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Autism and Gastrointestinal Complaints

Autism and Gastrointestinal Complaints

Rosemary Kessick


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Book Details


Children on the autistic spectrum frequently suffer from gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, abdominal distension and flatulence. Far from being 'just part of the condition', worldwide research is confirming parents' reports that many of these children are actually suffering from serious underlying conditions which, if left untreated, are a source of constant pain, which in turn can greatly exacerbate autistic behavioural symptoms.

Autism and Gastrointestinal Complaints summarises the symptoms often experienced and offers an accessible explanation of the underlying medical condition, together with practical suggestions as to how to help reduce the child's suffering. The findings of the latest research are presented in an understandable way, with a glossary explaining some of the terms often used by medics in plain language.

This book offers a concise guide to all aspects of gastrointestinal complaints in children with autism, and is an ideal resource for parents, teachers and any other family member or caregiver who needs to know how to help an autistic child.

Rosemary Kessick is former CEO of AiA (Allergy Induced Autism), a UK-based charity dedicated to identifying the underlying causes, biochemical effects and dietary aspects of autistic spectrum disorders. Together with NAS (the National Autistic Society) and PACE (Parents Autism Campaign for Education), AiA formed the joint advisory committee to the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Autism. As the mother of a now adult son with autism and inflammatory bowel disease, whose condition has been dramatically improved with appropriate medical and dietary intervention, Rosemary championed the need for recognition of gastrointestinal disease in autistic children and adults, and was instrumental in its inclusion as a key theme in the autism exemplar of the National Service Framework (NSF).
If anyone should know about treating autism with diet it is Rosemary Keswick... The mother of a now adult son with autism, Rosemary is a former CEO of Allergy Induced Autism, one of the charities that championed the early use of gluten and casein-free diet in autism. Her two short and very accessible books form an excellent introduction to the subject for anyone caring for a child or adult with autism who also has (as a significant number have) serious gastrointestinal problems.
Foods Matter

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
What is Sphere?
1. The Handbook
2. Using the Standards in context
Appendix 1 Delivering assistance through markets
The Humanitarian Charter
Protection Principles
The Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH)
Food Security and Nutrition
Shelter and Settlement
Annex 1 Legal foundation to Sphere
Annex 2 The Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Disaster Relief
Annex 3 Abbreviations and acronyms