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Southeast Asian Water Environment 1

Southeast Asian Water Environment 1

S. Ohgaki | Kensuke Fukushi | Hiroyuki Katayama | Satoshi Takizawa | Chongrak Polprasert


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Southeast Asia has undergone rapid commercial and industrial development over the past half century, which continues to bring economic stability and prosperity to its inhabitants. The combined impacts of population growth, urbanization, and industrialization continue to put pressure on the natural resources and the environment. At the same time, globalization is another momentous challenge for the region.  Southeast Asian megacities are some of the most dynamic and diverse regions, which are playing a key role in achieving global sustainability. Twelve out of nineteen megacities of the world are located in the region, where highly developed areas coexist with poorly developing areas where large economic growth is expected. The poor quality of the living standards of the latter creates many environmental problems that are major threats to the inhabitants of the region. The Southeast Asian environment has been degraded by the release of industrial and domestic wastes, agricultural and aquacultural chemicals, and pollutants from automobiles. It suffers from water-related disasters, Tsunami, floods, typhoons, etc. In order to deal with these issues an integrated approach from the inhibitants, governments and researchers is essential. The environmental threats arising from the increasing population, overuse of natural resources, industrialization, urbanization, and natural disasters present ever increasing challenges to pursuing sustainable development of the region. Many developed countries such as Japan have experiences of dealing with severe environmental pollution and this publication is the result of building an academic network among researchers of related fields from different regions to exchange information. This book will be an invaluable source of information for all those concerned with achieving global sustainability within the water environment in developing regions, including researchers, policy makers, NGOs and NPOs.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 5
Preface 8
Introduction: Southeast Asian Water Environment Scenario at Present and the Future Perspective x
1. Introduction x
2.1 Water availability and scarcity in the Southeast Asian region xi
2.2 Water quality situation in Southeast Asian countries xii
2.3 Water supply and sanitation coverage in Asian countries xiii
3. Southeast Asian water environment issues xiii
1. Water management xiii
2. Accessibility to the water supply and sanitation services xiii
3. Application of appropriate technologies xiii
4. Financial and regulatory framework xiii
4. Future Strategies xiv
1. Integrated water resources management xiv
2. Developing urban water district xiv
3. Innovation on appropriate technologies and waste minimization xiv
4. Partnership and empowerment xv
References xv
Section 1: Environmental ecological management xvi
Biodiversity and Fisheries in the Mekong River Basin xviii
1. Introduction xviii
2. Materials and methods xix
3. Results and discussion xix
3.1 Aquatic biodiversity in the Mekong xix
3.2 The fishery resource and its exploitation xx
3.3 The role of aquaculture xxi
3.4 Threats to aquatic biodiversity in the Mekong xxii
4. Conclusions xxiii
6. References xxiv
Interactions between Water and Economic Development: the Phong Watershed Case Study, Thailand xxvi
1. Introduction xxvi
2. General background xxvii
2.1 The northeast economy xxvii
2.2 Land use in the Phong watershed xxviii
3. Problems identification and discussion xxix
3.1 Water resources development as a strategy for a regional economic development xxix
3.2 Consequences of economic development xxxii
4. Conclusions xxxii
5. References xxxii
Development on Expert-Database for Upper Part of the Citarum River Pollution Control xxxiv
1. Introduction xxxiv
2. Database structure xxxv
3. Query setting for river pollution control xxxviii
4. Knowledge representation xxxix
5. Conclusions xli
6. References xli
Estimation of Downstream Environmental Control Discharges using Artificial Neural Networks xlii
1. Introduction xlii
2. Study area xliv
3. Theoretical consideration xlv
4. Model calibration and verification xlvi
5. Conclusions xlviii
6. References xlix
Seasonal Relationship between Flow and Pollutant Concentration in Upper Part of Citarum River l
1. Introduction l
2. Materials and methods li
3. Results and discussion lii
4. Conclusions lvi
5. References lvi
GIS Based Watershed Classification in Lao P.D.R. lviii
