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Christian Citizenship in the Middle East

Christian Citizenship in the Middle East

Mohammed Girma | Cristian Romocea | Paul S. Williams | Nigel Biggar | Issa Diab | Najib Awad | Ben Ryan | Casey Strine



For Christians living as a persecuted minority in the Middle East, the question of whether their allegiance should lie with their faith or with the national communities they live in is a difficult one. This collection of essays aims to reconcile this conflict of allegiance by looking at the biblical vision of citizenship and showing that Christians can live and work as citizens of the state without compromising their beliefs and make a constructive contribution to the life of the countries they live in.

The contributors come from a range of prestigious academic and religious posts and provide analysis on a range of issues such as dual nationalism, patriotism and the increase of Islamic fundamentalism. An insightful look into the challenges religious minorities face in countries where they are a minority, these essays provide a peace-building and reconciliatory conclusion for readers to consider.

Topping headlines in today's news are reports of the persecution of Christians in the Middle East and other parts of the world. Many Christians who are able to flee are leaving their homes to escape danger. This tragedy requires serious investigation of its roots and causes. What better place to begin (or continue) the search for understanding than this book on Christian citizenship in the Middle East. It does more than assess the multi-dimensional crisis. Its authors point constructively to ways Christians can hold fast to their faith while making the wisest decisions possible to exercise their citizenship.
James W. Skillen, Ph.D., Duke University, president (retired), Center for Public Justice, Washington, D.C.
Since Jesus raised a denarius and instructed his incredulous bystanders to "render unto Caesar what is Caesars" but "to God what is Gods" Christians have labored to understand and to practice a kind of duel citizenship. The faithful, Christian political witness is on trial today, hardly more so than in this book's focused region of the Middle East, where followers of Jesus continue to live "under Caesar's sword." This is why Christian Citizenship in the Middle East is an urgent book, not just for scholars of Jesus' homeland, but for disciples on political pilgrimage all throughout the world, under many Caesars, owing many obligations - some perhaps proper patriotism, others needing vigorous resistance. This book is an indispensable guide for such a time as this.
Robert Joustra, Associate Professor of Politics & International Studies, Redeemer University College (Toronto, Canada)
This book provides a provocative set of reflections on an important and timely theme: Christian citizenship as a response to the crisis arising in the Middle East. It begins a conversation that is essential to the preservation of pluralism in the Middle East that also extends to our own western societies.
Paul S. Rowe, Professor of Political and International Studies, Trinity Western University

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Christian Citizenship in the Middle East: Divided Allegiance or Dual Belonging? Edited by Mohammed Girma and Cristian Romocea 3
Foreword - Paul S. Williams 9
Introduction - Cristian Romocea, Oxford, UK 13
1. Citizenship: A Christian Conception - Mohammed Girma, Swindon, UK 23
2. The Bible, Christianity and Patriotism - Nigel Biggar, Oxford, UK 43
3. Social Harmony in the Middle East: The Christian Contributions - Najib George Awad, Connecticut, USA 63
4, A Place to Call Home: Middle Eastern Christian Experience of Living on the Intersection of Two Allegiances - Issa Diab, Lebanon 83
5. Migration, Dual Identity and Integration: A Christian Approach to Embracing Others across Enduring Lines of Difference - C.A. Strine, Sheffield, UK 103
6. Citizens, Migrants and States - Ben Ryan, London, UK 121
Conclusion 141
References 143
Contributor Biographies 151
Subject Index 153
Author Index 157
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