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Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes

Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes

Richard M. Stuetz | T Stephenson


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Book Details


Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes is the third book in the Water and Wastewater Process Technologies Series. 
The book outlines the principle unit operations that are involved in the separation, degradation and utilisation of organic and inorganic matter during water and wastewater treatment. The module builds on the subjects of chemistry, biology and engineering covered in Process Science and Engineering for Water and Wastewater Treatment (Module 1) and provides a descriptive introduction to unit operations that are further described with design and operational details in later books in the series. 
The text of Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes has been divided into the following Units:

  • Water Quality 
  • Process Flowsheeting 
  • Physical Processes 
  • Chemical Processes 
  • Sorption Processes 
  • Biological Processes 
  • Membrane Processes 
  • Sludge Treatment Utilisation 
  • Odour Management 
These units have has been designed for individual self-paced study that includes photographs, illustrations and tables and describe the form, function and application of unit operations for the treatment of water and wastewater. Each section of the text gives step-by-step learning in a particular subject, that includes an approximation of how long you will need to spend on that section and provides key points that highlight  the principles of the different sections. Each unit includes exercises to help understand the material in the text, self-assessment questions to test your understanding and text references.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Title page 1
Copyright page 2
Contents 3
Introduction to the Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies Series 5
Water Science at Cranfield University 6
Editors 7
Volume Editor 7
Series Editor 7
Acknowledgements 7
How to Use This Book 8
Introduction to Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes 9
Unit 1: Water Quality 11
Contents 11
Aims and Objectives 12
Essential Prerequisites 12
1.1 Introduction 13
1.2 Monitoring 14
1.2.1 Compliance Monitoring 14
1.2.2 Treatment Plant Design 14
1.2.3 Performance Monitoring 14
1.2.4 Process Control 14
1.3 Measurement of Quality Parameters 17
1.3.1 Measured Parameters 17
1.3.2 Accuracy and Precision 17
1.3.3 Economics of Monitoring 18
1.4 Parameter Types 19
1.4.1 Physical Parameters 19
1.4.2 Organoleptic Parameters 19
1.4.3 Chemical Parameters 19
1.4.4 Biological Parameters 19
1.5 Key Water Quality Parameters 21
1.5.1 Physical Parameters 21
1.5.2 Organoleptic Parameters 21
1.5.3 Chemical Parameters (Inorganic) 22
1.5.4 Chemical Parameters (Organic) 25
1.5.5 Biological Parameters 27
1.6 Self Assessment Questions 30
1.7 Solutions to Exercises 31
Bibliography 32
Unit 2: Flowsheeting 33
Contents 33
Aims and Objectives 34
Essential Prerequisites 34
2.1 Introduction 35
2.2 Flowsheeting 36
2.2.1 Processes 36
2.2.2 Design Parameters 37
2.2.3 Flowsheet Selection 38
2.3 Unit Processes 39
2.3.1 Principles of Operation 39
2.3.2 Standard Unit Processes 40
2.4 Flowsheets 50
2.5 Self Assessment Question 53
Bibliography 54
Unit 3: Physical Processes 55
Contents 55
Aims and Objectives 56
Essential Prerequisites 56
3.1 Introduction 57
3.2 Sedimentation 58
3.2.1 Horizontal Settlement Tanks 58
3.2.2 Vertical and Radial Settlement Tanks 60
3.2.3 Clarifiers 61
3.3 Flotation 64
3.4 Screening 66
3.4.1 Bar Screens 67
3.4.2 Travelling and Rotating Screens 67
3.5 Comminution 71
3.6 Filtration 73
3.6.1 Gravity Filtration 73
3.6.2 Continuous Filtration 76
3.6.3 Multi-media Filtration 76
