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Therapeutic Relationships with Offenders

Therapeutic Relationships with Offenders

Jenifer Clarke-Moore | Anne Aiyegbusi | Tom Clarke | Katie Downes | Valerie Anne Brown | Miranda Barber | Gwen Adshead | Sarita Bose | Gillian Tuck | Christopher Scanlon | Amanda Lowdell | Stephen Mackie | Malcolm Kay | Rebecca Neeld | Maria McMillan | Suzanne McMillan | Joanne Roberts | Neil Gordon


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Book Details


Working in any area of mental health nursing presents complex issues regarding the nurse-patient relationship. For those working in prolonged clinical contact with offenders, relationships with patients and colleagues can be particularly emotionally intense and sometimes difficult to express. This book attempts to understand and articulate the emotional labour of forensic nursing and explores the challenge of establishing and maintaining therapeutic relationships with offenders.

The first book to consider the emotional and relational component of forensic mental health nursing, the chapters cover a number of specialist forensic areas from this psychodynamic perspective, such as women's services, services for people with personality disorders, intensive care, high security psychiatric hospitals, medium secure units and services for adolescent offenders. A chapter on therapeutic communities is also included, along with chapters on challenging relational phenomena such as working with hate and the difficulties of managing difference when working in environments that produce high levels of anxiety.

Therapeutic Relationships with Offenders provides essential information for mental health nurses working in the forensic field and will be of interest to any professionals working with challenging populations and people with personality disorders.

This collection of essays provides a fascinating insight into the role of the Forensic Mental Health Nurse... Reading the book from a probation perspective, the resonances are multiple, and carry some salutary and timely lessons for the service... The probation service charges itself with promoting thoughtful action in those it supervises; what this book illustrates so well is the simple fact that a prerequisite to achieving this aim is allowing practitioners the time to think, feel and behave thoughtfully in their relationships with offenders.
Probation Journal

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1. Introduction
Part 1
2. Cultural values and change
3. Development and change
4. Implications for facilitators of the links between cultural values and change
5. Culturally attuned change facilitation
6. Principles for change facilitation across cultures
Part 2
7. Strategies for change facilitation across cultures
8. Selection of methods
9. Culturally attuned change facilitation methods
10. Contemporary facilitation methods through a cultural values lens
11. Cross-cultural conflict management methods
12. Evaluating change across cultures
13. Conclusion
Annex: Facilitation questions to consider through a cultural lens around a program cycle