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Biological Wastewater Treatment in Warm Climate Regions

Biological Wastewater Treatment in Warm Climate Regions

Marcos Von Sperling | Carlos Augusto de Lemos Chernicharo


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Biological Wastewater Treatment in Warm Climate Regions gives a state-of-the-art presentation of the science and technology of biological wastewater treatment, particularly domestic sewage. The book covers the main treatment processes used worldwide with wastewater treatment in warm climate regions given a particular emphasis where simple, affordable and sustainable solutions are required. This comprehensive book presents in a clear and informative way the basic principles of biological wastewater treatment, including theory and practice, and covering conception, design and operation. In order to ensure the practical and didactic view of the book, 371 illustrations, 322 summary tables and 117 examples are included. All major wastewater treatment processes are covered by full and interlinked design examples which are built up throughout the book, from the determination of wastewater characteristics, the impact of discharge into rivers and lakes, the design of several wastewater treatment processes and the design of sludge treatment and disposal units. The 55 chapters are divided into 7 parts over two volumes: Volume One: (1) Introduction to wastewater characteristics, treatment and disposal; (2) Basic principles of wastewater treatment; (3) Stabilisation ponds; (4) Anaerobic reactors; Volume Two: (5) Activated sludge; (6) Aerobic biofilm reactors; (7) Sludge treatment and disposal. As well as being an ideal textbook, Biological Wastewater Treatment in Warm Climate Regions is an important reference for practising professionals such as engineers, biologists, chemists and environmental scientists, acting in consulting companies, water authorities and environmental agencies.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents vi
Preface xii
Dedication xvi
The authors xviii
List of authors by chapter xx
1 Introduction to water quality and water pollution 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Uses of water 5
1.3 Water quality requirements 5
1.4 Water pollution 8
2 Wastewater characteristics 11
2.1 Wastewater flowrates 11
2.2 Wastewater composition 30
3 Impact of wastewater discharges to water bodies 79
3.1 Introduction 79
3.2 Pollution by organic matter and stream self purification 79
3.3 Contamination by pathogenic microorganisms 125
3.4 Eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs 133
3.5 Quality standards for wastewater discharges and waterbodies 152
4 Overview of wastewater treatment systems 165
4.1 Wastewater treatment levels 165
4.2 Wastewater treatment operations, processes and systems 167
4.3 Preliminary treatment 180
4.4 Primary treatment 181
4.5 Secondary treatment 182
4.6 Removal of pathogenic organisms 217
4.7 Analysis and selection of the wastewater treatment process 217
5 Overview of sludge treatment and disposal 244
5.1 Introduction 244
5.2 Relationships in sludge: solids levels, concentration and flow 248
5.3 Quantity of sludge generated in the wastewater treatment processes 251
5.4 Sludge treatment stages 254
5.5 Sludge thickening 257
5.6 Sludge stabilisation 258
5.7 Sludge dewatering 260
5.8 Sludge disinfection 270
5.9 Final disposal of the sludge 274
6 Complementary items in planning studies 279
6.1 Preliminary studies 279
6.2 Design horizon and staging periods 281
6.3 Preliminary design of the alternatives 283
6.4 Economical study of alternatives 284
7 Microbiology and ecology of wastewater treatment 297
7.1 Introduction 297
7.2 Organisms present in water and wastewater 298
7.3 Biological cells 299
7.4 Energy and carbon sources for microbial cells 300
7.5 Metabolism of microorganisms 301
7.6 Energy generation in microbial cells 302
7.7 Ecology of biological wastewater treatment 306
8 Reaction kinetics and reactor hydraulics 319
8.1 Introduction 319
8.2 Reaction kinetics 320
8.3 Mass balance 327
8.4 Reactor hydraulics 330
9 Conversion processes of organic and inorganic matter 367
9.1 Characterisation of substrate and solids 367
9.2 Conversion processes of the carbonaceous and nitrogenous matters 373
9.3 Time progress of the biochemical oxidation of the carbonaceous matter 377
9.4 Principles of bacterial growth 380
