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A Compendium of Best Practices in Asset Management

A Compendium of Best Practices in Asset Management

J. N. Bhagwan


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Available as eBook only. 
The increased scientific knowledge of the management of water infrastructure, is forcing the application of radical and innovative techniques, that goes beyond seen pipes, tanks and pumps as infrastructure in the ground, but as assets which have an operational life and effective and efficient use of these component impacts on our ability as water providers and utilities to continue to provide high quality, high assurance water and sanitation services at reliably and affordably. They are now being seen as the lifeblood of the community, since they protect public health and they insure that local economies and national economies continue to run. Mounting evidence internationally suggests that the integrity of drinking water and wastewater infrastructure is at risk without a concerted effort to improve the management of key assets - pipelines, treatment plants, and other facilities - and a significant investment in maintaining, rehabilitating, and replacing these assets.  
The application of asset management principles in the global water industry is of particular interest at the present time due to pressures from governments, regulators, shareholders and consumer groups in many countries to provide cost-effective and sustainable water services at least cost to customers and the environment. Recognising that the application of good science and innovation was on a rapid incline, it was deemed necessary to capture these novel and creative applications, techniques and process which were contributing to this new area of importance. 
This GWRC Compendium of Best Practices in Asset Management demonstrates the advancements and progress being made in applying innovative and novel techniques and processes in the management of water and sanitation infrastructure. The cases highlight examples in different countries on strategic initiatives at the highest level, through the development of the policy and legislation towards ensuring that asset management becomes a legal requirement for all water services providers;  innovation techniques for infrastructure risk assessment; decision- making techniques for capital investments; studies on the implementation of Asset management in utility practice, the use of GIS and IT technology, and the various little techniques of meter replacement, pressure management, continuous leak detection and rehabilitation of infrastructure. 

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover page 1
Title page 2
Copyright page 3
Historical Background 11
Asset Management Definition 12
The US EPA Definitions of Asset Management are as follows: 12
Concepts used in Infrastructure Asset Management 13
Some guiding principles for IAM (sourced from Department of Water affairs south Africa, integrated asset management strategy) 16
Asset Management around the Water World 17
Challenges and future needs 18
Global cooperation on Strategic Asset Management 19
References 19
Meter-replacement optimisation at Duinwaterbedrijf Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands 20
Summary 20
Introduction 21
Duties of the asset management department of Duinwaterbedrijf Zuid-Holland 22
Pillar for improvement: process optimisation 23
Pillar for improvement: asset management 23
Technical Accountant Report 24
Customer Minutes Lost (CML) 24
Water quality index Aquator and geographical plots 24
GIS-tools and databases 24
Research on water quality and pipe materials 24
Risk assessment 24
Research as a basis for maintenance decisions 25
Case-study: Optimisation of the water meter-replacement process 25
Administrative aspects of meter replacement in the current situation 25
Solutions for identified bottle-necks 26
Results of the optimised meter-replacement process 28
Distribution network design at PWN Water Company North-Holland 30
Introduction 30
PWN’s vision on asset management 30
Case study: new design rules for distribution networks 30
Historical distribution network design 30
New distribution network design rules: self cleaning networks 31
Three network designs put to the test 32
Conclusions 34
Programme sustainability – A case study City of Hamilton, Canada 35
Summary 35
Background Information 35
Hamilton amalgamates 35
“We knew we had a problem.” 36
Description of best practice, including involvement of institutions(personnel/departments) 36
Building an asset management team 36
Getting traction 37
Creation of an integrated AM program 38
Developing buy-in to an integrated asset management program 39
Integration with maintenance and operations 39
Importance of information technology 39
Description of best practices, including institutions (personnel/departments) involved(Importance of governance understanding and buy-in of the AM program) 40
Councillors' asset management education workshops 40
One-on-one meetings with councillors 41
Detailed city tours 41
