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Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat Volume 1

Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat Volume 1

Prof. Peter Langridge | Dr P. Bramel | Dr Kellye Eversole | Jane Rogers | Prof Beat Keller | Rudi Appels | Catherine Feuillet | Dr Alison Bentley | Ian Mackay | Dr Jacques Le Gouis | Malcolm Hawkesford | Prof. Martin A. J. Parry | João Paulo Pennacchi | Luis Robledo-Arratia | Elizabete Carmo-Silva | Xinguo Mao | Delong Yang | Dr Rulian Jing | Dr D. Z. Skinner | Prof. A. S. Ross | Dr Ian Batey | Victoria Ndolo | Dr Trust Beta | Albrecht Serfling | Doris Kopahnke | Antje Habekuss | Fluturë Novakazi | Prof. Frank Ordon | Prof. Z. A. Pretorius | M. Ayliffe | R. L. Bowden | L. A. Boyd | R. M. DePauw | Y. Jin | R. E. Knox | R. A. McIntosh | R. F. Park | R. Prins | E. S. Lagudah | Prof. Hermann Buerstmayr | Volker Mohler | Mohan Kohli | Prof. James Anderson | Dr Indu Sharma | Pramod Prasad | Subhash C. Bhardwaj | Prof. Stephen Wegulo | Dr Marion O. Harris | J. Jacob | Dr P. R. Brown | Guiping Yan | Kirk Anderson | M El-Bouhssini | Frank Peairs | Gary Hein | Steven Xu | Prof. Sanford D. Eigenbrode | Sarina Macfadyen | Dr Abie Horrocks | Melanie Davidson | Paul Horne | Jessica Page | Dr Neil Harker | John O'Donovan | Breanne Tidemann



Wheat is the most widely cultivated cereal in the world and a staple food for around 3 billion people. It has been estimated that demand for wheat could increase by up to 60% by 2050. There is an urgent need to increase yields in the face of such challenges as climate change, threats from pests and diseases and the need to make cultivation more resource-efficient and sustainable.
Drawing on an international range of expertise, this collection focuses on ways of improving the cultivation of wheat at each step in the value chain, from breeding to post-harvest storage. Volume 1 reviews research in wheat breeding and quality traits as well as diseases and pests and their management. Chapters in Part 1 review advances in understanding of wheat physiology and genetics and how this has informed developments in breeding, including developing varieties with desirable traits such as drought tolerance. Part 2 discusses aspects of nutritional and processing quality. Chapters in Part 3 cover research on key wheat diseases and their control as well as the management of insect pests and weeds.
Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat Volume 1: Breeding, quality traits, pests and diseases will be a standard reference for cereal scientists in universities, government and other research centres and companies involved in wheat cultivation. It is accompanied by Volume 2 which reviews improvements in cultivation techniques.
"These books present a comprehensive coverage of issues facing wheat production globally. The authors represent the top scientists involved in the diverse areas that are important for sustainable wheat production and will this book provides an excellent resource for those interested in wheat improvement and production".
Dr Hans-Joachim Braun, Director Global Wheat Program and CRP Wheat, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico

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"With their range of topics and authors, these volumes promise to be a standard reference for wheat scientists"
Professor Rudy Rabbinge, Emeritus Professor of Sustainable Development and Food Security, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; also formerly the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).

Wheat is the most widely cultivated cereal in the world and a staple food for around 3 billion people. It has been estimated that demand for wheat could increase by up to 60% by 2050. There is an urgent need to increase yields in the face of such challenges as climate change, threats from pests and diseases and the need to make cultivation more resource-efficient and sustainable.

Drawing on an international range of expertise, this collection focuses on ways of improving the cultivation of wheat at each step in the value chain, from breeding to post-harvest storage. Volume 1 reviews research in wheat breeding and quality traits as well as diseases and pests and their management. Chapters in Part 1 review advances in understanding of wheat physiology and genetics and how this has informed developments in breeding, including developing varieties with desirable traits such as drought tolerance. Part 2 discusses aspects of nutritional and processing quality. Chapters in Part 3 cover research on key wheat diseases and their control as well as the management of insect pests and weeds.

Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat Volume 1: Breeding, quality traits, pests and diseases will be a standard reference for cereal scientists in universities, government and other research centres and companies involved in wheat cultivation. It is accompanied by Volume 2 which reviews improvements in cultivation techniques.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents\r v
Series list\r xiii
Acknowledgements\r xvii
Introduction\r xviii
The Wheat Initiative\r xx
Part 1 Wheat physiology and breeding\r xxii
Part 2 Wheat quality traits\r xxix
Part 3 Wheat diseases, pests and weeds \r xxxi
Summary\r xxxvi
References\r xxxvii
Key priorities in wheat research: the Wheat Initiative’s Strategic Research Agenda\r xxxix
Introduction\r xxxix
The Wheat Initiative and its Strategic Research Agenda\r xxxix
Core theme 1: Increase wheat field potential\r xl
Core theme 2: protect yield potential\r xli
Subtopic 2.1: controlling wheat diseases and pests\r xlii
Subtopic 2.2: improving tolerance of wheat \nto abiotic stress\r xliii
Core theme 3: protect the environment and increase the sustainability of wheat production systems\r xlv
Subtopic 3.1: nutrient use efficiency\r xlv
Subtopic 3.2: agronomy and crop management\r xlvi
Core theme 4: ensuring the supply of high quality, safe wheat\r xlviii
Cross-cutting theme 5: enabling technologies and shared resources\r xlix
Subtopic 5.1: Enabling technologies and methods\r xlix
Subtopic 5.2: Shared platforms and technologies\r lii
Subtopic 5.3: Genetic Resources\r liii
Crosscutting theme 6: Knowledge exchange and education\r liv
Summary\r lv
Wheat physiology and breeding\r 1
Chapter 3 Wheat genetic resources: global conservation and use for the future\r 3
1 Introduction\r 3
2 Wheat genetic resources\r 5
3 Global wheat germplasm collections\r 9
4 Surveys of germplasm collections and their clients\r 11
5 Key findings from the surveys\r 15
6 Enhanced use of germplasm accessions\r 19
7 Future trends and conclusion\r 20
8 Where to look for further information\r 22
9 References\r 22
1 Introduction 3
2 Wheat genetic resources 5
3 Global wheat germplasm collections 9
4 Surveys of germplasm collections and their clients 11
5 Key findings from the surveys 15
6 Enhanced use of germplasm accessions 19
7 Future trends and conclusion 20
8 Where to look for further information 22
9 References 22
Chapter 4 Sequencing and assembly of the wheat genome\r 25
2 Challenges of the wheat genome\r 27
3 Sequencing technologies and strategies\r 29
4 Characterizing the wheat genome sequence\r 33
5 \x07Strategies to obtain a reference sequence of the bread wheat genome\r 35
6 Strategies for sequencing the bread wheat genome\r 38
7 Chromosome-based sequencing for wheat\r 39
8 \x07Delivering a reference sequence of the bread wheat genome: a road map\r 39
9 \x07A chromosome-based survey sequence of the 21 bread wheat chromosomes\r 40
10 \x07BAC MTP sequencing of the 21 bread wheat chromosomes\r 42
11 Towards the reference sequence of wheat\r 43
12 Future trends and conclusion\r 44
13 Where to look for further information\r 46
14 References\r 46
2 Challenges of the wheat genome 27
3 Sequencing technologies and strategies 29
4 Characterizing the wheat genome sequence 33
5 \x07Strategies to obtain a reference sequence of the bread wheat genome 35
6 Strategies for sequencing the bread wheat genome 38
7 Chromosome-based sequencing for wheat 39
8 \x07Delivering a reference sequence of the bread wheat genome: a road map 39
9 \x07A chromosome-based survey sequence of the 21 bread wheat chromosomes 40
10 \x07BAC MTP sequencing of the 21 bread wheat chromosomes 42
11 Towards the reference sequence of wheat 43
12 Future trends and conclusion 44
13 Where to look for further information 46
14 References 46
Chapter 5 Advances in wheat breeding techniques\r 53
1 Introduction\r 53
2 Pedigree selection and SSD\r 54
3 Doubled haploids\r 56
4 Bulk breeding and backcross breeding\r 57
5 Advanced breeding methods: F1 hybrid breeding\r 58
6 MAS and mapping\r 61
7 Genomic selection\r 62
8 Genetic engineering, gene and genome editing\r 66
9 Mutation breeding\r 68
10 Case study: RABID\r 68
11 Summary and future trends\r 70
12 Where to look for further information\r 71
13 References\r 72
1 Introduction 53
2 Pedigree selection and SSD 54
3 Doubled haploids 56
4 Bulk breeding and backcross breeding 57
5 Advanced breeding methods: F1 hybrid breeding 58
6 MAS and mapping 61
7 Genomic selection 62
