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The Unmanageable Consumer Second Edition

The Unmanageable Consumer Second Edition

Yiannis Gabriel,Tim Lang


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Book Details


'This book was radically challenging when it was first published, and is only more so today as the concept of consumer collapses under the weight of its many meanings' - Madeleine Bunting, Columnist, The Guardian. This book examines the key Western traditions of thinking about and being a consumer. Each chapter focuses on a different consumer model and readers are invited to enter an exciting analysis of contemporary consumerism. Updated with new material, this Second Edition looks at the impact of new technology on consumerism and the consolidation of consumerism and 'consumer language in spheres like education and health. The authors discuss the spread of consumerism to developing countries like India and the effect of demographic change and migration. The fallout from 9//11 and United States military hegemony is examined, as is the influence on consumerism of Islamic fundamentalism, the anti-globalization movement, environmental concerns and depleting natural resources.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1. Error and myth
2. Biases and blind spots
3. Lenses and lock-ins
4. Rigour for complexity
5. Power, participation, and knowledge: knowing better together
6. Knowing for a better future
Glossary of Meanings