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The Simple Guide to Sensitive Boys

The Simple Guide to Sensitive Boys

Betsy de Thierry | Emma Reeves | Jane Evans


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Book Details


What do Pablo Picasso, Prince and Martin Luther King Jr have in common? All have been described as having been highly sensitive boys and all grew up to be outstanding, sensitive men.

Too often, adults think of sensitive boys as shy, anxious and inhibited. They are measured against society's ideas about 'manliness' -- that all boys are sociable, resilient and have endless supplies of energy. This highly readable guide is for any adult wanting to know how to understand and celebrate sensitive boys. It describes how thinking about boys in such old-fashioned ways can cause great harm, and make a difficult childhood all the more painful. The book highlights the real strengths shared by many sensitive boys - of being compassionate, highly creative, thoughtful, fiercely intelligent and witty. It also flips common negative clichés about sensitive boys being shy, anxious and prone to bullying to ask instead: what we can do to create a supportive environment in which they will flourish?

Full of simple yet sage advice, this book will help you to encourage boys to embrace their individuality, find their own place in the world, and to be the best they can be.

Informative, helpful, and motivating. It stresses that some things need to be celebrated instead of fixed, and I am in complete support of that. Check it out!
Jennifer Castro, mother of a sensitive boy (NetGalley)

Betsy de Thierry is a mum of four brilliant boys, a practising psychotherapist, a qualified primary school teacher, and founder of two organisations that offer therapy and therapeutic education in many cities in the UK.

My hope is that a copy of this book will be everywhere where boys and those raising them can be found, and that it becomes THE gift to a family every time a boy is born.
Jane Evans, speaker, trainer and author specialising in the support of children's mental health

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
The Simple Guide to Sensitive Boys: How to Nurture Children and Avoid Trauma by Betsy de Thierry 3
1. Understanding sensitive boys 13
Our expectation of men and boys 15
Overwhelm and turmoil 19
Building resilience 22
2. How Are Boys Different? 25
‘Boys will be boys’ 25
‘Boys don’t cry’ 26
The important role of sensitive men in our society 28
Scientific evidence of male sensitivity 29
So what is masculinity? 30
3. Feeling Different, Feeling Rejected 34
‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me?’ 34
The need for emotional connection 36
Rejection and physical pain 38
The value of creativity 39
The sense of belonging 40
4. Putting on Invisible Armour or Shutting Down 43
The feeling of being skinless 43
Creating with an emotional armour 44
Shutting down 45
How can a sensitive male come back to life again? 48
5. Our Subconscious and the Impact of Bullying 52
Parent pressure and expectation 52
The impact of early years 53
The threat response and the consequences of feeling fear 54
Our subconscious responses 58
The power of shame 59
Bullying can cause deep shame 60
6. Relationships That Create Resilience 63
Attachment and attunement 63
7. Managing Fear and Worry 73
Protecting sensitive boys 74
8. What Does Anxiety Look Like in Children? 81
Ways to reduce anxiety 83
Self-regulation activities 84
Helping children to understand emotions 85
How to discipline a sensitive child 86
Perfectionism 88
9. Believing the Best about Children 90
Reflecting on how the sensitive boy is doing emotionally 90
Emotional connection 91
Confidence versus arrogance 91
Our mission to change society for the better 92
References and Recommended Reading 94
Index 97
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