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Nazism, the Holocaust, and the Middle East

Nazism, the Holocaust, and the Middle East

Francis R. Nicosia | Boğaç A. Ergene


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Given their geographical separation from Europe, ethno-religious and cultural diversity, and subordinate status within the Nazi racial hierarchy, Middle Eastern societies were both hospitable as well as hostile to National Socialist ideology during the 1930s and 1940s. By focusing on Arab and Turkish reactions to German anti-Semitism and the persecution and mass-murder of European Jews during this period, this expansive collection surveys the institutional and popular reception of Nazism in the Middle East and North Africa. It provides nuanced and scholarly yet accessible case studies of the ways in which nationalism, Islam, anti-Semitism, and colonialism intertwined, all while sensitive to the region’s political, cultural, and religious complexities.

Boğaç A. Ergene is Professor of History at the University of Vermont. He has published extensively on the Ottoman Empire and the history of Islamic law and legal practice. He is the author of Local Court, Provincial Society and Justice in the Ottoman Empire: Legal Practice and Conflict Resolution in Çankiri and Kastamonu (1652-1744) (2003) and co-author of The Economics of Ottoman Justice: Trial and Settlement in a Sharia Court (2016).

Francis R. Nicosia is Professor of History and Raul Hilberg Distinguished Professor of Holocaust Studies at the University of Vermont. His authored books include The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (1985), Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany (2008), and Nazi Germany and the Arab World (2015).

“This outstanding collection of brilliant essays offers explorations of Arab, Turkish, and Jewish responses to Nazism and the Holocaust in the Middle East. Each concise essay presents complex historiographical debates in a way that is highly accessible to scholars, students, and the learned public.” · Marc David Baer, London School of Economics

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Nazism, the Holocaust, and the Middle East i
Title Page iii
Contents vii
List of Illustrations x
Preface xii
Abbreviations xv
Introduction: Responses to Nazism and the Holocaust in the Middle East and North Africa 1
Chapter 1. Arab Reactions to Nazism and the Holocaust: Scholarship and the \"War of Narratives 23
Chapter 2. Turkish Responses to the Holocaust: Ankara's Policy toward the Jews, 1933–1945 42
Chapter 3. Demon and Infidel: Egyptian Intellectuals Confonting Hitler and Nazism during World War II 77
Chapter 4. The Persecution of the Jews in Germany in Egyptian and Palestinian Public Discourses, 1933–1939 105
Chapter 5. Defining the Nation: Discussing Nazi Ideology in Syria and Lebanon during the 1930s 128
Chapter 6. Mosul as Paradise: Nazis, Angels, Jewish Soldiers, and the Jewish Community in Northern Iraq, 1941–1943 153
Chapter 7. Philo-Sephardism, Anti-Semitism, and Arab Nationalism: Muslims and Jews in the Spanish Protectorate of Morocco during the Third Reich 179
Appendixes 216
Index 248