion 186
7.3.1 Increasing the DO in the aeration tanks 186
7.3.2 Upgrading of the WWTP by the BABE concept 187
7.3.3 Modification of the WWTP Walcheren to meet the effluent requirements 188
7.3.4 Comparison of the upgrading strategies for the Walcheren WWTP 189
7.3.5 Use of modelling 189
7.4 Conclusions 190
Acknowledgements 190
References 190
Chapter 8: WWTP Anjana, India: Coupling models for integrated and plant wide modelling 191
8.1 Introduction 191
8.2 Materials and methods 192
8.2.1 WWTP Anjana 192
8.2.2 Sampling program and analytical methods 194
8.2.3 Wastewater and sludge characterization 194
8.2.4 Model building and ASM3-ADM1 coupling 194
8.2.5 ADM1-ASM3 coupling 197
8.2.6 Modelling strategy 198
8.2.7 Model calibration and validation 198
8.2.8 Scenarios evaluation for process upgrade and optimization 199
8.3 Results 199
8.3.1 Model calibration 199
8.3.2 Model validation 201
8.3.3 Model-based evaluation for process optimization and upgrade 202
8.3.4 Modelling the return of the filtrate stream 204
8.4 Discussion 204
8.4.1 Influent and sludge characterization 204
8.4.2 Model calibration 205
8.4.3 Model coupling 206
8.4.4 Plant performance assessment for current and future scenarios 206
8.5 Conclusions 207
Acknowledgements 207
References 207
Chapter 9: WWTP Ecco, the Netherlands: Modelling nitrogen removal from tannery wastewater 209
9.1 Introduction 209
9.2 Materials and methods 209
9.2.1 Plant and process description 209
9.2 Measurements 210
9.3 Process model (selection and adjustment) 211
9.4 Influent measurement and characterization 212
9.5 Balancing operational data and measurements 212
9.5.1 Estimation of sludge age, Q recycling and Qin2 212
9.6 Model calibration and simulation 213
9.6.1 Calibration of the solids 213
9.6.2 Calibrating nitrification and denitrification 213
9.7 Model validation 214
9.8 Model application 215
9.8.1 Evaluation of the existing plant performance and possible extension 215
9.8.2 Process optimization 216
9.9 Discussion 216
9.10 Conclusions 217
References 217
Chapter 10: WWTP Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Use of modeling for cost-effective reconstruction of urban wastewater infrastructure 221
10.1 Introduction 221
10.2 Model of Sarajevo sewerage system 222
10.3 Model of WWTP Sarajevo 225
10.3.1 WWTP Sarajevo 225
10.3.2 Capacity prognosis 226
10.3.3 Reconstruction of the influent characteristics 227
10.3.4 Scenario results 228
10.3.5 Scenarios evaluation 232
10.4 Modeling discharge‐receiving rivers Miljacka and Bosna 235
10.5 Conclusions and recommendations 238
References 238
Chapter 11: WWTP Illidge Rd., Sint Maarten N.A.: Use of modelling for cost-effective design of wastewater treatment plant 241
11.1 Introduction 241
11.2 Materials and methods 243
11.2.1 Description of the study area: Cul-de-Sac, St. Maarten 243
11.2.2 Scenarios of study 245
11.2.3 Wastewater characterization and fractionation 246
11.2.4 Evaluation of the new wastewater treatment plant configurations 246
11.3 Results and discussion 247
11.3.1 Evaluation of the current plant performance 247
11.3.2 Scenarios of study 247
11.3.3 Wastewater fractionation and characterization 248
11.3.4 Assessment of the wastewater treatment plant configurations 250
11.4 Conclusions 253
References 253
Chapter 12: WWTP Dulces-Nombers, Mexico: Model-based evaluation of a fullscale plant hydraulics 259
12.1 Introduction 259
12.2 Materials and methods 260
12.2.1 The WWTP Dulces-Nombres 260
12.2.2. Preliminary simulation 260
12.2.3 Flow measurements 262
12.2.4 Tracer test and hydraulic modeling 262
12.3 Results and discussion 262
12.3.1 Preliminary simulation 262
12.3.2 Flows 263
12.3.3 Modeling of the tracer test data and hydraulics calibration 264
12.4 Conclusions 265
References 266
Chapter 13: WWTP Varaždin, Croatia: Use of models for cost‐effective planning of plant retrofit and upgrade scenarios 267
13.1 Introduction 267
13.2 WWTP Varaždin 267
13.3 Upgrade scenarios 273
13.3.1 Existing situation: S0 274
13.3.2 Scenarios S1 and S2 275
13.3.3 Scenarios S3 and S4 278
13.3.4 Scenarios S5 and S6 278
13.3.5 Scenarios S7 and S8 278
13.4 Building up the BioWin hydraulic flow scheme 278
13.5 Scenarios regarding plant layout 284
13.6 Scenarios regarding plant volumes 285
13.7 Operational performance of the scenarios 287
13.7.1 Effluent quality 287
13.7.2 SRT 289
13.7.3 Sludge production 289
13.7.4 Primary settling and digestion impact on sludge production 290
13.7.5 Digester design 291
13.7.6 Nitrogen removal 292
13.7.7 Internal (nitrogen) loading 292
13.8 Scenarios regarding secondary settling 294
13.8 Conclusions and recommendations on the modelling study 296
