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Utility Benchmarking and Regulation in Developing Countries

Utility Benchmarking and Regulation in Developing Countries

Silver Mugisha


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Book Details


Utility performance, especially in developing countries is still working toward the standard necessary to deliver best practice. Utility Benchmarking and Regulation in Developing Countries examines performance monitoring and regulation as a prominent efficiency enhancement tool and clarifies many of the unknowns regarding the design and approach surrounding the area of utility management. Principles and practices are linked in a way that is informative and accessible, highlighting the challenges facing those who are trying to improve performance in the water sector. Operational settings are complex and unpredictable in developing countries due to inadequate infrastructure planning and this book makes clear which systems work best in these situations. 
Utility Benchmarking and Regulation in Developing Countries discusses performance monitoring in the critical areas of utility management that achieve sustainable performance goals: 

  • Performance development planning 
  • Modes of performance monitoring 
  • Provocative approaches to incentives creation 
  • Monitoring through high incentive plans 
  • Customer relations monitoring 
  • Pro-poor oriented monitoring 
  • Careful use of partial performance indicators 
  • Proposed indicators for assessing governance incentives 
A case study on the National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Uganda is included in the book detailing the difficulties in discerning performance progress based on partial performance indicators. It underlines disparities in basing performance conclusions on partial performance indicators on one hand and aggregate analysis using modern benchmarking toolkits on the other. This is an excellent handbook for utility monitors or regulators whose primary duty is to oversee performance management. It is a valuable resource for decision-makers, analysts, and policy-makers and can be used in capacity-building programs (both in-house and in universities) around the world. 

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Halftitle Page 2
Title page\r 4
Copyright page 5
Contents 6
Acknowledgements 8
Foreword 10
Preface 14
Chapter One 16
1.1 Emerging Efficiency Improvement Drivers and Challenges 16
1.2 Other Essentials for Improving Utility Efficiency 21
1.3 The Role of Performance Monitoring and Regulation 22
1.4 Organization of the Book 25
Chapter Two 28
2.1 Introduction 28
2.2 Establishing Baseline Performance: A High-Impact Approach 29
2.3 Definition of Desired Situation 33
2.4 Scheming Requisite Strategic Actions 38
2.5 Mechanisms for Gauging Success 39
2.6 Concluding Remarks 45
Chapter Three 48
3.1 Introduction 48
3.2 Input versus Output Monitoring Orientations 51
3.3 Performance Regulatory Imperatives in Practice 54
3.4 Practical Design Arrangements 60
3.5 Looking Forward: Key Success Factors 65
3.6 Concluding Remarks 67
Chapter Four 72
4.1 Introduction 72
4.2 Creativity: Lateral Thinking Techniques 75
4.3 Case Illustrations 76
4.4 Other Considerations for Creative Incentives 81
4.5 Concluding Remarks 82
Chapter Five 84
5.1 Introduction 84
5.2 Practical Applications 86
5.3 Examples of Achievements Associated with Incentive Applications 97
5.4 Other Hints on Successful Incentive Designs 97
5.5 Emotional Incentive Applications 102
5.6 Concluding Remarks 105
Chapter Six 108
6.1 Introduction 108
6.2 Common Customer Care Issues 110
6.3 Practical Methods of Monitoring Customer Relations 112
6.4 The Role of Public and Media Relations 117
6.5 Other Useful Monitoring Elements 120
6.6 Concluding Remarks 123
Chapter Seven 126
7.1 Introduction 126
7.2 Recipes for Sustainable Project Intervention 129
7.3 Identifying the Poor: Informational Challenges 136
7.4 Enhancing Accountability 137
7.5 Organisational and Management Arrangements 138
7.6 Incentives and other Performance Drivers 140
7.7 Concluding Remarks 141
Chapter Eight 144
8.1 Introduction 144
8.2 NWSC Performance Analysis: 2000–2006 145
8.3 Literature Review 149
8.4 Efficiency Measurement Methods 150
8.5 Efficiency Estimation and Model Results 151
8.6 Analysis of Corporate Efficiency Trends 152
8.7 Concluding Remarks 154
Chapter Nine 158
9.1 Introduction 158
9.2 Information Systems Management 159
9.3 Policy Environment 162
9.4 Functioning of WSS Service Providers 166
9.5 Development of the WSS Infrastructure 170
9.6 Financing of the WSS Infrastructure 172
9.7 Regulation of the WSS service 172
9.8 Concluding Remarks 175
Chapter Ten 178
10.1 General 178
10.2 Thinking of Quick-Wins to Performance Improvement 178
10.3 The Customer should be a Focus 180
10.4 Do not forget the Poor 180
10.5 Good Governance is Key 182
List of References 184
List of Acronyms 190
List of Figures 194
List of Boxes 196
List of Tables 198
Technical Appendix 200
1. Efficiency Measurement Using Input Distance Function 200
2. Data and Empirical Results 201
3. Model Estimation 204
Index 208