Ward-by-ward breakdown of all proposed projects (mapped) 41
Summary of key lessons and experiences (results and findings) 41
Application of practice of understanding the condition of buried assets – City of Atlanta, Georgia (Atlanta Department of Waters 42
Summary 42
Introduction 42
CSO and SSO Consent Decrees Require Compliance 42
Background Information 43
Development of a Plan 43
Description of best practices including institutions (personnel/departments) involved 43
Timetable for improvements 43
Planning the program 44
Components of the plan 45
GIS 45
Hydraulic Modelling 46
Other Initiatives 48
Interim results 48
Program Funding 49
Summary of key lessons and experiences (results and findings) 49
Bibliographic information 49
Application of practice of setting the required level of service City of Columbus Water Works (CWW), GA. 50
Summary 50
Introduction 50
Background information 50
The value of feedback 51
Assessing asset management practices 53
Description of best practice, including institutions (personnel/departments) involved 54
Service level agreements 54
Summary of key lessons and experiences (results and findings) 55
Application of reliability centred maintenance at their Deer Island advanced wastewater treatment plant as a best practice O&M strategy - Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), MASS. 56
Summary 56
Introduction 56
Background Information 56
Description of best practices, including institutions (personnel/departments) involved 58
Maximo (computerized maintenance management system) 58
Data quality 58
Utilisation of the Maximo System 58
Maintenance strategies 59
Reliability-Centred Maintenance (RCM) 59
Preventive maintenance optimisation 60
Condition monitoring 61
Acoustic ultrasonic case study 62
Lubrication savings case study 62
Infrared case study 63
Vibration case study 64
Business practices 65
Productivity improvement program 65
Cross-functional crews 65
Operations light maintenance 65
Metrics 66
Maintenance backlog 66
Availability 66
Summary of key lessons and experiences (results and findings) 66
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) takes aim at critical assets using risk-based decision-making and strategic asset management plan - City of Seattle (Washington State) 67
Introduction 67
Seattle, WA, the Emerald City 67
Asset management background 68
Asset management – an evolutionary path 69
SPU Strives for a customer-centric approach 70
The Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) 70
How SPU makes well-informed, risk-based decisions 71
Probability of failure 72
Calculating annual risk cost 72
Advice to other utilities seeking to implement an asset management program 72
Conclusion: The benefits of asset management for SPU 73
References 74
Decision-making for capital investments Seattle public utilities case study: Introduction 75
Background 75
Organization and Management 75
Capital decision-making at Seattle Public Utilities 77
The project development plan 77
Participants in capital project decision-making 78
Triple bottom line evaluation 78
Project example 79
Summary of results 82
Continuous leak detection to monitor condition of water distribution pipes American Water case study 83
Introduction 83
Background 83
Searching for methods to find leaks 83
Practice demonstrated in Connellsville, Pennsylvania, USA 84
Continuous leak detection program 84
Acoustic monitoring 84
Automatic meter reading (AMR) System 86
Results from Connellsville 86
Summary of results 87
Use of electronic mobile and field solutions by Las Vegas Valley Water District Las Vegas Valley Water District 89
Introduction 89
Background 89
MIDAS – Mobile inspection data acquisition system 89
ViryaNet ServiceHub mobile application – mobile work order management 91
Other field solution systems used at the district 91
Locator system – Call USA 91
Firefly – AMR mobile solution 92
Distribution Permalog logger system – a preventive asset management too 92
Wachs system – preventive asset management tool for valves 92
Summary of results 93
The field solution systems used by the district have provided the following positive results: 94
The use of GIS to support EPCOR’s business processes EPCOR Water Services 95
Introduction 95
Background 95
GIS strategy in EPCOR 95
GIS in support of asset management at EPCOR 97
Water main renewal programs 97
Reactive renewal program 97
Proactive renewal program 98
Water distribution main cathodic protection 98
Water main internal lining program 98
Hydraulic modelling 98
Modified duties for injured staff 99
GeoEdmonton alliance 100
Financial benefits 100
Summary of results 100
Main replacement and rehabilitation program – Louisville Water Company 102
Introduction 102
Background 102
Main Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (MRRP) 102
History of MRRP 102
Key elements of the MRRP 103
Selection methodology 103
Results of MRRP 104
Other related programs and activities 106
Summary of results 106
Effective risk modelling of water infrastructure assets in the United Kingdom 107
Introduction 107
The discolouration risk modelling (DRM) approach 107
Objective 108
Principles 108
DRM Software 109