1. Introduction lviii
2. The watershed classification approach lix
3. The watershed classification methodology lx
4. Results lxi
5. Conclusions lxiii
7. References lxv
Potential Contamination of Heavy Metals in Fish along Pong and Chi Rivers lxvi
1. Introduction lxvi
2. Study sites lxvii
3. Materials and methods lxx
3.1 Samples collection lxx
3.2 Preparation and analysis of samples lxx
4. Results and discussions lxx
5. Conclusions lxxiv
7. References lxxiv
Environmental Issues and Constraints in Lake Management: a Case Study from India lxxv
1. Introduction lxxv
2. Study area and data source lxxvi
3. Results and discussion lxxvi
3.1 Effect of climate change and natural disasters on the lake lxxvii
3.2 Hydrology and sedimentation process in the lake lxxviii
3.3 Lake water quality, pollution and eutophication problems lxxviii
3.4 Biodiversity issues lxxix
3.5 Human dimension lxxx
3.6 Future needs and management plan lxxx
4. Conclusions lxxxii
6. References lxxxii
Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems of Nepal: Balancing Water Uses and Environment Conservation for Sustaining Livelihood lxxxiii
1. Introduction lxxxiii
2. Materials and methods lxxxiv
3. Results and discussion lxxxiv
4. Conclusions lxxxviii
6. References lxxxix
Study on the Reasonable Utilization of Transboundary Water Resources and Environmental Protection in Southwest China xc
1. Introduction xc
2. Strategic position of transboundary water resources in Southwest China xci
3. International challenges for utilization and conservation xciii
4. Major issues of sustainable utilization and regenerative maintenance xciv
4.1 Serious environmental impacts of human activities in mountainous area xciv
4.2 Ecosystem changed quickly by the interruption of infrastructure xciv
4.3 Worsening of soil erosion as a result of ecological degradation xcv
4.4 Increasing hazard of ecological degradation on large scale projects xcvi
5. Conclusions xcvi
7. References xcvii
Water Vapor Estimates from Forests and Croplands to Study the Hydrological Balance and Generation of Ecosystem Services xcix
1. Introduction xcix
2. The study area ci
3. Methodology ci
4. Results and discussion ciii
5. Conclusion cv
References cvi
Impact of Pollution Sources on the Pong River Water Quality cvii
1. Introduction cvii
1.1 Study Area and Scope cviii
1.2 Pollution Sources cx
2. Results and discussion cxii
3. Conclusion cxviii
References cxix
Section 2: Dialogue between environmental science and policy making cxx
Estimation of the Amount of Nitrate Originated from Nitrogenous Fertilizer in a Global River Model cxxi
1. Introduction cxxi
2. Distribution of nitrogenous fertilizer consumption cxxii
2.1 Cropland distribution data cxxii
2.2 Annual fertilizer consumption cxxii
2.3 Dividing into 12 months cxxiii
3. Estimation of nitrate leaching cxxiv
3.1 Nitrogen uptake cxxiv
3.2 Ammonia volatilization cxxiv
3.3 Nitrification cxxiv
3.4 Denitrification cxxv
3.5 Nitrate leaching cxxv
3.6 Result cxxv
4. Simulation of global nitrate discharge cxxvi
4.1 TRIP, Total Runoff Integrated Pathways cxxvi
4.2 Assumptions cxxvi
4.3 Result cxxvii
5. Conclusions cxxvii
6. References cxxviii
Measurement of N2O Emission from Tropical Paddy Fields cxxix
1. Introduction cxxix
2. Materials and methods cxxx
3. Results and discussions cxxxii
3.1. The effect of inundation on N2O emission cxxxii
3.2 The ratio of N2O emission to the total denitrification N loss cxxxiii
3.3. Other factors affecting N2O emission cxxxiv
4. Conclusions cxxxv
References cxxxvi
A Scientific Approach for Allocating Water to Competing Sectors cxxxvii
1. Introduction cxxxvii
2. Model development cxxxviii
2.1 Conceptual framework cxxxviii
2.2 Optimization model cxxxix
2.3 Calculation of Net Economic Return cxli
2.4 Input data requirement cxli
3. Model application cxli
4. Results and discussion cxlii
5. Conclusions cxliv
References cxliv
1. Introduction cxlv
2. Materials and methods cxlvi
3. Results and discussion cxlvii
4. Conclusions cli
5. References clii
Technical Inefficiency in Intensive Fish Cage Production: the Importance of Understanding the Sources of Interdependencies in cliv
1. Introduction cliv
2. The Taal lake environment and the fish cage industry clv
3. Research methods clvii
4. Results and discussion clviii
5. Conclusions clx
6. References clx
How Good Intentions Turned Sour? clxii
1. Introduction clxii
2. Good intentions of the water provision policy clxiii
3. The initial detection of a hitherto unknown symptom clxiii
4. The global distribution of fluoride deposits clxiv
5. Fluorosis: medically speaking clxv
6. The problem of the safety limit of fluoride in water clxvi
