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Integrated Deliberative Decision Processes for Water Resources Planning and Evaluation

Integrated Deliberative Decision Processes for Water Resources Planning and Evaluation

Giorgos Kallis | Nuno Videira | Paula Antunes | Rui Santos


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Book Details


Integrated Deliberative Decision Processes for Water Resources Planning and Evaluation is part of the ADVISOR ("Integrated Evaluation for Sustainable River Basin Governance") research project funded by the EC, under the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" theme of the 5th Framework Research Programme. The aim of ADVISOR is to improve the understanding of evaluation processes as part of river basin planning and management and to provide a framework supported by a toolkit for the conduct of integrated and participatory evaluations. 
Integrated Deliberative Decision Processes for Water Resources Planning and Evaluation is Work Package 4 of the project and helps to transfer the experience and lessons learned during the ADVISOR project to policy makers, contributing especially to the implementation process of the Water Framework Directive. An Integrated Deliberative Decision Process (IDDP) is proposed to be adopted as the platform to achieve integrated evaluations and this book explains and provides a step-by-step guidance on how to design and run such a process. Integrated Deliberative Decision Processes for Water Resources Planning and Evaluation has been written especially for policy makers, with theoretical reflections also provided where these bear importance to practical implementation. 

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Title page 2
Contents 6
Forward 10
Acronyms 11
Glossary 12
Executive Summary 14
Introduction 16
A guidance document: What for? 16
Chapter 1: Water Resource Planning, Evaluation and WFD: Setting the scene 18
Water Resource Management 18
Water Resource Planning 18
Evaluations in Water Resource Planning and Management 19
Participations in Water Resource Planning and Management 19
Planning in the WFD 20
Evaluations in the WFD 20
Participation in the WFD 22
Chapter 2: Introducing Integrated Deliberative Decision Processes for Water Resources Planning and Evaluation 24
What is an IDDP? 24
Why IDDPs for Water Resource Planning and Evaluations? 26
Chapter 3: Designing and Running an IDDP 30
Step 1: Set up organisational scheme 30
Step 2: Define goals 32
Step 3a: Choose and design tools 34
Step 3b: Decide representation and participation process 37
Step 4: Establish and implement an information quality assurance protocol 41
Step 5: Plan events and resources 46
Step 6: Implement 47
Step 7: Evaluate process and results 49
Chapter 4: An IDDP Toolkit 52
Visioning Workshops 53
Mediated Modelling 57
Social Mult-Criteria Evaluation 59
Deliberative Monetary Valuation 64
Chapter 5: The Way Ahead 70
References 73