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Fathering Your Special Child

Fathering Your Special Child

Carla Marino | Josie Santomauro



So your child has Asperger Syndrome (AS)? You might have noticed that some of his behavior is a bit different to most kids, that he becomes stressed when faced with change, and he doesn't cope well with criticism or failure.

This book offers a fun and accessible introduction for the father or carer of a child diagnosed with AS. Intended as a support tool in the initial period after diagnosis, Fathering Your Special Child is varied and engaging, and addresses questions or concerns that Dad might have, such as 'What are the characteristics of AS?', 'How did my child get AS?,' and 'What happens now?'. Also included are poems, stories, illustrations, and activities to help Dad come to terms with and move forward from a diagnosis of AS, and work together with the family to support the child.

Fathering Your Special Child will be essential reading for fathers and carers of children in the initial period after a diagnosis of AS.

Josie Santomauro is a full-time writer living in Brisbane, Australia. Her son, Damian, was diagnosed with AS at the age of five. She has written numerous fiction books for children and young adults, and several books on AS. She regularly gives seminars and talks on AS.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1. Introduction: Swept Away Through Injustice
2. “A Multiplication of Wretchedness” in England, 1750-1850
3. Jamaican Peasants in Slavery, Semi-Slavery, and Freedom
4. Guatemala: They Flattened our Milpa
5. Nigerian Smallholders: Masters of the Environment
6. Kerala: A Return to the Future
7. Conclusion: “A Sweet Habit of the Blood”