8 Genetic engineering, gene and genome editing 66
9 Mutation breeding 68
10 Case study: RABID 68
11 Summary and future trends 70
12 Where to look for further information 71
13 References 72
Chapter 6 Improving the uptake and assimilation of nitrogen in wheat plants\r 77
1 Introduction\r 77
2 Nitrogen uptake\r 80
3 Nitrogen assimilation\r 84
4 Nitrogen remobilization\r 86
5 Future trends in research\r 87
6 Where to look for further information\r 88
7 Acknowledgements\r 89
8 References\r 89
1 Introduction 77
2 Nitrogen uptake 80
3 Nitrogen assimilation 84
4 Nitrogen remobilization 86
5 Future trends in research 87
6 Where to look for further information 88
7 Acknowledgements 89
8 References 89
Chapter 7 Photosynthetic improvement of wheat plants\r 101
2 Light capture: canopy duration and architecture\r 103
3 Spike photosynthesis\r 104
4 CO2 concentration\r 105
5 \x07Calvin-Benson and photorespiratory cycles and beyond\r 106
6 Conclusion\r 107
7 Where to look for further information\r 108
8 References\r 108
2 Light capture: canopy duration and architecture 103
3 Spike photosynthesis 104
4 CO2 concentration 105
5 \x07Calvin-Benson and photorespiratory cycles and beyond 106
6 Conclusion 107
7 Where to look for further information 108
8 References 108
Chapter 8 Improving drought and heat tolerance in wheat\r 113
1 Introduction\r 113
2 \x07Exploiting physiological traits to assist traditional wheat breeding\r 114
3 \x07Genetic analysis and identification of molecular markers: overview\r 119
4 \x07Genetic analysis and identification of molecular markers: key physiological traits\r 119
5 \x07Genes conferring drought tolerance in wheat: overview\r 125
6 \x07Genes conferring drought tolerance in wheat: the roles of protein kinase and phosphatase, TFs and functional genes\r 129
7 HS-responsive genes identified in wheat\r 133
8 The current status of genetically modified wheat\r 135
9 Conclusions and future trends\r 136
10 Where to look for further information\r 138
11 Abbreviations\r 139
12 References\r 139
1 Introduction 113
2 \x07Exploiting physiological traits to assist traditional wheat breeding 114
3 \x07Genetic analysis and identification of molecular markers: overview 119
4 \x07Genetic analysis and identification of molecular markers: key physiological traits 119
5 \x07Genes conferring drought tolerance in wheat: overview 125
6 \x07Genes conferring drought tolerance in wheat: the roles of protein kinase and phosphatase, TFs and functional genes 129
7 HS-responsive genes identified in wheat 133
8 The current status of genetically modified wheat 135
9 Conclusions and future trends 136
10 Where to look for further information 138
11 Abbreviations 139
12 References 139
Chapter 10 Advances in cold-resistant wheat varieties\r 153
1 Introduction\r 153
2 Vernalization and cold tolerance\r 154
3 \x07Transcriptomic response during acclimation/acclimatization\r 154
4 \x07Transcriptomic response to sub-freezing \ntemperatures\r 157
5 Molecular markers associated with cold tolerance\r 160
6 Global networks involved in freezing tolerance\r 161
7 \x07Biochemical changes during cold acclimation and freezing\r 163
8 Freezing tolerance of reproductive tissues\r 164
9 Conclusions\r 166
10 Where to look for further information\r 166
11 References\r 168
1 Introduction 153
2 Vernalization and cold tolerance 154
3 \x07Transcriptomic response during acclimation/acclimatization 154
4 \x07Transcriptomic response to sub-freezing \ntemperatures 157
5 Molecular markers associated with cold tolerance 160
6 Global networks involved in freezing tolerance 161
7 \x07Biochemical changes during cold acclimation and freezing 163
8 Freezing tolerance of reproductive tissues 164
9 Conclusions 166
10 Where to look for further information 166
11 References 168
Wheat nutritional and processing quality\r 175
Chapter 35 Genetic and other factors affecting wheat quality\r 177
1 Introduction\r 177
2 \x07Wheat quality in the context of sustainable cultivation\r 179
3 Grain quality\r 179
4 Milling performance\r 182
5 Wheat proteins\r 186
6 Wheat starch\r 191
7 Non-starch polysaccharides\r 194
8 Future trends and conclusion\r 196
9 Where to look for further information\r 197
10 References\r 198
1 Introduction 177
2 \x07Wheat quality in the context of sustainable cultivation 179
3 Grain quality 179
4 Milling performance 182
5 Wheat proteins 186
6 Wheat starch 191
7 Non-starch polysaccharides 194
8 Future trends and conclusion 196
9 Where to look for further information 197
