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Teaching Systematic Synthetic Phonics and Early English

Teaching Systematic Synthetic Phonics and Early English

Jonathan Glazzard | Jane Stokoe



This is an essential guide to teaching primary English, with a focus on systematic synthetic phonics. The new edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the structure, content and requirements of the national curriculum, and to include the latest policy context. Throughout, the range of underpinning literature has been expanded and there are completely new chapters on evidence based teaching in relation to phonics, reading for pleasure, and teaching English through texts. All the existing features have been retained, and each chapter now also includes:

  • a section on integrating ICT
  • extension questions to challenge M level readers
  • sections on evidence-based practice to encourage critical reflection and debate

The book is clear and explains well. It does have critical questions which helps offset the 'on message' tone of it.                                            

Deborah Nicholson, Bath Spa University

I like the way it supports developing subject knowledge in a very logical, easy to access way. I also like how it links with reading comprehension and makes use of research based evidence.

Diana Parton, University of Bedfordshire

Jonathan Glazzard is Head of Academic Development at Leeds Trinity University, responsible for the implementation of the learning, teaching and assessment strategy across all courses. He was previously Head of Primary Initial Teacher Training courses at the University of Huddersfield and holds a National Teaching Fellowship.

Jane Stokoe is a Deputy Headteacher in a Barnsley primary school. She is an experienced teacher and mentor of initial teacher training students and she contributes to the primary programmes at the University of Huddersfield. She has been teaching for 35 years.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover 1
Half-title i
Title page iii
Copyright information iv
Table of contents v
Meet the authors vi
Introduction 1
1 Spoken language 4
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 5
Links to the national curriculum 5
Policy context 5
Introduction 6
High expectations 8
Rules for communication 9
Role-play 9
Paired improvisation 10
Hot seating 10
Use of standard English 11
Discussions and debates 11
Discussions 11
Debates 12
Registers for effective communication 13
Static register 13
Formal register 14
Consultative register 14
Casual register 14
Intimate register 14
Teaching children about register 14
Modelling register 15
Activities to develop spoken language 16
Taking it further 18
2 Auditory and visual discrimination and vocabulary development 19
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 20
Literacy: Reading 20
Links to the national curriculum 20
Policy context 20
Sound discrimination 21
Visual discrimination 22
Vocabulary development 24
Vocabulary development to support reading and writing 25
Developing a noun and verb vocabulary 26
Developing a wider vocabulary 28
Phonological awareness 28
Rhyme 29
Rhythm 30
Alliteration 31
Development of phonological awareness 32
Phonemic awareness 32
Oral blending and segmentation using the smallest units of meaningful sound 32
Taking it further 35
3 Early reading development 36
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 37
Literacy: Reading 37
Links to the national curriculum 37
Policy Context 37
Pre-alphabetic phase 37
Partial alphabetic phase 37
Full alphabetic phase 38
Consolidated alphabetic phase 38
The Simple View of Reading 38
Phonological awareness 41
Grapheme–phoneme correspondences 42
Phonemic awareness 43
A systematic approach to phonics 44
Phoneme articulation 45
The simple alphabetic code 45
The complex alphabetic code 46
The split vowel digraph 47
Blending 47
Segmenting 48
Phoneme frames 49
Phoneme counting 49
Non-words 49
Exception words 50
Application 51
Planning for the daily phonics lesson 52
Revisit and review 52
Teach 52
Practise 52
Apply 52
Taking it further 55
4 Evidence-based teaching: the debate about phonics 56
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 57
Literacy: Reading 57
Links to the national curriculum 57
Policy context 57
Evidence for synthetic phonics 58
Evidence for analytic phonics 59
Synthesis 60
Effectiveness of different phonics schemes 60
High-quality teaching 61
A systematic approach to phonics 62
Critique of current policy 62
Synthetic phonics and second language learners 63
