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Buddhist Understanding of Childhood Spirituality

Buddhist Understanding of Childhood Spirituality

Alexander von Gontard


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Book Details


In this book, Alexander von Gontard, a child psychiatrist, uses the language, thought and imagery of Buddhism to explore the spirituality of children.

The book begins by exploring the Buddha's own childhood and the 'divine child' in Buddhism, a key archetype in Jungian psychology. The author defines the spirituality and religiosity of children and adolescents and identifies manifestations of spirituality in children, such as experiences of awe and wonder, and favourable conditions for spirituality, such as silence, nature, extreme conditions and mindfulness. Drawing on his own experience working with children in therapeutic practice, von Gontard discusses the parallels between spontaneous spirituality seen in childhood and the Buddha's teachings.

Revealing how the spiritual insights and experiences of children and adolescents can uncover a deep and wise understanding of human life that is compatible with the Buddha's teachings, this book will be of particular interest to professionals and academics in psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy, education and religious studies.

This book offers an intriguing and original combination of Buddhist thought, the backdrop of western scholarship on childhood spirituality and the author's own experience in child psychiatry. Von Gontard opens a rich seam to be mined, and provides valuable access to his reflective journey with this multifaceted subject.
Rebecca Nye, author of 'Children's Spirituality: What it is and Why it Matters'
Alexander von Gontard is a child psychiatrist and Chair and Director of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the University Hospital of the Saarland in Homburg, Germany. He has published widely in German and English on subjects including the spirituality of children and sand play therapy.
This remarkable book offers readers the opportunity to explore deep questions about life that children raise. The author examines the life of the Buddha and the insights of Carl Jung to help us inquire into these issues for the benefit of young and old alike.
Christopher Titmuss, author of 'The Buddha of Love' and of 'An Awakened Life'

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Buddhist Understanding of Childhood Spirituality: The Buddha's Children by Alexander von Gontard iii
Preface 9
Introduction 13
Part I: Buddhism and Childhood 17
1. The Buddha’s Own Childhood 18
Biographies of the Buddha 18
The historical Buddha 19
The fictional, mythological Buddha 35
2. The Buddha and Children 39
The Buddha and children in art 39
The Buddha in conversation with children 45
Childhood in the Buddha’s teachings 48
The symbol of birth in the Buddha’s sermons 50
3. Children in India and Other Parts of Asia 54
Children in ancient India 54
Children in modern India 55
Children in Buddhist countries, including their role as novices 57
Part II: Spirituality and Children 67
4. Jungian Psychology and Spirituality 68
Jungian psychology in a nutshell 71
The archetype of the ‘divine child’ in Jungian psychology 86
The archetype of the ‘divine child’ in Christianity 90
The archetype of the ‘divine child’ in other cultures 96
5. Spirituality and Religiosity 98
Defining spirituality and religiosity 98
Typical aspects of spirituality 99
Studies on spirituality 100
Prevalence of spirituality 103
Spiritual development 107
Religiosity 109
6. Child and Adolescent Religiosity 112
Child and adolescent religiosity in different cultures 112
Negative aspects of religiosity 114
Positive aspects of religiosity 121
Stages of religiosity 124
Mixed models of religious and spiritual development 128
Religious nurturing of spirituality 129
7. Manifestations of Spirituality 131
Wonder and awe 132
Wondering or philosophising 140
Wisdom 151
Interpersonal spirituality 155
Seeing the invisible 163
Favourable conditions for spirituality 170
Negative spirituality 176
Part III: The Buddha’s Teachings and Childhood Spirituality 185
8. Impediments to Spirituality 186
Eight worldly conditions 188
Five hindrances to spirituality 192
9. The Three Characteristics of Existence 198
Impermanence 199
Suffering 205
Not-self or emptiness 211
10. The Four Noble Truths 214
The first noble truth 215
The second noble truth 217
The third noble truth 218
The fourth noble truth 219
The middle way 220
11. The Eightfold Path 223
Right understanding 225
Right intention 227
Right speech 229
Right action 232
Right livelihood 234
The five precepts 235
Right effort 237
Right mindfulness 239
Right concentration 241
12. The Four Abidings – Interpersonal Spirituality 242
Equanimity 243
Appreciative joy 243
Loving kindness 244
Compassion 247
Conclusion and Outlook 251
References 253
Subject Index 262
Author Index 268
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