Contribution of DRM to system operations 110
Application to assist with capital planning 111
Validation and enhancement 113
Other associated approaches 114
Conclusions 114
Anglian Water’s strategic investment approach A case study on its initial application to wastewater infrastructure 115
Introduction 115
Overview of technical approach 117
‘Risk number’ 119
Data assembly 119
Likelihood of performance failure 119
Regression modelling 120
Consequence of performance failure 120
Conclusions 121
Other relevant literature 121
System planning and the asset management process adopted within Northumbrian Water Limited. 122
R Wooldridge and S Walker 122
Introduction 122
Background 123
Developing a Risk Based Approach 124
Catchment Planning Process 124
Asset Management Process System (AMPS) 124
Asset Indicators used is System Planning 126
Risk Analysis 129
Strategic System Planning 131
Future Developments 131
Conclusions 132
Note 132
A case study on water mains rehabilitation planning and implementation, United Utilities, UK 133
Introduction 133
Understanding the problem 134
Agreements with the regulators as to needs 134
Developing the solution 135
Results 136
Achievements, and lessons learnt 137
Change and asset management in Thames Water: building the (im)perfect beast 139
Introduction 139
History - how did we get to here? 139
Wastewater Services 139
Water Services 140
Application and development of risk-based asset management in Thames Water 140
Past use of risk approaches in Thames Water 140
Delivering the Asset Lifecycle Vision 142
Organisational capability – People & business Processes 147
Relevant information 148
Capital maintenance Good practice guide Leading Edge Asset Decisions Assessment (LEADA) Yorkshire Water 149
Introduction 149
Objective 149
Data requirements 149
What drives the data? 149
Demand Element Data 150
Supply element data 151
Determining probability, severity and quantity 152
Data for network assets 153
Methodology 155
The LEADA approach to capital maintenance and investment planning 155
Stage 1 - Identification of risks to service 155
Asset death related risk 157
Operational Risks 157
Stage 2 - Consistent risks and solutions 158
Stage 3 Market research – willingness-to-pay 159
Stage 4 Economic optimisation 161
Stage 5 Financial implications 165
Stage 6 Investment authorisation 165
‘Active, Beautiful, Clean’ (ABC) Waters Programme for Singapore’s sustainable assets management 166
Abstract 166
Background 166
Singapore’s rain water collection and transport 167
Singapore assets management through the ABC Waters Programme 168
Conclusion 171
Relevant Reading 171
European Union/DPLG Pilot Project Asset Planning for Four Municipalities 172
Summary 172
Introduction 172
Background 173
Points of departure 173
Asset management planning approach adopted 174
Asset management plan deliverables 177
Scope, value and condition of infrastructure 177
Performance 178
Budget needs 178
Conclusions 178
At local level 178
In a wider context 179
A final caution 179
Free State Province and South African national monitoring of water and wastewater quality and improvement of asset management 180
Summary 180
Introduction 180
Potable water quality 181
Key challenges to improving water and wastewater quality management bymunicipalities 182
Electronic water quality data management system 183
The Free State recent developments 184
WQM sustainability analysis 185
Conclusion 186
Johannesburg Water and its \"Operation Gcin'amanzi\" service upgrading, asset management and demand management programme 187
Summary 187
Introduction 187
Johannesburg Water 187
Soweto 188
Operation Gcin'amanzi 189
Programme progress 191
Consequent effects 192
Conclusions 193
DWAF National Water Services Infrastructure Asset Management Strategy 194
Summary 194
Introduction and problem statement 194
Context 195
Scope of the first stage 195
Phase: Scan 196
Phase: Proceeding from fact-finding to solution-identification 196
Phase: Priority action areas 199
Way forward: The second stage 199
Conclusion 199
Sebokeng/Evaton water saving through pressure management 200
Summary 200
Introduction 200
The installation 203
Project team 204
Results 204
Rand Water major pipeline asset management 207
Summary 207
Rand Water background and importance to the economy 208
Supply area 208
Pipeline asset management regime: overview 209
Asset management of pre-stressed concrete pipelines 211
Conclusions 214
Rustenburg public-private partnership for upgrading, operation and maintenance of water and wastewater treatment infrastructure 216
Summary 216
Introduction 216
Addressing the issues 217
The consortium 218
The engineering works 218
Rustenburg Water Services Trust 219
Conclusion 220
Western Cape Provincial Government collaborative programme. Asset management planning support for local municipalities 221
Summary 221
Introduction 221
Initiation of the collaborative approach 222
Data collection pilot studies 223
Asset management planning pilot study 224
Benefits of a collaborative approach 225
Conclusion 225
Guidelines, software, publications and papers 230
Training aids and initiatives 236