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Gender, Violence, Refugees

Gender, Violence, Refugees

Susanne Buckley-Zistel | Ulrike Krause


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Providing nuanced accounts of how the social identities of men and women, the context of displacement and the experience or manifestation of violence interact, this collection offers conceptual analyses and in-depth case studies to illustrate how gender relations are affected by displacement, encampment and return. The essays show how these factors lead to various forms of direct, indirect and structural violence. This ranges from discussions of norms reflected in policy documents and practise, the relationship between relief structures and living conditions in camps, to forced military recruitment and forced return, and covers countries in Africa, Asia and Europe.

“…an excellent read and contribution to the fields of refugee and gender studies…[that] should be a required reading for graduate students and scholars of (forced) migration and policymakers working with displaced populations.” • Gender & Society

“As a collection, Gender, Violence, Refugees provide a crucial perspective from which to analyze and develop policy to address the challenge of forced migration now facing much of our world. With its emphasis on how gender affects the experience of refugees, the authors urgently point our attention to the often understudied  and overlooked challenges of gender on migrant status, protection, economic stability, and  continued  vulnerability to violence for refugees and returnees.” • Refuge

Ulrike Krause is Junior Professor for Forced Migration and Refugee Studies at the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), University of Osnabrück. Her research focuses on refugees, conflict-induced displacement, humanitarianism, gender and agency.

Susanne Buckley-Zistel is Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at the Center for Conflict Studies, Philipps-University Marburg. Before she worked at the Free University Berlin, the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt and King’s College, London.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Gender, Violence, Refugees i
Title Page iii
Contents v
List of Tables vii
Acknowledgements viii
Gender, Violence, Refugees - An Introduction 1
Part I. Conceptualizing Gender, Violence, Refugees 19
Chapter 1. UNHCR Policy on Refugee Women 21
Chapter 2. Victims of Chaos and Subaltern Sexualities? 44
Chapter 3. Refugees, Global Governance and the Local Politics of Violence against Women 58
Chapter 4. ‘Solidarity’ and ‘Gender Equality’ as a Discourse of Violence in Sweden 78
Chapter 5. Spatializing Inequalities 102
Chapter 6. ‘Faithing’ Gender and Responsesto Violence in Refugee Communities 127
Chapter 7. Formidable Intersections 152
Part II. Experiencing Gender, Violence, Refuge 171
Chapter 8. Escaping Conflicts and Being Safe? 173
Chapter 9. Lost Boys, Invisible Girls 197
Chapter 10. Military Recruitment of Sudanese Refugee Men in Uganda 219
Chapter 11. Gender, Violence and Deportation 239
Chapter 12. The Romance of Return 264
Index 283