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Diffuse Pollution

Diffuse Pollution

N. Campbell | Brian D'Arcy | A. Frost | Vladimir Novotny | A. Sansom


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Diffuse (non-point source) pollution is increasingly being recognised as a major source of water quality problems in both surface and ground water. Indeed, as pollution resulting from point sources is reduced by the efforts of regulators, diffuse sources frequently remain as the dominant source of pollution.                     The book is an introductory text covering the nature, causes and the significance of diffuse pollution of both urban and rural origin. Best management practices to tackle the problems are examined as are the ways in which the adoption of such practices may be brought about. Use is made of case studies from several countries to examine the strengths and weaknesses of various approaches. Diffuse Pollution covers both urban and rural sources.   Urban sources include run-off from impermeable surfaces of roads, industrial areas and housing which may be contaminated by hydrocarbons, heavy metals, organic chemicals and other undesirable substances.                                        Rural sources include water containing pollutants arising from agriculture and forestry such as plant nutrients, pesticides, microbes and soil itself. This concise book will prove useful to practitioners in the field of pollution control both in an urban and a rural environment, to regulators, to researchers new to the field, and to academics and students. An extensive reference section aids the reader in exploring the subject further. Contents Diffuse pollution                                      A Best Practice Approach                                      An Introduction to BMPs for built environments Managing diffuse pollution from urban sources - a survey of best practice experience                                      Rural BMPs                                      Rural best practice experience                                      Regulation, Economic instruments, and Education for controlling diffuse pollution                                      Sustainability Full Contents List (439KB)

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Diffuse Pollution ii
Contents iv
Dedication vii
Preface viii
The Authors xi
The Steering Group xiii
Useful websites xiv
1 The nature and importance of diffuse pollution 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Water quality and pollution 3
1.3 Point source and non-point source pollution 5
1.4 Diffuse Pollution 8
1.5 Land use and transition 10
1.6 Urban diffuse sources 17
1.7 Agricultural diffuse sources 20
2 Best management practices 28
2.1 Introduction 28
2.2 Options to control pollution – why diffuse pollution requires a different approach 31
2.3 How do BMPs work? 33
2.4 Examples of structural BMPs and landscape features 38
2.5 Watershed (catchment)management 46
3 An introduction to BMPs for the built environment 52
3.1 General principles for urban surface water drainage management 52
3.2 Effects on run-off 52
3.3 Effects on receiving waters 53
3.4 Basic considerations for sustainability 54
3.5 Water quality treatment 55
3.6 Flood control and water resource management 59
3.7 The surface water management train 60
3.8 Selecting the most appropriate urban BMP treatment/control facility 65
3.9 Structural rural BMPs 69
3.10 An integrated sustainable approach to urban surface water drainage 74
3.11 Examples determining and using the unit design treatment volume 77
4 Managing diffuse pollution from urban sources: a survey of best management practice experience 97
4.1 Introduction: making best practice routine 97
4.2 Land-take for new developments 100
4.3 Maintenance of urban stormwater management facilities 104
4.4 Adoption and public ownership issues 111
4.5 Costs associated with urban BMPs 113
4.6 Retro-fitting urban BMPs 117
4.7 Integrating requirements: flood control, water quality and amenity 122
4.8 Monitoring effectiveness 125
4.9 The treatment train concept in practice 132
4.10 BMPS and biodiversity 141
5 Best management practice for agriculture 148
5.1 Pollution control standards 148
5.2 Best management practice 149
5.3 Agriculturally derived diffuse pollution 149
5.4 General 149
5.5 Nitrogen 150
5.6 Phosphorus 155
5.7 Pesticides 159
5.8 Suspended solids 162
5.9 Micro-organisms 166
5.10 Overview 168
5.11 Targeting BMPs on critical areas 168
5.12 Interaction between BMPs 169
5.13 Persuading farmers to adopt BMPs 170
Appendix 5.1: Sample worked nutrient balances 171
Appendix 5.2: Sample farm waste management plan 173
6 Rural best practice experience 179
6.1 Advantages and drawbacks of a BMP approach 179
6.2 Loch Leven Catchment, Scotland 180
6.3 Sny Magill Creek, Iowa 187
6.4 French Creek, California, USA 188
6.5 The Bretagne Eau Pure programme: Brittany, France 190
6.6 The use of wetlands to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus pollution from agriculture in Sweden 191
6.7 Application of BMPs at the farm scale 193
6.8 Conclusions 195
7 Economic instruments, regulation and education 198
7.1 Introduction: proximal and ultimate causes of diffuse pollution 198
7.2 Economic instruments 202
7.3 Regulation 212
7.4 Education 221
7.5 Integrating approaches to the prevention and control of diffuse pollution 226
8 Diffuse pollution and sustainable development 231
8.1 Introduction 231
8.2 Trends 233
8.3 Restricting the use of identified problem chemicals 239
8.4 Sustainable agriculture and forestry 243
8.5 Towards more sustainability in urban drainage and development 251
8.6 Catchment management and social issues 261
Appendix 1: Effectiveness of Rural BMPs 271
Appendix 2: The International Stormwater BMPs Performance Database 275
Glossary of diffuse pollution and best management practice 283
References 289
Index 310