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Best Practice Guide on the Control of Lead in Drinking Water

Best Practice Guide on the Control of Lead in Drinking Water

Colin Hayes


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Part of Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water Set - buy all five books together to save over 30%! Visit:
The Best Practice Guide on the Control of Lead in Drinking Water brings together, for the first time, all of the regulatory, health, monitoring, risk assessment, operational and technological issues relevant to the control of lead in drinking water. Its focus is Europe and North America and the Guide benefits from the input of an international research network involving 28 countries. A large range of illustrative examples and case studies are provided. The Guide will be of interest to scientists, engineers, regulators and health specialists who are involved in the provision of safe drinking water. 
The reader will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to assess lead in drinking water problems, both in the water supply systems that serve a City, Town or rural area and at individual properties, dependent on their knowledge of pipe-work circumstances and water quality. Options for corrective action are outlined and their strengths and weaknesses explained, with information on costs and environmental impact. The reader should then be able to develop a strategy for controlling lead in drinking water in their area, establish an appropriate monitoring programme, select the right combination of corrective measures, and define the level of risk reduction that will likely be achieved. 
The Best Practice Guide provides a succinct compilation of the wide range of issues that relate to lead in drinking water, at a time when the regulations are under review in both Europe and North America. It will also be very relevant to all those implementing the Protocol on Water and Health, as lead in drinking water has recently been adopted as one of the key issues requiring assessment, improvement planning and reporting. 
The key features are:

