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A Guide to Mental Health Issues in Girls and Young Women on the Autism Spectrum

A Guide to Mental Health Issues in Girls and Young Women on the Autism Spectrum

Judy Eaton


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This book addresses the specific mental health needs of girls and young women with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Looking at the ways autism presents differently in girls than in boys, and the mental health conditions that occur most frequently in girls with ASD, this is the essential guide for clinicians and educators on tailoring interventions and support to meet girls' needs.

Describing the current assessment process for autism diagnosis, the book explains why girls are under- or mis-diagnosed, leading to later mental health issues. It outlines the types of intervention that are particularly helpful for working with girls to reduce anxiety, improve social interaction skills, and manage self-harm. The book also covers how to manage eating disorders and feeding difficulties, focusing on working with girls with sensory processing difficulties. There is advice on how to deal with the emotional impact on parents, carers and families, and the challenges they face when negotiating appropriate psychological and educational support.

Dr Judy Eaton is a clinical psychologist. She has assessed and worked with many girls with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with mental health issues in both in- and out-patient settings. She lives in Norfolk, UK.
An excellent book by a knowledgeable author. It is easy to read and understand, and answered many of the questions I had about autism spectrum disorders. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning more about this topic.
Dr Olumide Kuti, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, The Huntercombe Hospital Norwich
This book provides an excellent synthesis of research, diagnostic frameworks and personal perspectives of girls and their families written in a very accessible style. I would recommend it to anyone working with or living with girls and young women on the autism spectrum.
Ruth Fidler, Education Consultant, Autism Associates
The author shines a light on the less well-understood or more complex presentations of autism, including pathological demand avoidance, in this insightful, compassionate and practical book. Combining the latest research, years of direct clinical experience and detailed individual stories, this much-needed book will be invaluable for families and professionals.
Trustees of the PDA Society

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
A Guide to Mental Health Issues in Girls and Young Women on the Autism Spectrum: Diagnosis, Intervention and Family Support by Dr Judy Eaton 3
Preface 9
List of Abbreviations 10
1. Accessing a Diagnosis 13
Diagnosis of children 17
How autism is diagnosed and the implications for girls on the spectrum 20
Pathological demand avoidance 24
Assessing for autism 28
2. Misdiagnosis 39
Distinguishing attachment disorders from autism 41
Distinguishing autism from oppositional defiance disorder and conduct disorder 47
Girls with ADHD and autism 50
Distinguishing autism from borderline personality disorder 51
Can someone have a diagnosis of autism and borderline personality disorder? 56
Fabricated and induced illness 57
Accessing the right support 58
3. The Mental Health Act 65
Using a positive behaviour support approach in an inpatient setting 77
4. Social Relationships and Bullying 81
5. Self-Harm 97
6. Anxiety and Depression 111
Anxiety 111
Obsessive compulsive disorder 114
Autism and depression 115
Anxiety, depression and well-being 120
7. Dissociative Disorders and Psychosis 125
Autism and psychosis 125
Dissociation 130
Autism and trauma responses 132
Catatonia 133
8. Eating Disorders 139
Eating difficulties experienced by children on the autism spectrum 139
The link between autism and eating disorders 141
Interventions for anorexia nervosa and the implications for their use with individuals on the autism spectrum 148
9. The Impact of Mental Health Issues on Parents and Siblings 157
The impact of having a child on the autism spectrum upon parents 157
The impact of having a sibling with autism 160
The impact of mental health difficulties on the family 162
Managing school refusal 165
Identifying the right educational placement for the child on the autism spectrum 167
10. The Women and Girls’ Own Stories 175
Stories from women and girls with autism 182
The mothers’ stories 199
Useful Resources for Clinicians and Parents 227
Useful websites 229
Subject Index 232
Author Index 240
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