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Using Intensive Interaction and Sensory Integration

Using Intensive Interaction and Sensory Integration

Jane Horwood | Jane Horwood | Phoebe Caldwell


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Book Details


People with severe autism experience the sensory information they receive from the world completely differently to those not on the spectrum. They feel cut off and overwhelmed, and their behaviour can become very distressed. This handbook shows how we can engage with people who are non-verbal or semi-verbal and sometimes even those who have speech but lose the power to process it when they are in crisis. We can help them to make sense of the world.

Intensive Interaction uses a person’s own body language to make contact with them and Sensory Integration develops the capacity of an individual to receive, process and apply meaning to information provided by the senses through targeted physical activities. These techniques can be used to develop an environment tailored to the particular sensory needs of the person with severe autism, reducing factors that cause distress.

With illustrations, case examples and a wide range of tried-and-tested techniques, this practical guide provides indispensable tools for parents, carers and other professionals supporting people with severe autism and other learning disabilities.

This handbook shows how we can engage with people who are non-verbal or semi-verbal and sometimes even those who have speech but lose the power to process it when they are in crisis.
BILD Information Service
Phoebe Caldwell has worked for over 35 years as a practitioner with children and adults with autism and people whose severe learning disabilities are linked with behavioural distress. She was a Rowntree Research Fellow for four years, trains management, therapists, practitioners, parents and carers in her successful approach to Intensive Interaction. She is employed by the NHS Social Services and Community and Education Services to work with difficult-to-provide-for individuals. In 2009 she was awarded the Times/Sternberg Award for pioneering autism treatment and is soon to be awarded a DSc by the University of Bristol.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Bloque 1: Normas para asegurar una respuesta de calidad en la protección de la niñez y adolescencia
Pilar 2: Normas sobre los riesgos de la protección de la niñez y adolescencia
Bloque 3: Normas para desarrollar estrategias adecuadas
Bloque 4: Normas para trabajar entre distintos sectores
Anexos 1: Glosario
Anexo 2: Herramientas legales relevantes
Anexo 3: Recursos clave para temas transversales