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Benchmarking of Control Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Plants

Benchmarking of Control Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Plants

Krist V. Gernaey | Ulf Jeppsson | Peter A. Vanrolleghem | John B. Copp


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Wastewater treatment plants are large non-linear systems subject to large perturbations in wastewater flow rate, load and composition. Nevertheless these plants have to be operated continuously, meeting stricter and stricter regulations. Many control strategies have been proposed in the literature for improved and more efficient operation of wastewater treatment plants. Unfortunately, their evaluation and comparison – either practical or based on simulation – is difficult. This is partly due to the variability of the influent, to the complexity of the biological and biochemical phenomena and to the large range of time constants (from a few minutes to several days). The lack of standard evaluation criteria is also a tremendous disadvantage. To really enhance the acceptance of innovative control strategies, such an evaluation needs to be based on a rigorous methodology including a simulation model, plant layout, controllers, sensors, performance criteria and test procedures, i.e. a complete benchmarking protocol. 
This book is a Scientific and Technical Report produced by the IWA Task Group on Benchmarking of Control Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Plants. The goal of the Task Group includes developing models and simulation tools that encompass the most typical unit processes within a wastewater treatment system (primary treatment, activated sludge, sludge treatment, etc.), as well as tools that will enable the evaluation of long-term control strategies and monitoring tasks (i.e. automatic detection of sensor and process faults). Work on these extensions has been carried out by the Task Group during the past five years, and the main results are summarized in Benchmarking of Control Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Plants. Besides a description of the final version of the already well-known Benchmark Simulation Model no. 1 (BSM1), the book includes the Benchmark Simulation Model no. 1 Long-Term (BSM1_LT) – with focus on benchmarking of process monitoring tasks – and the plant-wide Benchmark Simulation Model no. 2 (BSM2). 
Authors: Krist V. Gernaey, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, Ulf Jeppsson, Lund University, Sweden, Peter A. Vanrolleghem, Université Laval,  Quebec, Canada and John B. Copp, Primodal Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\r Cover
Contents v
Nomenclature ix
List of technical reports xvii
Preface xix
Chapter 1:\rIntroduction 1
1.1 What is Meant by a ‘Benchmark Simulation Model’? 1
1.2 What is the Purpose of the Benchmark Simulation Models? 2
1.3 Who Should Use the Benchmark Simulation Models? 2
1.4 How Should the Benchmark Simulation Models be Used? 3
1.5 Who has been Involved in the Development of the Benchmark Simulation Models? 3
1.6 How Should this Scientific and Technical Report be Read? 3
Chapter 2:\rBenchmark overview 5
2.1 Benchmark Simulation Model No. 1 5
2.2 Benchmark Simulation Model No. 1 Long-Term 6
2.3 Benchmark Simulation Model No. 2 7
2.4 The Benchmark Simulation Model Set 8
Chapter 3:\rBenchmark plant description 9
3.1 Benchmark Simulation Model No. 1 9
3.2 Benchmark Simulation Model No. 1 Long-Term 10
3.3 Benchmark Simulation Model No. 2 10
3.4 Characteristics Summary 12
Chapter 4:\rBenchmark models 15
4.1 Influent Modelling 16
4.1.1 BSM1 influent 16
4.1.2 BSM1_LT and BSM2 influent 17
4.2 Unit Process Models 23
4.2.1 Activated Sludge Model No. 1 (ASM1) 23
4.2.2 Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) 24 Elemental balances 24 Acid-base equations 26 pH inhibition equations 26 Gas phase equations 27 DAE simplifications and simulation speed 27 Model parameters 29
4.2.3 ASM/ADM interfacing 29 ASM1 to ADM1 conversion 30 ADM1 to ASM1 conversion 31 Further remarks 31
4.2.4 Solids separation models 32 Primary clarifier 32 Secondary clarifier 33 Thickener 35 Dewatering unit 36
4.2.5 Reject water storage tank 36
4.3 Sensors and Actuators 36
4.3.1 Sensors 37 Concept 37 Time response 38
4.3.2 Actuators 39
4.3.3 Faults and failures 40
4.4 Inhibition and Toxicity 44
4.4.1 Biological processes 44
4.4.2 Physical processes 46
4.4.3 Modelling inhibitory/toxic substances 46
4.5 Risk Assessment Modelling 48
4.5.1 Concept 48
4.5.2 Application to filamentous bulking 48 Decision tree 48 Modelling approach 49 Temperature effect 51 Risk assessment outcomes 51
4.6 Temperature 51
Chapter 5:\rBenchmarking of control strategies 55
5.1 BSM1 and BSM1_LT Controllers 55
5.1.1 Default BSM1 control strategy 55
5.1.2 Other BSM1 control handles 56
5.1.3 BSM1_LT control strategy 56
5.2 BSM2 Controllers 57
5.2.1 Default BSM2 control strategy 57
5.2.2 Testing other BSM2 control strategies 57
Chapter 6:\rEvaluation criteria 59
6.1 Effluent and Influent Quality Indices 59
6.2 Effluent Concentrations 61
6.2.1 Ninety-five (95) percentiles 61
6.2.2 Number of violations 61
6.2.3 Percentage of time plant is in violation 62
6.3 Operational Cost Index 62
6.3.1 Aeration energy 63
6.3.2 Pumping energy 64
6.3.3 Sludge production for disposal 64
6.3.4 External carbon 65
6.3.5 Mixing energy 65
6.3.6 Methane production 66
6.3.7 Heating energy 66
6.4 Controller Assessment 67
6.4.1 Controlled variable tracking 67
6.4.2 Actuator performance 68
6.4.3 Risk-related evaluation criteria 69
6.5 Monitoring Performance Assessment 69
6.6 Evaluation Summary 73
Chapter 7:\rSimulation procedure 75
7.1 BSM1 75
Steady state simulations 75
Dynamic simulations 75
7.2 BSM1_LT 76
7.3 BSM2 78
Chapter 8:\rRing-testing 81
8.1 Steady State Verification 82
8.2 Dynamic Verification 83
8.3 Findings 86
Chapter 9:\rBSM limitations 89
9.1 BSM as a Toolbox 89
9.2 Model Structures 90
9.2.1 Biokinetic models 90
9.2.2 Aeration 91
9.2.3 Solid/Liquid separation models 92
9.2.4 Other models 92
9.3 Model Parameters 93
9.4 Evaluation Criteria 93
9.5 Model Simulation 94
9.6 Application Extension 95
9.7 Conclusion 96
Chapter 10:\rConclusions and perspectives 97
10.1 Lessons Learned: Development of the Benchmark Platforms 97
10.2 Lessons Learned: Use of the Benchmark Platforms, Verified Process Models and Generic Tools 98
10.2.1 Portability 98
10.2.2 Extensions 99
10.3 Looking Ahead: Future Extensions of the BSM Platforms 99
10.3.1 Temporal extensions 100
10.3.2 Spatial extensions 100
10.3.3 Process extensions 100
10.3.4 Realism of models used in BSM 101
10.3.5 Control strategy extensions 101
10.3.6 Extended evaluation tools 101
10.4 The ‘Benchmarking Spirit’ 102
References 103
Appendix A:\rModel Parameters 109
Appendix B:\rSimulation Output 119
Index 141