7. What is to be done? clxvii
8. References clxix
Section 3: Emerging issues and environmental technologies clxxi
Treatment of Textile Wastewater by a Combination of Anaerobic and Aerobic Processes: A Denim Processing Plant Case clxxii
1. Introduction clxxii
2. Materials and Methods clxxiii
3. Results and Discussion clxxv
4. Conclusions clxxvii
References clxxviii
Impacts of Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture and Aquaculture in Hanoi, Vietnam clxxx
1. Introduction clxxx
2. Materials and Methods clxxxi
3. Results clxxxii
4. Discussion clxxxiv
5. Conclusions and Recommendations clxxxvi
References clxxxvii
Water Reused in Dairy Milk Factories by Clean Technology Approaches clxxxviii
1. Introduction clxxxviii
2. Materials and Methods clxxxix
3. Results and Discussion cxc
4. Conclusions cxcii
5. Acknowledgement cxciii
6. References cxciii
Use of Wastewater from Intensive Hybrid Catfish (Clarias macrocephalus x C. gariepnus) Pond Culture as Fertilizer for Rice Crop cxciv
1. Introduction cxciv
2. Materials and Methods cxcv
3. Results and discussion cxcvi
4. Conclusions cxcix
References cxcix
Trihalomethane Species and NOM Parameters in the Water Supply of a small rural waterwork ccii
1. Introduction ccii
2. Materials and methods cciii
2.1 The selected small rural waterwork cciii
2.2 Water Treatment process of the selected small rural waterwork cciii
2.3 Analytical method, standard and instrument cciv
3. Results and discussion cciv
3.1 TTHMs and NOM parameters in raw water cciv
3.2 TTHMs and NOM parameters in the produced water supply ccv
3.3 Correlation between TTHMs and NOM parameters in the produced water supply ccvi
3.4 TTHMs species in the produced water supply ccvii
4. Conclusions ccviii
Combination of Chemical Precipitation and Upflow Anaerobic Floating Filter for Piggery Wastewater Treatment ccx
1. Introduction ccx
2. Materials and experimental methods ccxi
2.1. Chemical Precipitation (CP) ccxii
2.2. Upflow Anaerobic Floating Filter (UAFF) ccxii
3. Results and discussion ccxiv
3.1. Organics and Nutrients Removal ccxiv
3.2. Variation of pH and Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) ccxv
3.3. Biogas Generation ccxv
4. Conclusions ccxvi
5. References ccxvii
Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater and Selected Removal Technologies for Rural Isolated Communities in Bangladesh ccxviii
1. Introduction ccxviii
2. Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater ccxix
3. Health Effect ccxx
4. Arsenic Removal Technologies Used in Bangladesh ccxxii
4.1 Passive sedimentation ccxxii
4.2 Solar oxidation ccxxii
4.3 Arsenic and iron removal plants (AIRP) ccxxiii
4.4 Bucket treatment unit ccxxiii
4.5 Pitcher treatment ccxxiii
4.6 Activated alumia ccxxiv
4.7 Membrane technique ccxxiv
4.8 Other arsenic removal technologies ccxxiv
5. Conclusions ccxxiv
6. References ccxxv
Various Treatment Technologies to Remove Arsenic and Mercury from Contaminated Groundwater: An Overview ccxxvii
1. Introduction ccxxvii
2. Various Technologies for Heavy Metal Removal from Contaminated Groundwater ccxxix
2.1 Chemical precipitation ccxxix
2.2 Coagulation ccxxix
2.3 Filtration ccxxx
2.4 Reverse osmosis (RO) ccxxx
2.5 Ion Exchange ccxxxi
2.6 Adsorption ccxxxii
3. Concluding remarks ccxxxiii
Investigations on the Status of Arsenic Contamination in Southern Thailand ccxxxvi
1. Introduction ccxxxvi
2. Background Information ccxxxvii
3. Methods ccxxxviii
Field Test Kit ccxxxviii
4. Description of the Study Area ccxxxix
5. Results and Discussions ccxli
6. Conclusions ccxlii
References ccxliii
Assessment of Combined Sewer Overflow impacts on receiving water: A case study of Bangkok ccxlv
1. Introduction ccxlv
2. Study Area and Monitoring Methods ccxlvi
3. Results and Discussion ccxlviii
4. Conclusions and Recommendations ccli
References cclii
The Distribution of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Bisphenol A and Alkylphenols in Water Environments around Bangkok ccliii
1. Introduction ccliii
2. Materials and methods ccliv
3. Results and discussion cclvi
3.1 Detection Limits and Quantification Limits cclvi
3.2 Recovery cclvi
3.3 Contamination levels of target EDCs in selected water bodies cclvi
3.4 Purity checking of peaks observed by GC/MS cclvii
3.5 Possibility of the risk of estrogenic effects cclviii
Conclusions cclix
References cclix
Nutrient Budget Analysis and Its Implications as an Indicator of Urban Sustainability: A Case Study on Hanoi, Vietnam cclxi
1. Introduction cclxi
2. Materials and Methods cclxii
Hanoi Citadel cclxii
Nutrient Budget Analysis cclxii
3. Results and Discussion cclxiii
4. Conclusions cclxvii
6. References cclxviii
Keyword index cclxx