Stretch and challenge 65
Pupil progress 65
Overcoming barriers to learning 65
Boys and synthetic phonics 66
Phonics in special schools 67
Taking it further 68
5 Creative approaches for teaching Systematic Synthetic Phonics 70
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 71
Literacy: Reading and writing 71
Links to the national curriculum 71
Policy context 71
Revisiting and reviewing learning in the phonics lesson 72
Teaching in the phonics lesson 75
Teaching exception words 77
Practising blending and segmenting in the phonics lesson 77
Applying new learning in the phonics lesson 80
Developing a print-rich environment 82
Developing indoor provision 83
Developing outdoor provision 84
Taking it further 86
6 Reading for Pleasure 87
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 88
Links to the national curriculum 88
Reading: Comprehension 88
Policy context 88
Introduction 89
Gender and reading 91
Developing a reading culture in school 92
Reading aloud to children 93
Picture books 95
Reading diaries 95
Sensory stories 96
Teachers as Readers: Building Communities of Readers 97
World Book Day 100
Author days 100
Developing a reading environment 100
Libraries 101
Poetry 102
Taking it further 103
Useful websites 103
Recommended poetry books 104
7 Early writing 105
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 106
Literacy: Writing 106
Links to the national curriculum 106
Policy context 106
Oracy 108
Emergent writing 108
Writing words and labels 110
Writing captions 111
Writing a sentence 111
Extended writing 113
Oral rehearsal 115
Genres for writing 115
Fiction 116
Non-fiction 117
Shared and guided writing 118
Teacher demonstration 118
Shared composition 118
Grammar, spelling and punctuation 121
Barriers to children’s achievement in writing 122
The role of subject leadership in primary English 123
The grammar, spelling and punctuation tests 123
Taking it further 125
8 Spelling and handwriting 126
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 127
Literacy: Writing 127
Links to the national curriculum 127
Handwriting 127
Policy context 128
Spelling in phonics lessons 128
Look, cover, write, check 129
Spelling by analogy 130
Mnemonics 130
Spelling rules 130
Dictionaries 131
Trainees with dyslexia 132
Spelling tests 135
Multi-sensory approaches to handwriting 137
Taking it further 138
9 Grammar and punctuation 139
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 140
Links to the national curriculum 140
Policy context 140
Introduction 140
Reading as a writer 141
Writing as a reader 141
High-quality books 141
Talk for writing 141
Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation 142
National curriculum content 143
Grammar in Key Stage 1 145
Adjectives 145
Adverbs 146
Nouns 146
Noun phrase 146
Adjectival phrase 147
Verbs 147
Conjunctions 147
Prefix 147
Suffix 148
Pronouns 148
Sentences 149
Games for Key Stage 1 grammar – making it concrete 149
Basketful of nouns 149
Scream and shout 149
Adjective tennis 149
Find your partner 150
Punctuation in Key Stage 1 150
Full stop 150
Question mark 151
Exclamation mark 151
Commas 151
Apostrophes 151
Capital letters 152
Taking it further 153
10 Supporting children with language and literacy difficulties 154
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 155
Links to the national curriculum 155
Policy context 155
Supporting children with speech, language and communication difficulties 156
Supporting children with reading difficulties 159
Supporting children with writing difficulties 163
Supporting children with English as an Additional Language 165
Taking it further 168
11 Assessing English in the early years 169
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 170
Links to the national curriculum 170
Policy context 170
Assessment of spoken language 171
Assessment of reading 171
Assessment of writing 174
Taking it further 176
12 Teaching English through texts 177
Links to the Early Years Foundation Stage 178
Links to the national curriculum 178
Policy context 178
Introduction 178
Using texts to develop spoken language 179
Using texts for reading 180
Using texts for vocabulary, spelling, grammar and punctuation 181
Using texts to create contexts and purposes for writing 182
Using texts to scaffold creativity in narrative writing 184
Using texts for drama 185
Hot seating with very young children 186
Using texts for debate 188
Using texts for discussion 189
Using texts to teach non-fiction writing 189
Walking through a text 190
Taking it further 191
Conclusion 192
References 194
Glossary 201
Index 202