10 References 198
Chapter 36 Measuring wheat quality\r 213
2 Proteins in wheat quality\r 214
3 Starch in wheat quality\r 219
4 Measurement of flour quality\r 221
5 Variety identification\r 223
6 Future trends and conclusion\r 224
7 References\r 225
2 Proteins in wheat quality 214
3 Starch in wheat quality 219
4 Measurement of flour quality 221
5 Variety identification 223
6 Future trends and conclusion 224
7 References 225
Chapter 33 The nutritional and nutraceutical value \nof wheat\r 231
1 \x07Introduction: the nutritional and nutraceutical value \nof wheat and its relationship to grain structure\r 231
2 Macronutrients in wheat: carbohydrates\r 233
3 Macronutrients in wheat: proteins and lipids\r 237
4 \x07Micronutrients: vitamins and macro and \nmicro mineral elements\r 242
5 Nutraceutical components of wheat\r 245
6 \x07Effects of processing on nutrient and phytochemical content in wheat: milling and baking\r 251
7 Conclusion\r 253
8 Where to look for further information\r 253
9 References\r 254
1 \x07Introduction: the nutritional and nutraceutical value \nof wheat and its relationship to grain structure 231
2 Macronutrients in wheat: carbohydrates 233
3 Macronutrients in wheat: proteins and lipids 237
4 \x07Micronutrients: vitamins and macro and \nmicro mineral elements 242
5 Nutraceutical components of wheat 245
6 \x07Effects of processing on nutrient and phytochemical content in wheat: milling and baking 251
7 Conclusion 253
8 Where to look for further information 253
9 References 254
Wheat diseases, pests and weeds\r 261
Chapter 19 Wheat diseases: an overview\r 263
1 Introduction\r 263
2 Fungal diseases of wheat: rusts\r 264
3 \x07Fungal diseases of wheat: powdery mildew, \nFusarium diseases and Septoria diseases\r 267
4 Fungal diseases of wheat: other important diseases\r 271
5 Virus diseases of wheat\r 274
6 Conclusions\r 281
7 Where to look for further information \r 281
8 References\r 282
1 Introduction 263
2 Fungal diseases of wheat: rusts 264
3 \x07Fungal diseases of wheat: powdery mildew, \nFusarium diseases and Septoria diseases 267
4 Fungal diseases of wheat: other important diseases 271
5 Virus diseases of wheat 274
6 Conclusions 281
7 Where to look for further information 281
8 References 282
Chapter 20 Advances in control of wheat rusts\r 295
1 Introduction\r 295
2 Historical context and basic concepts\r 296
3 Surveillance and pathogen variability\r 299
4 Host genetics\r 306
5 Interactions between wheat host and rust pathogen\r 312
6 \x07Strategies and procedures to breed for resistance to rusts\r 314
7 Resistance gene stewardship\r 328
8 Future trends and conclusion\r 330
9 \x07Where to look for further information\r 331
10 References\r 332
1 Introduction 295
2 Historical context and basic concepts 296
3 Surveillance and pathogen variability 299
4 Host genetics 306
5 Interactions between wheat host and rust pathogen 312
6 \x07Strategies and procedures to breed for resistance to rusts 314
7 Resistance gene stewardship 328
8 Future trends and conclusion 330
9 \x07Where to look for further information 331
10 References 332
Chapter 21 Advances in control of wheat diseases: Fusarium head blight, wheat blast and powdery mildew\r 345
1 Introduction\r 345
2 \x07Occurrence of Fusarium head blight, wheat blast \nand powdery mildew\r 346
3 Agronomic control measures\r 349
4 Chemical and/or biological control\r 351
5 Disease forecasting and decision support for farmers\r 353
6 Adoption of resistant cultivars\r 354
7 Genomics-assisted resistance breeding\r 358
8 Future trends and needs in research\r 359
9 Where to look for further information\r 360
10 References \r 362
1 Introduction 345
2 \x07Occurrence of Fusarium head blight, wheat blast \nand powdery mildew 346
3 Agronomic control measures 349
4 Chemical and/or biological control 351
5 Disease forecasting and decision support for farmers 353
6 Adoption of resistant cultivars 354
7 Genomics-assisted resistance breeding 358
8 Future trends and needs in research 359
9 Where to look for further information 360
10 References 362
Chapter 22 Advances in disease-resistant wheat varieties\r 371
1 Introduction\r 371
2 \x07Screening for race-specific and race-non-specific resistance genes\r 372
3 Gene mapping\r 373
4 Fusarium head blight as a case study\r 373
5 Use of QTL mapping\r 374
6 \x07Breeding programme to develop rust-resistant germplasm\r 376
7 Future trends in research\r 377
8 Where to look for further information\r 379