13.9 Multi-criteria scenario analysis 298
13.9.1 Treatment efficiency 299
13.9.2 Investment costs 299
13.9.3 Operational costs 300
13.9.4 Technological complexity and maintenance 300
13.9.5 Operating stability and robustness 301
13.9.6 Required space 302
13.9.7 Upgrade implementation complexity 302
13.9.8 Sludge generation 303
13.9.10 Multi-criteria analysis 304
13.10 Selected scenario for upgrade of WWTP Varaždin 305
13.10.1 Design temperature 307
13.10.2 Design influent concentrations 307
13.10.3 Design hydraulic load 308
13.10.4 Design principles 309
13.10.10 Estimated investment costs 311
13.11 Conclusions on the scenario selection 311
Reference 312
Annex 13.1: WWTP layout and process flow diagram for scenarios S1-S8 313
Annex 13.2: Hydraulic process scheme of the WWTP for scenario S1-S8 325
Chapter 14: WWTP Amsterdam West, the Netherlands: Use of models to explain deterioration of effluent quality under wet weather conditions 339
14.1 Introduction 339
14.2 WWTP Amsterdam West 340
14.2.1 Plant and process description 340
14.2.2 Measurements 341
14.3 Model construction 342
14.3.1 Process model description 342
14.3.2 Data reconciliation 343
14.3.3 Model influent characterization 344
14.4 Model calibration 345
14.5 Modelling dynamic influent conditions 345
14.5.1 Modelling dry weather flow 345
14.5.2 Modelling rain weather flow (RWF) 346
14.5.3 Dynamic effluent simulation results 347
14.5.4 Mixing time simulation 348
14.6 Plant assessment and discussion 348
14.6.1 Considerations on the model and simulations 348
14.6.2 Effluent performance under dry weather conditions 349
14.6.3 Effluent performance under rain weather conditions 349
14.6.4 Model-based assessment of the EBPR process 350
14.7 Conclusions 353
References 354
Chapter 15: WWTP Houtrust, the Netherlands: Plant upgrade using big-data and reconciliation techniques 357
15.1 Introduction 357
15.2 Performance assessment of WWTP Houtrust 359
15.3 N-tot study WWTP Houtrust 360
15.4 Problem definition and goals 362
15.5 Plant inventory 363
15.6 Structured approach towards valid model results 364
15.7 Part 1: Technical plant description 365
15.7.1 Facts and figures 365
15.7.2 Description of the process flow system 367
15.8 Part 2: Organizing plant data and development of a data model 370
15.8.1 Data improvement 370
15.8.2 Development of the data model: The directed incidence matrix 371
15.8.3 Data evaluation planning 373
15.18.4 Data model development 374
15.8.5 Data representativeness improvement 376
15.8.6 Data and parameter estimation based on activated sludge composition 380
15.8.7 Applicability of sludge composition measurements for data estimation 381
15.9 Part 3: Practical methods for creation of data redundancy 382
15.9.1 Optimizing and reducing the requirement for data 384
15.9.2 Available methods for selecting balances 384
15.9.3 Practical rules for selecting flow and mass balances 384
15.10 Part 4: Results of the data evaluation study 386
15.10.1 Construction of the data model and planning the measurements 388
15.10.2 Error detection and data reconciliation 388
15.11 Part 5: Model and calibration results 391
15.11.1 Model calibration 392
15.11.2 Determining calibration accuracy by parameter sensitivity analysis 400
15.11.3 Dynamic temperature modelling 403
15.12 Discussion on data accuracy in wastewater treatment 406
15.13 Final remarks 408
References 409
Chapter 16: WWTP UPM, Uruguay: Modelling pulp mill wastewater treatment 411
16.1 Introduction 411
16.1.1. Background 411
16.1.2. Description of the Metsä-Botnia pulp mill plant in Uruguay 411
16.1.3 Pulp mill manufacturing processes 413
16.1.4 Wastewater treatment plant 415
16.2 Materials and methods 417
16.2.1 Process description 417
16.2.2 Data collection and evaluation 418
16.2.3 Steady-state model and aerobic batch tests 419
16.2.4 Model calibration and validation 419
16.2.5 Scenarios assessment 419
16.3 Results and discussion 421
16.3.1 Data collection and evaluation 421
16.3.2 Evaluated Pulp mill WWTP process plant layout 423
16.3.3 Evaluated pulp mill wastewater characteristics and fractionation 424
16.3.4 Steady-state model and aerobic batch tests 425
16.3.5 Model calibration 426
16.3.6 Model validation 427
16.3.7 Assessment of plant improvement and upgrading scenarios 428
16.4. Conclusions 435
Acknowledgements 435
References 436
Chapter 17: The past, present and future of wastewater treatment modeling 437
17.1 Introduction 437
17.2 Historical overview 437
17.2 Recent developments 439
17.3 Statistics on ASM literature 440
17.4 Calibration and model accuracy related to ASM development 445
17.5 The future 445
References 450