9.5 Modelling of substrate and biomass in a complete-mix reactor 392
10 Sedimentation 421
10.1 Introduction 421
10.2 Types of settling 423
10.3 Discrete settling 425
10.4 Flocculent settling 433
10.5 Zone settling 436
11 Aeration 457
11.1 Introduction 457
11.2 Fundamentals of gas transfer 458
11.3 Kinetics of aeration 464
11.4 Factors of influence in oxygen transfer 466
11.5 Oxygen transfer rate in the field and under standard conditions 468
11.6 Other aeration coefficients 470
11.7 Mechanical aeration systems 474
11.8 Diffused air aeration systems 477
11.9 Aeration tests 478
11.10 Gravity aeration 482
12 Overview of stabilisation ponds 495
13 Facultative ponds 502
13.1 Introduction 502
13.2 Description of the process 503
13.3 Influence of algae 505
13.4 Influence of environmental conditions 508
13.5 Design criteria 512
13.6 Estimation of the effluent BOD concentration 518
13.7 Pond arrangements 532
13.8 Sludge accumulation 533
13.9 Operational characteristics 534
13.10 Polishing of pond effluents 534
14 System of anaerobic ponds followed by facultative ponds 540
14.1 Introduction 540
14.2 Description of the process 541
14.3 Design criteria for anaerobic ponds 542
14.4 Estimation of the effluent BOD concentration from the anaerobic pond 545
14.5 Design of facultative ponds following anaerobic ponds 547
14.6 Sludge accumulation in anaerobic ponds 547
15 Facultative aerated lagoons 552
15.1 Introduction 552
15.2 Description of the process 552
15.3 Design criteria 553
15.4 Estimation of the effluent BOD concentration 554
15.5 Oxygen requirements 557
15.6 Aeration system 558
15.7 Power requirements 558
15.8 Sludge accumulation 560
16 Complete-mix aerated lagoons followed by sedimentation ponds 564
16.1 Introduction 564
16.2 Description of the process 565
16.3 Design criteria for the complete-mix aerated lagoons 566
16.4 Estimation of the effluent BOD concentration from the aerated lagoon 567
16.5 Oxygen requirements in the aerated lagoon 569
16.6 Power requirements in the aerated lagoon 570
16.7 Design of the sedimentation pond 570
17 Removal of pathogenic organisms 578
17.1 Introduction 578
17.2 Process description 578
17.3 Estimation of the effluent coliform concentration 579
17.4 Quality requirements for the effluent 590
17.5 Design criteria for coliform removal 592
17.6 Removal of helminth eggs 604
18 Nutrient removal in ponds 610
18.1 Nitrogen removal 610
18.2 Phosphorus removal 615
19 Ponds for the post-treatment of the effluent from anaerobic reactors 617
20 Construction of stabilisation ponds 621
20.1 Introduction 621
20.2 Location of the ponds 621
20.3 Deforestation, cleaning and excavation of the soil 623
20.4 Slopes 623
20.5 Bottom of the ponds 626
20.6 Inlet devices 627
20.7 Outlet devices 630
21 Maintenance and operation of stabilisation ponds 632
21.1 Introduction 632
21.2 Operational staff 633
21.3 Inspection, sampling and measurements 633
21.4 Operation start-up 633
21.5 Operational problems 638
22 Management of the sludge from stabilisation ponds 644
22.1 Preliminaries 644
22.2 Characteristics and distribution of the sludge in stabilisation ponds 645
22.3 Removal of sludge from stabilisation ponds 646
23 Introduction to anaerobic treatment 659
23.1 Applicability of anaerobic systems 659
23.2 Positive aspects 660
24 Principles of anaerobic digestion 663
24.1 Introduction 663
24.2 Microbiology of anaerobic digestion 664
24.3 Biochemistry of anaerobic digestion 667
24.4 Environmental requirements 681
25 Biomass in anaerobic systems 697
25.1 Preliminaries 697
25.2 Biomass retention in anaerobic systems 697
25.3 Evaluation of the microbial mass 700
25.4 Evaluation of the microbial activity 702
26 Anaerobic treatment systems 709
26.1 Preliminaries 709
26.2 Conventional systems 710
26.3 High-rate systems 716
26.4 Combined treatment systems 726
27 Design of anaerobic reactors 728
27.1 Anaerobic filters 728
27.2 Up flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors 740
28 Operational control of anaerobic reactors 774
28.1 Importance of operational control 774
28.2 Operational control of the treatment system 777
28.3 Start-up of anaerobic reactors 791
28.4 Operational troubleshooting 799
29 Post-treatment of effluents from anaerobic reactors 805
29.1 Applicability and limitations of the anaerobic technology 805
29.2 Main alternatives for the post-treatment of effluents from anaerobic reactors 810