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Water in China

Water in China

Peter A. Wilderer | J. Zhu | N. Schwarzenbeck


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Rapid growth of cities and industries in China is having  a dramatic impact on the environment. To counteract further decrease of water quality of rivers, lakes and groundwater bodies, an ambitious environmental remediation programme needs to be designed and brought into action. Intensive research and development activity are required to provide tailored solutions. The articles compiled in the book describe the current situation in China with respect to surface water quality and wastewater treatment, and provide results of specific research projects, leading the way to a China-specific up-to-date water treatment technology. Discussed are lessons to be learnt from the experience made in other countries, particularly with respect to regulations and management practices

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 6
Preface ix
Water resources and ecological problems in Tarim River basin, Xinjiang, China xiii
Determination of weighting coefficients in water quality index method and its application in river water quality evaluation xxiii
Performance of a two-stage BAF system treating heavily polluted river water at low temperatures xxxii
Legislation for drinking water in the EU and its member states xl
Industrial water resource management and recycling experiences from Germany xlix
Organic trace analysis by GC-ITD/MS and LC-ESI/MS/MS applied to MX and other disinfection by-products in water treatment lxix
Application of FISH and CLSM / image analysis for microbial examination in biological wastewater treatment in China lxxviii
An analysis of water situation and water consumption in several regions in China lxxxix
Analysis and application of grey model and multiple linear regression in long-term water demand forecasting xcviii
Phosphorus limitation in drinking water biological treatment and its application in removing organic matters cvii
Effects of direct fiber filtration on algae removal cxv
Investigation of micropolluted raw water treatment using enhanced coagulation technology cxxiii
Enhanced filtration for pollutants removal cxxxi
Soil infiltration and purification of stormwater runoff in Beijing urban area cxlv
Flush model of runoff on urban non-point source pollutants and analysis cliii
Coagulant behvior of different inorganic polyaluminium coagulants clxiii
Nightsoil treatment for China: present and future perspectives clxxxi
Disposal of domestic wastewater and sludge in rural regions via back to nature solutions clxxxix
Decentralized wastewater treatment systems cxcvii
Perspective of source control sanitation systems in China ccvii
Experiences on full-scale anaerobic fluidized bed and upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors treating industrial wastewater ccxiv
Rationally constructing small-scale wastewater treatment plant to raise the regional treatment ratio of wastewater ccxxiii
Performance of a WWTP using submerged biofilm process with zero sludge discharge ccxxxi
Experimental study on HMBR for wastewater reclamation in dwelling district ccxl
An innovative process for the treatment of both wastewater and excess activated sludge ccxlviii
Performance of a WWTP using a submerged biofilm process with zero sludge discharge ccxxxi
A BPNN model of key ecological factors affecting sulfate-reduction cclvii
Keyword Index cclxv