Understanding Care Homes
Jan Dewing | Garuth Chalfont | Katherine Froggatt | Sue Davies | Angela Cotter | Tina Fear | Christine Brown-Wilson | Keith Crowhurst | Bren Torry | Stephen Leyshon | Heather Wilkinson | David Stanley | Claire Goodman | Sheila Furness | Robert Jenkins | Cheryl Holman | Julia Johnson | Julienne Meyer
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Book Details
Improving the quality of life for older adults living in long term care settings is recognised as an increasingly important issue.
Understanding Care Homes draws together a range of research and development initiatives that emphasise the importance of partnership working, and of enabling older people and their families to maintain the highest quality of life. The book is divided into three sections, each investigating how research and development can be undertaken to provide better care for the individual resident and their family, to enhance care at the organisational level and to develop the care home's relationships within the wider community. By addressing the concerns of residents and their families as well as those of carers and home managers, this book identifies how the generation of new knowledge through research can bring about real changes in care provision.
This collection of papers will be an invaluable resource for students, care staff, care home managers, inspectors, lecturers and policy makers.
This refreshing and non-biased book challenges the unhelpful and negative portrayal of care homes depicted by the media. It is a practically-sized paperback presenting examples of good practice, with each chapter guiding the reader through a broad range of research methods, interventions and developmental suggestions contributed by experts in this field... This book will be valued by any professional wishing to perform research in an older-adult care home. It will help to prepare them for the unexpected problems they will certainly encounter upon entering such an intimate and private environment.
From wider community involvement to concerns of residents and staff managers alike, Understanding Care Homes ties care home routines and perspectives into a bigger picture, making this a "must" for any health library.
The Midwest Book Review
This book is a useful resource, featuring essays and research outcomes on improving the quality of care in care homes. It looks at the impact of care provision at organisational level on individuals and carers, and how care homes relate to the wider community.
Nursing Standard
The book shows how a commitment ot improve the care-home experience for residents, relatives, professional carers and providers can lead to innovative and exploratory projects, which in themselves could feed into policy and practice.
The Journal of Ageing & Society
An excellent and stimulating collection of papers which will be available as part of a debate about the future of care homes which is so very much needed in the U.K and beyond today.
Leveson Centre Newsletter
This is a very interesting book of varied research into care homes, most of it carried out by people who researched with staff and residents, and thereby aimed to effect practical change. Most care home managers will find this book has plenty of ideas and insights to offer.
Caring Times