9 Acknowledgements\r 379
10 References\r 379
1 Introduction 371
2 \x07Screening for race-specific and race-non-specific resistance genes 372
3 Gene mapping 373
4 Fusarium head blight as a case study 373
5 Use of QTL mapping 374
6 \x07Breeding programme to develop rust-resistant germplasm 376
7 Future trends in research 377
8 Where to look for further information 379
9 Acknowledgements 379
10 References 379
Chapter 38 Recent molecular technologies for tackling wheat diseases\r 385
1 Introduction\r 385
2 Understanding host response to pathogen attack\r 386
3 Current strategies for combatting wheat diseases\r 388
4 \x07Transgenic approaches to develop disease resistance in wheat: R and APR gene, effectors and transcription factor/peptides-mediated disease resistance\r 389
5 \x07Transgenic approaches to develop disease resistance in wheat: pathogenesis-related (PR) protein, RNA interference (RNAi), virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) and genome editing-mediated disease resistance\r 392
6 \x07Marker-assisted selection (MAS) and genomic selection (GS)-based resistance breeding\r 396
7 \x07TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes)-based resistance breeding and gene pyramiding\r 399
8 \x07Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systemic resistance (ISR)\r 401
9 \x07New methods for detecting and modelling plant pathogens\r 403
10 Conclusions\r 405
11 Where to look for further information\r 406
12 References\r 407
1 Introduction 385
2 Understanding host response to pathogen attack 386
3 Current strategies for combatting wheat diseases 388
4 \x07Transgenic approaches to develop disease resistance in wheat: R and APR gene, effectors and transcription factor/peptides-mediated disease resistance 389
5 \x07Transgenic approaches to develop disease resistance in wheat: pathogenesis-related (PR) protein, RNA interference (RNAi), virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) and genome editing-mediated disease resistance 392
6 \x07Marker-assisted selection (MAS) and genomic selection (GS)-based resistance breeding 396
7 \x07TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes)-based resistance breeding and gene pyramiding 399
8 \x07Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systemic resistance (ISR) 401
9 \x07New methods for detecting and modelling plant pathogens 403
10 Conclusions 405
11 Where to look for further information 406
12 References 407
Chapter 23 Integrated wheat disease management\r 417
1 Introduction\r 417
2 Scouting and disease identification\r 418
3 Variety selection\r 418
4 Cultural practices\r 419
5 Chemical control\r 427
6 Biological control\r 429
7 Use of disease forecasting systems\r 430
8 Integrated disease management\r 431
9 Future trends in research\r 433
10 Where to look for further information\r 434
11 References\r 434
1 Introduction 417
2 Scouting and disease identification 418
3 Variety selection 418
4 Cultural practices 419
5 Chemical control 427
6 Biological control 429
7 Use of disease forecasting systems 430
8 Integrated disease management 431
9 Future trends in research 433
10 Where to look for further information 434
11 References 434
Chapter 24 Wheat pests: introduction, rodents and nematodes\r 443
1 Introduction\r 443
2 \x07Why wheat pests are different from wheat diseases and weeds\r 445
3 Features that make wheat pest management different\r 446
4 Rodents (discipline – Mammalogy): introduction\r 447
5 Rodent case studies: mice and voles\r 450
6 Rodent management\r 452
7 Nematodes (discipline – Nematology): introduction\r 454
8 Nematode case studies\r 456
9 Detecting and managing nematode pests\r 457
10 \x07Summary of arthropod case studies\r 460
11 Where to look for further information\r 461
12 Acknowledgements\r 461
13 References\r 462
1 Introduction 443
2 \x07Why wheat pests are different from wheat diseases and weeds 445
3 Features that make wheat pest management different 446
4 Rodents (discipline – Mammalogy): introduction 447
5 Rodent case studies: mice and voles 450
6 Rodent management 452
7 Nematodes (discipline – Nematology): introduction 454
8 Nematode case studies 456
9 Detecting and managing nematode pests 457
10 \x07Summary of arthropod case studies 460
11 Where to look for further information 461
12 Acknowledgements 461
13 References 462
Chapter 24 Wheat pests: insects, mites, and prospects for the future\r 467
1 Introduction\r 467
2 \x07Arthropods (disciplines – Entomology \nand Acarology): introduction\r 470