3.7 Centrifugal Separation 78
3.8 Self Assessment Questions 80
3.9 Solutions to Exercises 81
Bibliography 82
Unit 4: Chemical Processes 83
Contents 83
Aims and Objectives 84
Essential Prerequisites 84
4.1 Introduction 85
4.2 Chemical Solution Dosing 86
4.3 pH Adjustment 91
4.4 Precipitation 92
4.5 Coagulation and Flocculation 94
4.6 Oxidation and Reduction 99
4.7 Disinfection 103
4.8 Scale and Corrosion Inhibition 106
4.9 Self Assessment Questions 108
4.10 Solutions to Exercises 109
Bibliography 110
Unit 5: Sorption Processes 111
Contents 111
Aims and Objectives 112
Essential Prerequisites 112
5.1 Introduction 113
5.2 Sorption 114
5.3 Adsorption 115
5.4 Ion Exchange Softening 118
5.5 Ion Exchange Deionisation 120
5.6 Mixed Bed Polishing 122
5.7 Ion Exchange in Wastewater Treatment 123
5.8 Self Assessment Questions 124
5.9 Solutions to Exercises 125
Bibliography 126
Unit 6: Biological Processes 127
Contents 127
Aims and Objectives 128
Essential Prerequisites 128
6.1 Introduction 129
6.2 Biological Processes 130
6.2.1 Microbiology 130
6.2.2 Aerobic and Anaerobic Processes 132
6.2.3 Reactor Types 132
6.2.4 Treatment Systems 133
6.3 Aerobic Fixed Film Processes 135
6.3.1 Biofilm formation 135
6.3.2 Trickling Filters 136
6.3.3 Rotating Biological Contactors 138
6.3.4 Biological Aerated Filters 139
6.3.5 Fluidised Beds 139
6.4 Aerobic Suspended Growth Processes 141
6.4.1 Activated Sludge 142
6.4.2 Sequencing Batch Reactors 143
6.4.3 Biological Nutrient Removal 143
6.4.4 Membrane Bioreactors 145
6.5 Anaerobic Processes 147
6.5.1 Microbiology and Biochemistry 147
6.5.2 Anaerobic Systems 148
6.5.3 Anaerobic Reactors 149
6.6 Self Assessment Questions 152
6.7 Glossary of Terms 153
6.8 Solutions to Exercises 155
Bibliography 156
Unit 7: Membrane Processes 157
Contents 157
Aims and Objectives 158
Essential Prerequisites 158
7.1 Introduction 159
7.2 Membranes and Membrane Processes 160
7.3 Membrane Structure 161
7.4 Membrane Manufacture 163
7.5 Membrane Process Parameters 164
7.6 Membrane Configuration 165
7.6.1 Pleated Filter Membranes 165
7.6.2 Plate and Frame Membranes 165
7.6.3 Spiral Wound Membranes 166
7.6.4 Tubular Membranes 167
7.6.5 Hollow Fibre Membranes 168
7.7 Membrane Process Operation 169
7.8 Membrane Applications 170
7.8.1 Dead-end Microfiltration 170
7.8.2 Crossflow Microfiltration 170
7.8.3 Ultrafiltration 170
7.8.4 Nanofiltration 171
7.8.5 Reverse Osmosis 171
7.8.6 Electrodialysis 171
7.9 Self Assessment Questions 172
7.10 Solutions to Exercises 173
Bibliography 174
Unit 8: Sludge Treatment and Utilisation 175
Contents 175
Aims and Objectives 176
Essential Prerequisites 176
8.1 Introduction 177
8.2 Sludge Sources and Characteristics 178
8.3 Sludge Treatment 180
8.3.1 Thickening 180
8.3.2 Stabilisation 181 Aerobic Digestion 182 Anaerobic Digestion 182
8.3.3 Dewatering 186
8.3.4 Thermal Drying 190
8.4 Sludge Utilisation 191
8.4.1 Land Utilisation 191
8.4.2 Fuel Options 193
8.8 Self Assessment Questions 194
8.9 Solutions to Exercises 195
Bibliography 196
Unit 9: Odour Management 197
Contents 197
Aims and Objectives 198
Essential Prerequisites 198
9.1 Introduction 199
9.2 Odour 200
9.2.1 Odour Formation 200
9.2.2 Sources of Odours 200
9.3 Odour Measurement 201
9.3.1 Olfactometry 201
9.3.2 H2S Analysis 202
9.4 Odour Assessment 204
9.4.1 H⊂2S Mapping 204
9.4.2 Dispersion Modelling 205
9.5 Odour Treatment 206
9.5.1 Biological Odour Treatment 206
9.5.2 Chemical Odour Treatment 209
9.5.3 Physical Odour Treatment 210
9.6 Self Assessment Questions 211
9.7 Solutions to Exercises 212
Bibliography 213
Solutions to Self Assessment Questions 215
Unit 1 – Water Quality 215
Unit 3 – Physical Processes 216
Unit 4 – Chemical Processes 217
Unit 5 – Sorption Processes 218
Unit 6 – Biological Processes 219
Unit 7 – Membrane Processes 221
Unit 8 – Sludge Treatment and Utilisation 222
Unit 9 – Odour Management 223