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Tai Chi Chuan and the Code of Life

Tai Chi Chuan and the Code of Life

Graham Horwood


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Book Details


In Tai Chi Chuan and the Code of Life, Graham Horwood describes the various styles of Tai Chi Chuan, exploring its roots in the Chinese philosophy of Taoism as well as elaborating on the evolution it has undergone over millennia. In order to understand the energetic method of Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung, he highlights parallels between its source, The I Ching, and archetypal principles from both Eastern and Western philosophy and medicine. The text and diagrams show the synergy between the different cultures, and shows how they are all linked. This enables the beginner or the experienced Tai Chi practitioner to improve their understanding of Tai Chi, which will strengthen both the mind and body, opening the gateway to the inner person.

Drawing on information from the Yang family's formerly secret teachings, the book explains how to build chi (energy), circulate and store it, and also includes an exclusive set of Chi Kung exercises which will augment the building, circulation and storage of chi for the healer and martial practitioner, showing the path to optimizing the practitioner's energetic and spiritual development. The exercises are accompanied by an explanation of where chi comes from and its application for the mind and body as well as the flow in the meridians.

The book provides an excellent introduction to both the theory and key practices of Tai Chi Chuan for the beginner, and multi-level insights for the seasoned practitioner that will enhance his or her practice and understanding of Tai Chi Chuan.

Horwood has produced a thoroughly interesting and comprehensive account on the various styles of Tai Chi expertly mixing theory, history and developments of the discipline with exercises that include the building, circulation and storage of chi. For beginners, this offers an excellent introduction of the theory and key practices of Tai Chin Chuan, while for a more advanced practitioners the multi-level insights will enhance their understanding and practice. An invaluable resource for thos interested in the discipline.
Yoga (Mind Body and Spirit)
Graham Horwood is a practising Jungian analyst with over 30 years of training in martial arts and Chinese healing systems. He is the founder and Chief Instructor of the Taoist Group and has taught Tai Chi, Chi Kung and the Health Arts since 1976. Horwood's principle Tai Chi teacher, Master Chu King Hung, is considered by many to be the world's leading authority on Family Yang Style Tai Chi.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Bloque 1: Normas para asegurar una respuesta de calidad en la protección de la niñez y adolescencia
Pilar 2: Normas sobre los riesgos de la protección de la niñez y adolescencia
Bloque 3: Normas para desarrollar estrategias adecuadas
Bloque 4: Normas para trabajar entre distintos sectores
Anexos 1: Glosario
Anexo 2: Herramientas legales relevantes
Anexo 3: Recursos clave para temas transversales