3 \x07Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor Say) \r 475
4 \x07Orange wheat blossom midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana Géhin)\r 487
5 Bird cherry oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.)\r 494
6 Greenbug (Schizaphis graminum Rondani)\r 499
7 Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia Kurdjumov)\r 506
8 Sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps Puton)\r 509
9 Wheat stem sawfly (Cephus cinctus Norton)\r 513
10 Wheat curl mite (Aceria tosichella Keifer)\r 518
11 Prospects for wheat resistance to pests\r 522
12 \x07Conclusions and prospects for new pest management technologies\r 524
13 Where to look for further information\r 525
14 Acknowledgements\r 526
15 References\r 526
1 Introduction 467
2 \x07Arthropods (disciplines – Entomology \nand Acarology): introduction 470
3 \x07Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor Say) 475
4 \x07Orange wheat blossom midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana Géhin) 487
5 Bird cherry oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) 494
6 Greenbug (Schizaphis graminum Rondani) 499
7 Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia Kurdjumov) 506
8 Sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps Puton) 509
9 Wheat stem sawfly (Cephus cinctus Norton) 513
10 Wheat curl mite (Aceria tosichella Keifer) 518
11 Prospects for wheat resistance to pests 522
12 \x07Conclusions and prospects for new pest management technologies 524
13 Where to look for further information 525
14 Acknowledgements 526
15 References 526
Chapter 42 The impact of climate change on wheat insect pests: current knowledge and future trends\r 545
1 \x07Climate change and insect pests: the global perspective\r 545
2 Cereal aphids\r 547
3 Vector-borne plant viruses\r 551
4 Hessian fly and orange wheat blossom midge\r 552
5 \x07Cereal leaf beetle, cotton bollworm and other pest species affecting wheat\r 553
6 \x07Climate change effects on biological pest control in wheat systems\r 555
7 \x07Other considerations: interaction of stress factors, extreme events and pest behaviour\r 556
8 Conclusions\r 557
9 Where to look for further information\r 559
10 Acknowledgements\r 560
11 References\r 560
1 \x07Climate change and insect pests: the global perspective 545
2 Cereal aphids 547
3 Vector-borne plant viruses 551
4 Hessian fly and orange wheat blossom midge 552
5 \x07Cereal leaf beetle, cotton bollworm and other pest species affecting wheat 553
6 \x07Climate change effects on biological pest control in wheat systems 555
7 \x07Other considerations: interaction of stress factors, extreme events and pest behaviour 556
8 Conclusions 557
9 Where to look for further information 559
10 Acknowledgements 560
11 References 560
Chapter 25 Integrated pest management in wheat cultivation\r 569
1 Introduction to integrated pest management\r 569
2 Problems with conventional reliance on insecticides\r 570
3 Pests in wheat\r 572
4 IPM techniques: biological control\r 573
5 IPM techniques: cultural control\r 574
6 IPM techniques: chemical control\r 578
7 Factors influencing uptake\r 580
8 \x07Case study: New Zealand participatory \nIPM project in wheat\r 582
9 IPM and climate change\r 589
10 Where to look for further information\r 590
11 References\r 590
1 Introduction to integrated pest management 569
2 Problems with conventional reliance on insecticides 570
3 Pests in wheat 572
4 IPM techniques: biological control 573
5 IPM techniques: cultural control 574
6 IPM techniques: chemical control 578
7 Factors influencing uptake 580
8 \x07Case study: New Zealand participatory \nIPM project in wheat 582
9 IPM and climate change 589
10 Where to look for further information 590
11 References 590
Chapter 26 Integrated weed management in wheat cultivation\r 597
1 \x07Introduction – current weed control practices \nin wheat cultivation\r 597
2 Weed ecology and vulnerability\r 598
3 Integrated weed management (IWM)\r 599
4 IWM components\r 601
5 Combining optimal IWM components\r 608
6 Summary\r 609
7 Future trends\r 609
8 Where to look for further information\r 610
9 References\r 610
1 \x07Introduction – current weed control practices \nin wheat cultivation 597
2 Weed ecology and vulnerability 598
3 Integrated weed management (IWM) 599
4 IWM components 601
5 Combining optimal IWM components 608
6 Summary 609
7 Future trends 609
8 Where to look for further information 610
9 References 610
Index 621