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Haiti Will Not Perish

Haiti Will Not Perish

Michael Deibert


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Book Details


The world’s first independent black republic, Haiti was forged in the fire of history’s only successful slave revolution. Yet more than two hundred years later, the full promise of that revolution – a free country and a free people – remains unfulfilled.

Home for more than a decade to one of the world’s largest UN peacekeeping forces, Haiti's tumultuous political culture – buffeted by coups and armed political partisans – combined with economic inequality and environmental degradation to create immense difficulties even before the devastating 2010 earthquake killed tens of thousands of people.

This grim tale, however, is not the whole story. In this moving and detailed history, Michael Deibert, who has spent two decades reporting on Haiti, chronicles the heroic struggles of Haitians to build their longed-for country in the face of overwhelming odds. Based on hundreds of interviews with Haitian political leaders, international diplomats, peasant advocates and gang leaders, as well as ordinary Haitians, Deibert’s book provides a vivid, complex and challenging analysis of Haiti’s recent history.

Michael Deibert's writing has appeared in The Guardian, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and Le Monde diplomatique, among others. He has been a featured commentator on international affairs on the BBC, Al Jazeera, Channel 4, France 24, and National Public Radio. He is the author of three books: In the Shadow of Saint Death (2014), The Democratic Republic of Congo (Zed 2013), and Notes from the Last Testament (2005).

‘Deibert’s exhaustive reportage gets an edge from his righteous anger on behalf of a people with whom he has a deep and abiding connection. An invaluable sourcebook for the period, and also a riveting read.’
Madison Smartt Bell, author of All Souls' Rising: A Novel of Haiti

‘Deibert brings his journalistic eye and deep affection for Haiti to an unflinching and urgently needed work, documenting the political corruption, culture of impunity and international meddling that have plagued this nation over the past two decades.’
Carrie Gibson, author of Empire’s Crossroads: A History of the Caribbean

‘An engrossing tour through Haiti’s extraordinary history of survival. Its great strength is Deibert’s sharp ear for Haiti’s many voices, for too long muted by a jaundiced media.’
Matthew J. Smith, University of the West Indies (Jamaica)

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover\r Cover
About the Author\r ii
Title Page\r iii
Copyright\r iv
Contents\r vii
Acknowledgments\r ix
Abbreviations\r xi
Prologue Storm Clouds\r 1
1. Istwa (History) 11
2. Les Blancs Débarquent 45
3. Operation Baghdad 54
4. Deceptions and Delusions 84
5. The Return 95
6. Give Us Peace or Rest in Peace 108
7. Uneasy Neighbors 129
8. Lavi Chè 148
9. Plots and Revelations 159
10. Douze Janvier 182
11. The Republic of NGOs 202
12. Plague 217
13. Tèt Kale 239
14. In the Kingdom of Impunity 259
15. Open for Business 277
16. A Disaster Foretold 298
17. When They Are President, They Will Understand Me 321
Epilogue 337
Notes 345
Bibliography 442
Index 445
Map of Haiti xvii
Abbreviations xi
Acknowledgments ix