  • For the first time, all the complex inter-related aspects of lead in drinking water have been brought together.
  • The detailed explanations given on sampling and monitoring should avoid mistakes being repeated.
  • The information on optimising corrective treatment measures is the most comprehensive to date.
  • The Best Practice Guide will facilitate the protection of water consumers from lead contamination and reduce associated health risks. 
This Guide is one of a series produced by the International Water Association’s Specialist Group on Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water. It is a state-of-the-art compilation of the range of scientific, engineering, regulatory and operational issues concerned with the control of lead in drinking water. 
Download the free Guide for Small Community Water Suppliers and Local Health Officials on Lead in Drinking Water at:
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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Half Title 1
Title 3
Copyright 4
Contents 5
Authors 7
Acknowledgements 8
Acronyms 9
Definitions 10
About this Best Practice Guide 11
Disclaimer 12
Foreword 13
Executive Summary 14
Chapter 1: Sources of lead in drinking water 17
1.1 Water resources 17
1.2 Distribution systems 17
1.3 Lead pipe service connections 17
1.4 Domestic lead pipe-work 17
1.5 Brass fittings containing lead 18
1.6 Galvanic corrosion of solders containing lead 19
1.7 Plasticizers 19
1.8 Soluble and particulate lead fractions 19
Chapter 2: Regulatory background 21
2.1 World Health Organization guidelines for drinking water 21
WHO guideline for lead in drinking water 21
The Bonn Charter 21
Drinking water safety planning 22
2.2 EU drinking water directives 23
Directive 80/778/EC 23
Directive 98/83/EU 23
Revision of Directive 98/83/EU 24
2.3 US Lead Copper Rule 24
2.4 Developing legislation in Canada 25
2.5 Protocol on Water and Health 26
Chapter 3: Sampling and monitoring 29
3.1 Role of monitoring in plumbosolvency control 29
Compliance monitoring 29
Inventory monitoring 30
Operational monitoring 30
Definition of water supply systems for monitoring and control purposes 31
Investigating problems 32
3.2 Sampling methods 32
Fully flushed samples 32
First draw samples 32
Proportional samples 33
Stagnation samples 34
Random daytime samples 35
3.3 Analysis 35
3.4 Zonal monitoring 35
Strategy for optimising plumbosolvency control 35
Variation in results from random daytime sampling 36
Using statistical tools to assess confidence in RDT sample results 36
Benchmark monitoring at selected properties 37
3.5 Investigations at individual properties 38
Chapter 4: Health perspectives 41
4.1 Introduction 41
4.2 Toxicity of lead to humans 41
4.3 Lead in drinking water and lead in blood 42
4.4 Lead in blood and health effects 43
4.5 Acute affects of lead 44
Chapter 5: Evidence of problems with lead in drinking water 45
5.1 Emerging evidence of problems in Europe 45
5.2 Occurrence of lead pipes in the EU 47
5.3 Occurrence of lead pipes in the North America 48
Chapter 6: Risk assessment and health surveillance 49
6.1 Defining risks from lead in drinking water 49
6.2 Assessing risk at the zonal level 51
Benchmark 1: Percentage zonal exceedance of 10 μg/l, on the basis of simulated RDT sampling 52
Benchmark 2: Percentage zonal exceedance of 20 μg/l, on the basis of simulated daily/weekly average lead concentrations (DAC) at all simulated houses 52
Rapid method for undertaking an initial risk assessment for a water supply zone 54
Method for undertaking a more accurate risk assessment for a water supply zone 54
6.3 Risk assessment at individual premises 55
6.4 Health impact assessment 55
Chapter 7: Lead pipe replacement and other engineering options 57
7.1 Survey techniques for identifying lead pipes 57
House age and lead pipe usage period 57
Plumbosolvency maps 57
More detailed housing inspection 57
Sequential sampling of residential properties 57
7.2 Engineering options for lead pipe replacement or modification 58
Open-trench replacement along an existing route 58
Directional drilling or \"mole\" replacement along a new route 58
Pipe pulling replacement through an existing route 58
Slip lining replacement through an existing pipe 58
Epoxy lining through existing pipe 59
Insertion of an anode 59
7.3 Partial lead pipe replacement 59
7.4 Total lead pipe replacement 60
Chapter 8: Corrective water treatment 61
8.1 pH elevation and centralised softening 61
Experience in the UK 61
Experience in the Netherlands 61
Experience in North America 61
8.2 The corrosion inhibitors used in reducing plumbosolvency 62
Silicate 62
Poly-phosphates 62
Zinc phosphate 62
Ortho-phosphate 63
8.3 Engineering design of ortho-phosphate dosing plants 64
8.4 Ortho-phosphate dose optimisation 65
Optimisation based on random daytime sampling alone 66
Pipe rigs and stagnation sampling 66
Reference houses and stagnation sampling 66
An integrated approach 67
Ortho-phosphate dose requirements 67
Operational control 68
8.5 Environmental impact of ortho-phosphate dosing 70
Chapter 9: Control of materials 73
9.1 The materials that can leach lead 73
Meters 73
On-site piping materials 73
Proprietary brasses 74
9.2 Screening and testing methods 74
Chapter 10: Investigational methods 75
10.1 Laboratory plumbosolvency testing 75
Introduction 75
Sampling strategy 75
Rapid plumbosolvency testing procedure 76
10.2 Lead pipe test rigs 78
10.3 Zonal compliance modelling 79
Introduction 79
How lead emissions across a zone can be predicted 80
Chapter 11: Economics of plumbosolvency control 85
11.1 Ortho-phosphate dosing 85
Unit treatment costs 85
Capital cost of dosing plant 85
Cost example 85
11.2 Lead pipe replacement 85
Unit costs of replacing lead service pipes 85
Unit costs of replacing domestic lead pipes 86
Unit costs of total lead pipe replacement 86
Cost example for total lead pipe replacement 86
Unit costs of other options 86
11.3 Cost comparisons using net present value 86
Chapter 12: References 87
Appendix 1: Case studies 91
A1.1 Brussels (BE): partial lead pipe replacement 91
A1.2 Cambridge (UK): optimised ortho-phosphate dosing 92
A1.3 Den Haag (The Hague) (NL): pH elevation and lead pipe replacement 94
A1.4 Lisbon (PT): ortho-phosphate dosing strategy 95
A1.5 Ottawa, Ontario (CA): effect of pH 96
A1.6 Vienna (AT): partial lead pipe replacement 98
A1.7 Wales (UK): optimised ortho-phosphate dosing 99